Shelby County Indiana
Aaron Martin,
Aaron Martin, a farmer of Clinton Township, was born in Rockingham County, North Carolina, January 25, 1824, a son of George and Elizabeth (Riddle) Martin, who were born, reared and married in that State. In 1827 they came north with their family, and after a short residence in Ohio, they settled in Shelby County, Indiana, remaining there until 1837. They then removed to Edgar County, Illinois, and spent the remainder of their life in that and Vermillion County, Indiana, both dying in Edgar County many years ago. Aaron Martin, the subject of this sketch, has spent most of his life in agricultural pursuits, and nearly all his life since reaching manhood has been spent in Vermillion County. He now resides on section 22, Clinton Township, where he is engaged in farming and coal mining. He is the owner of forty acres of land where he resides, and a tract of ten acres located in another part of Clinton Township. Mr. Martin was united in marriage February 14, 1850, to Miss Hannah Norton, who was born in Fayette County, Ohio, April 25, 1829, a daughter of Samuel and Hannah Norton. She came with her parents to Vermillion County, Indiana, in 1848, they shortly after removing across the line to Edgar County, Illinois, where they lived until their death the father dying in September, and the mother in November, 1883. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have seven children living -- Mrs. Missouri Bell, of Clinton Township; Mrs. Charity Haupt, of Lyon County, Kansas; Mrs. Laura Pennington, of Edgar County, Illinois, and Elizabeth Aden, of Edgar County, Illinois; George S., Emma and Della, at home with their parents. Two of their children, named Sarah O. and Francis, are deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, with four of their daughters, Missouri, Elizabeth, Laura and Emma, are members of the Protestant Methodist church. In politics Mr. Martin is a Republican with Prohibition proclivities.
The History of Vermillion County, pages 417-418.
Contributed by Donna McVey

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