John Stine
JOHN STINE, a prominent farmer and lumber dealer of Jackson Township, was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, October 1, 1838. His parents were Frederick and Elizabeth (Wertz) Stine, the former a native of Frederick County, Md., where he was born May 18, 1813, and at the age of ten, he accompanied his parents, John and Sophia Stine, to Montgomery County, Ohio, where he grew to manhood, and was married in September, 1837. Elizabeth, his wife, was born in Middletown, Ohio, June 29, 1818; her parents were Daniel and Sarah Wertz, the former of whom lived to be ninety-four years of age, when he died from an accident received by falling down a flight of stairs. John, at the age of five years, accompanied his parents to this county, arriving here October 1, 1843. They settled on what is now known as the
George Mullendore farm, and in May, 1844, moved to a farm one mile east of
Mt. Auburn, where the father of our subject was called away April 3, 1875. The mother is still living, and is to-day the wife of John Warble, and resides in Hendricks Township. Our subject grew to manhood here on a farm, and adopted farming as a life profession. On March 7, 1858, he was married to Mary A. Green, by whom he had five children: Matilda E., William H., Sarah S., Frederick F., and Charlotte A., of whom Charlotte A. is deceased. On October 11, 1871, he was married to Phebe Lamar, born May 29, 1849. This union was blessed with five children, Clarke and Hattie, twins, Kittie, Carle and Grover, of whom Hattie is deceased. Mr. Stine began life as a renter, and to-day owns 298 acres.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Brant & Fuller, pages 680-1, "Jackson
[Township] Sketches".
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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