Julius L. Benson
The Shelbyville family of this name originated in
North Carolina, from which state Robert and Mary (Lane) Benson migrated to Butler county, Ohio,
well back in the nineteenth century. Their son, John W., who was at this time about thirteen years
of age, some years later married Mary J. Clark. In 1840 the two families came to Shelby county and
located in Noble township, where the son had previously purchased land. He went through all the rough work
of grubbing, clearing, and building, out of which eventually grew a comfortable country home. He was a carpenter
by trade, served twelve years as Justice of the Peace and enjoyed considerable local prominence. He died
March 4, 1885, and his wife on December 6, 1907. They had thirteen children:
Rachel A., wife of Elkanah Lewis; Julius L., Mary J., wife of James Thornburg, of Decatur county; Lavina, widow of George Brooks Moore, and lives in Noble township; Henrietta, who first married Alva Dronebarger and second Frank Robinson, of Anderson, Indiana; Charles, who married Susan Reed, is now deceased; Sara A., wife of W. S. Pavey, of Decatur county; William A., who married Catherine Deiwert, of Washington township; Robert, George and John, deceased.
Julius L. Benson, second of this large family of children,
was born in Noble township, Shelby county, Indiana, February 18, 1842. After he grew up, Mr. Benson became
a school teacher and taught for twelve years in Shelby county, Indiana, and Monroe county, Iowa. He
also resided for some years in Decatur county, this state, and has been engaged in various lines of business.
For several seasons he sold nursery stock and dealt in agricultural implements. Though a supporter of Democratic policies, he has never sought or held public office. He is a charter member of the Knights of Pythias at Waldron, Lodge No. 422. February 8, 1865, he married Mary M. Hanks, of Noble township, who died September 27, 1888, leaving two children; Lillie, wife of Alexander Nugent, of Washington township, and Carrie B., wife of Jacob Ketchum, of Westport, Indiana. August 22, 1893, Mr. Benson married the widow of Samuel Jones. Mrs. Benson’s maiden name was Nancy Monroe. The maternal grandmother of Mr. Benson was
Rachael Chilcott, of English stock, who married John Clark and settled in Shelby county in the early
days. Mr. Benson’s children by his second marriage were: Hanson, who married Lydia Monfort, now deceased; Richard, who married a Monfort, is also deceased; Mary J.; Lavina, wife by successive marriages of Rev. John Nicum, George Reed and John Smith, all now dead. The brothers and sisters of Mr. Benson’s father are as follows: Julius L., M. D., died in Hamilton county, Indiana; Sarah, wife of Abner Colee, both now dead; Alice, deceased; Jesse, a physician in Howard county, Indiana, deceased; John W.; Robert first married Rachel Jones and second Emma Jackson, served in the Mexican war, and died in 1908, in Hamilton county, Indiana; Hiram
Y., formerly practiced medicine in Shelby and Decatur counties; Temple, a minister of the Baptist church;
Mary, wife of George Davis, both now dead; Sarah, wife of Jacob Kenull.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana by Edward H. Chadwick, B.S., assisted by well known local talent, B. F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, pages 703-704.
Contributed by Jane Fullington, who descends from the Reed family.

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