County, Indiana
John B. Thompson
John B. Thompson, chief of police of
Shelbyville, is one of the most capable police officers in Southern Indiana.
has had many years of experience in police administration, and took up that work
after he had been in business for himself for several years at Shelbyville.
Mr. Thompson was born in Shelby County, March 8, 1877.
The Thompson family
were settlers in Virginia in the early Colonial period, and he had ancestors in
the Revolutionary war. His grandfather, Charles Thompson*, was a native of
Virginia and came to Indiana as early as 1817, his parents and other members of
the family settling at Richland in Rush County.
Chief Thompson's father was
John G. Thompson, who was also born in Shelby
County. He was a citizen well known in public affairs, a very substantial farmer
and stock raiser, and for twelve years served as a justice of the peace of Noble
Township, and was also justice of the peace of Addison Township. He married
Frances Jackson, of Shelby County, and of their family of eight children, John B.
was the fifth in order of birth.
Mr. John B. Thompson attended the common schools of Shelby County.
fifteen years of age he left the routine of the school room to go to work and
earn his own living. For three years he was employed in a wood bending factory,
had three years of experience in the dairy business, after which he was employed
in a furniture factory. Mr. Thompson was engaged in various retail interests
until 1918.
His entire time and attention have been given to the duties of the police
department since 1918, when he was made assistant chief- of-police, and since
1922 has had the responsibilities of chief of the department. He is a member of
the Indiana Chief-of-Police Association and the International Association for
Criminal Identification. Mr. Thompson during the World war took an active part
in promoting the work of the Government at Shelbyville, having charge of the
registration board at the City Hall. He is a Democrat in politics and is a
member of the B. P. O. Elks and Improved Order of Red Men.
Mr. Thompson married
Miss Florence Kendall in November, 1897, and is the
father of five children: Foy K., who is a World war veteran, having been in
France with the Motor Transport Corps; Miss Lela; Major Bruce;
Maurice; and Marguerite, wife of Gilbert Leonard.
Vol. 3, By Charles Roll, A.M., The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
* Charles' father (John B's great-grandfather) was James Thompson, the
early settler in Rush County. Charles is buried in Winchester
Cemetery. James is buried just past Richland, IN, and his stone is still there. I have a little more info on this line if anyone is following
it. John B. Thompson's brother, William G. Thompson was my
Peggy Cliadakis

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