John E. Morner
John E. Morner
was born in Hamilton, Ohio, February 23,
1855. Son of J. G. and Amelia (Wallenweber) Morner.
father was born in Germany and at the age of six years, came to the
United States. He was by occupation a carriage maker, and died
in Hamilton, Ohio, 1876. Mrs. Morner was born in Virginia in the
year 1837, and is still living in the City of Hamilton, Ohio. John
E. Morner is the eldest of a family of eleven children, nine of whom
are still living. He received a good business education, and at the
age of thirteen, engaged to learn the wood turner's trade in his native city, a vocation in which he soon acquired great proficiency.
In 1881, he came to Shelbyville, Indiana, and engaged in the manufacturing of hubs and bent wood work in partnership with
W. Fretchling. Mr. Fretchling was killed on the railroad, November, 1881, and his brother,
William Fretchling, purchased his interest. He still continues the business, and at this time twenty-five
hands are required to operate his factory, which is one of the most
successful manufacturing enterprises of the city. Mr. Morner is
in the true sense of the word a self-made man, as he began life
with no capital, save a willingness to work and a determination to
succeed. He was honored by an election to the city council in
1884, aside from which he has never held nor asked for official position at the hands of his fellow citizens.
November 11, 1884, he was united in marriage to Miss Laura Metzger, who was born in
Shelbyville on the 27th day of March, 1865. Mr. and Mrs. Morner are consistent members of the German Protestant Church, and
among the most esteemable and highly respected citizens of the city.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, "Shelbyville
Sketches," page 515, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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