Henry Spurlin
HENRY SPURLIN was born in Warren County, Ohio, in 1822. His parents were Jesse and Elizabeth (Goodpaster) Spurlin, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Kentucky. At the age of six he came to Washington Township, Shelby County, with his parents, who resided here until their deaths. When he came here this was a perfect wilderness, filled with all kinds of game. They purchased land of Joseph Drake, and began to make a home. Henry was reared amid the hardships of farm and pioneer life, and has lived to see a wonderful change in this country; what was a wilderness sixty years ago, has been transformed into fine beautiful farms. At the age of twenty-one he began to do for himself, and in 1847 was married to Miss Sarah Coffman, daughter of Henry Coffman, whose biography appears in this volume. This union was blessed with fourteen children: Elijah W., George W., Mary C., Andrew J., Harvey A., Christina E., Jacob L., Frances A., Sarah A., Ester J., Charley W., Bruce, Amanda M. and Henry J., of whom Elijah W., Andrew J., Sarah A. and Ester J. are deceased. Politically, Mr. Spurlin is a staunch Democrat, and firmly believes in the principles of his party. By hard and earnest toil he has succeeded in providing himself with 259 acres of first class land. He adopted farming as a life profession, and to-day can be classed among the successful farmers of Jackson Township.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Brant & Fuller, pg 680, "Jackson
[County] Sketches".
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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