March Term 1879
James C. Rice Et Al
(here set out all Plffs.)
Vs No. 3492
David C. Rice Et Al
(here set out all Defts.)
Come now the plaintiffs by Benjamin F. Love, their attorney, and also comes the defendants, Nancy Taylor and Rice Chriswell by J.L. Suddarth their attorney, and the defendant Mary A. Byrum by her attorney, and each file their separate answer to the plaintiffs complaint, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that all the defendants in the above entitled cause have been duly and legally notified of the pendency of the above entitled action by publication in the Shelby Democrat, a Weekly newspaper of general circulation printed and published in Shelbyville, Shelby County, Indiana, by four successive insertions therein the last of which being made more than thirty days before the return day of the summons and notice of publication issued in said cause being the 37" judicial day of the present term of said court, which notice and proof of publication thereof read in the words and figures following towit: (Here insert)
And upon plaintiffs motion, said defendants David C. Rice,
Newton White,
Elizabeth Dunn,
Martha Rohrer,
Henry Smith,
Madison Smith,
George Smith,
Stephen W. Smith,
Benjamin M. Smith,
Melvina Melone,
Sarah E. Crask,
Martha Smith,
Dulcena Burgen,
Susan E. Fredrick,
John W. Fredrick,
Robert Frederick,
George D. Cooley,
Elizabeth Smith,
Benjamin F. Smith,
David Smith,
John Smith,
Frank Sidener,
David Sidener,
Thomas L. Bradley,
John H. Bradley,
Joseph F. Bradley,
James Bradley,
Jefferson P. Bradley,
William W. Bradley,
Leland A. Bradley,
Sarah C. Hayes,
George Keller,
Jefferson Keller,
Samuel Hayes,
Mary J. Middleton,
Ann Eliza Hayes,
the unknown heirs of Elizabeth Chriswell, deceased,
being now severally three times called come not but herein wholly make default, and at this time upon plaintiffs motion said cause is submitted to the court for trial and decree, without the intermention of a jury, upon the plaintiffs complaint, the answers and defaults aforesaid. And the evidence being introudced and the court being sufficiently advised in the premises finds that this allegations of the plaintiffs complaint are true that towit:
In the year 1835, one JOHN RICE died in Shelby County in the State of Indiana, seized in fee simple of the following real estate and other lands, in said county towit:
"All that part of the South West quarter of section Seven (7) Township Thirteen (13) North of Range Eight(8) East, included in the following boundaries towit: beginning at the South West corner of the West half of the South West quarter of the said section Seven (7) Township and Range aforesaid running thence North Eighty Seven (87) poles, thence East Fifty Four (54) poles, thence South Eighty Seven (87) poles, thence West Fifty Four (54) poles to the place of the beginning containing Twenty Nine (29) acres more or less. Also all that part of the West half of the North West quarter of section Eighteen (18) in Township Thirteen (13) North of Range Eight (8) East that lies North and North East of Little Blue River, supposed to contain Eleven (11) acres more or less.
That afterwards at the April Term 1836 of the Shelby Circuit Court, a partition suit was brought by Michael Rice and others, heirs of said John Rice deceased, and a dower interest or life estate in one third of the lands of which said John Rice died seized was assigned and set off to Nancy Rice his widow, that part of the real estate set off to said widow as her dower was and is the above described tract of land. That said John Rice left him surviving as his only heirs at law Nancy Rice, his second wife as his widow and the following children towit: David Rice, Michael Rice, Eve Smith, Lucy Smith, Elizabeth Chriswell, Mary Farrow, Esther Woods, Nancy Funk, Euphrosery Hendrickson, and the heirs of Magdalene Keller deceased.
That said Mary Farrow and Euphrosery Hendrickson are the only living children of said John Rice deceased. That the plaintiffs and defendants in the above entitled cause, except Mary Farrow and David Linville are all heirs at law of the said children of John Rice, and the court further finds that on the 27th day of October 1866, one Robert M. Linville became the owner of the undivided one tenth part of said lands by a deed of conveyance from Euphrosery Hendrickson and her husband which deeds duly recorded on the 21st day of September 1868, said Robert M. Linville conveyed said one tenth interest to the plaintiff David Linville which deed of conveyance is duly recorded in the Recorders Office of said county that said David Linville is still the owner of said interest. That the plaintiff Ann Buffington was left widow and only heir at law of David Smith deceased, who was a grandson of said John Rice by Lucy Smith his mother. That towit on the --- day of April 1876 said widow Nancy, whose name was then Dodd, departed this life intestate in said county and state. And the court finds that the plaintiff Linville was at the death of said Widow Nancy, and for many years previous had been the owner of her life estate in all of said lands, that he has made lasting and valuable improvements thereon consisting of a dwelling house and other buildings and improvements of the reasonable value of one hundred and fifty dollars. That in addition to the rents he has received therefrom, and in addition to his said one tenth interest therein or the proceeds thereof, said Linville is entitled to receive an additional value of said lands, or an additional amount of the proceeds of the sale thereof in the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, as the reasonable value of the improvements made by him thereon.--- That by reason of the premises, the plaintiffs and defendants herein being the heirs at law of said John Rice, are the owners in fee simple as tenants in common of the above described real estate, that the exact interest of which each is the owner in fee as tenant in common with the others is shown in the following complete schedule and exhibit, showing all the heirs of said John Rice showing decent of said heirs, which interests in fee simple, as the court now finds as follows:
1. David Rice, deceased
2. Michael Rice, deceased
3. Eve Smith, deceased
4. Lucy Smith, deceased
5. Magdalene Keller, deceased
6. Elizabeth Chriswell, deceased
7. Mary Farrow, widow
8. Esther Woods, deceased
9. Nancy Funk, deceased
10. Euphrosery Hendrickson
1. Heirs at law of David Rice, deceased
1. Elizabeth Moseley, daughter
2. Catherine Taylor, daughter
3. Martha White, deceased, daughter
1. William White
2. Newton White
3. Elizabeth Dunn
4. Jonathan Rice, deceased, son
1. David C. Rice
2. Martha Rorher
2. Heirs at law of Michael Rice, deceased
1. James C. Rice, son
2. William Rice, son
3. John Rice, son
4. David Rice, son
5. Robert Rice, son
6. George Rice, son
7. Joseph Rice, son
8. Andrew Rice, son
9. Dulcina Burke, daughter
10. Roenna Hill, daughter
11. Sarah Baker, daughter
12. Dusky Bennefield, daughter
3. Heirs at law of Eve Smith, deceased
1. Andrew Smith, deceased, son
1. Willis B. Smith
2. George W. Smith
3. Richard J. Smith
4. Thomas J. Smith
5. Milton C. Smith
6. Lucy A. Rarick
7. Mary C. Hoover
2. Henry Smith, son
3. Madison Smith, son
4. David Smith, deceased, son
1. Aaron C. Smith
2. Coleman Smith
3. George Smith
4. John Smith
5. Mary A. Wallace
5. William Smith, deceased, son
1. George H. Smith
2. Stephen W. Smith
3. Benjamin M. Smith
4. Melvina Melone
5. Sarah E. Crask
6. Martha Smith
7. Dulcena Burgen
8. Mary A. Fredrick, deceased
1. Susan E. Fredrick
2. John W. Fredrick
3. Robert Fredrick
6. John Smith, deceased, son
his heirs unknown
7. Lucy Cooley, deceased, daughter
1. George D. Cooley
2. Eve Hunter
and other unknown
8. Elizabeth Smith, daughter
9. Sarah Whitecotton, deceased, daughter
1. James L. Hobbs
2. Mary M. Shouse
3. Loucresha Gilchrist
4. Cassander Farthing
5. Jackson H. Hobbs
6. Noah E. Hobbs
7. Lucy Whitecotton
10. Martha Ferris, daughter
4. Heirs at law of Lucy Smith, deceased
1. Enoch R. Smith, son
2. Benjamin F. Smith, son
3. Martha Harp, daughter [see notes
4. Sarah Wallace, daughter
5. John Smith, deceased, son
1. David Smith
2. John Smith
3. William Smith
4. Enoch Smith
5. Rebecca Smith
6. Sarah Wilson
6. Joseph Smith, deceased, son
1. Margaret Hart
2. Lucy Weikles
7. George W. Smith, deceased, son
1. Robert Smith
2. Wallace Smith
3. Martha Smith
[see notes below]
4. Sarah Belle Bartholomew
(P.W. Bartholomew, Indianapolis, authorized to receive monies due all of Geo
Smith heirs)
8. Mary J. Childers, deceased, daughter
1. Lindsley Cbilders
9. Elizabeth Sidener, deceased, daughter
1. Frank Sidener
2. David Sidener
3. Charles C. Sidener
4. William Sidener
5. James Sidener
6. Janetta Sidener
7. Martha Wilhite
8. Lucy Wilson
10. David Smith, deceased, son,
died leaving no heirs except his widow, Ann Buffington.
5. Heirs at law of Magdalene Keller, deceased
1. John R. Keller, son
2. James M. Keller, son
3. Elizabeth Wymore, daughter
4. Sarah Carson, deceased, daughter
1. Thomas J. Carson
2. Eliza J. Thomason
5. Nancy Bradley, deceased, daughter
1. Thomas K. Bradley
2. John H. Bradley
3. Joseph F. Bradley
4. James Bradley
5. Jefferson P. Bradley
6. William W. Bradley
7. Leland A. Bradley
8. Zadie Bradley
9. Amanda Bradley
10. Eva Madding
11. Sarah C. Hayes
6. Thomas J. Keller, deceased, son
1. John K. Keller
2. Nancy K. Craven
3. Adda Keller
4. Sarah E. Johnson
7. George R. Keller, deceased, son
1. John D. Keller
2. George Keller
3. Jefferson Keller
4. Sarah F. Smith
5. Eliza J. Kirtley
6. Mary L. Kirtley
7. Martha A. Smith
8. Martha Hayes, deceased, daughter
1. Nancy Thomas
2. Samuel Hayes
3. Mary J. Middleton
4. Ann Eliza Hayes
6. Heirs at law of Elizabeth Chriswell, deceased
1. Rice Chriswell
2. Nancy Taylor
3. Mary A. Byrum and other heirs unknown
7. Heirs at law of Marry Farrow, the only living child
8. Heirs at law of Esther Woods, deceased
1. Andrew Woods, son
2. Merritt Woods, son
3. Morton Woods, son
4. John Woods, son
5. Mary Young, deceased, daughter
1. Inez Young
2. John R. Young
3. Hessie Young
4. Annie E. Young
5. Andrew Young
6. Minnie M. Young
9. The heirs at law of Nancy Funk, deceased
1. Jonathan A. Funk, son
2. Morton Funk, son
3. Jacob A. Funk, son
4. Henry C. Funk, son
5. Elizabeth Vince, daughter
6. Lucy Duncan, daughter
7. Mary Lyne, daughter
10. Euphrosery Hendrickson, who as above stated, sold her undivided interest in said real estate to Robert M. Linville, and he conveyed the same to the defendant, David Linville, who is now the owner of 1/10 part of said real estate.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Complaint Number 3493
NOW COME THE PLAINTIFFS, BY Benjamin F. Love, their attorney, and file their complaint herein, which is in relation to real estate, and to have partition and sale of the same, together with the affidavit of one of the plaintiffs herein that said defendants, David C. Rice, Newton White, Elizabeth Dunn, Martha Roher, Henry Smith, Madison Smith, George Smith, Stephen W. Smith, Benjamin M. Smith, Melvina Melone, Sarah F. Crask, Martha Smith, Dulcena Burgen, Susan E. Fredrick, John W. Fredrick, Robert Fredrick, George D. Cooley, Elizabeth Smith, Benjamin F. Smith, David Smith, John Smith, Frank Sidener, David Sidener, Thomas K. Bradley, John H. Bradley, Joseph F. Bradley, James Bradley, Jefferson P. Bradley, William W. Bradley, Leland A. Bradley, Sarah C. Hayes, Samuel Hayes, Ann Eliza Hayes, Mary J. Middleton, George Keller, Jefferson Keller, are not residents of the State of Indiana; that the names and place of residence of the heirs of John Smith, deceased, are to the plaintiffs, unknown; that the names and places of residence of the other unknown heirs of Lucy Cooley, deceased, are to the plaintiffs unknown; that the names and place of residence of the other heirs of Elizabeth Chriswell, deceased, are to the plaintiffs unknown, and that all of said defendants are necessary parties to said action.
Notice is therefore hereby given said defendants, that unless they be and appear on the thirty-seventh judicial day of the next Term of the Shelby Circuit Court, being the March Term, 1879, of said Court, and on the fourteenth day of April, 1879, said Court to be holden on the FIRST MONDAY OF MARCH A.D., 1879, at the Court House, in the city of Shelbyville, Shelby County, Indiana, and answer or demur of said complaint, the same will be heard and determined in your absence.
Witness my name and the seal of said Court affixed, at Shelbyville, this 19th day of February, A.D., 1879.
Bellamy S. Sutton
Clerk, S.C.C
SOME MISC. NOTES [ from Bob Gordon
and Michael Kirley] ----
Martha Smith who is number 4.7.3, d/o George W. Smith
4.7, gr-d/o Lucy Smith 4., should be Martha Sargent. Her name is Sargent in all other papers, except where I made this master copy.
- BG
Although the court
documents may have her name spelled as Sargent, it was actually Sergent.
Martha Ann Smith married James Edward Sergent on Jan. 25, 1869 in
Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana. P. W. Bartholomew
of Indianapolis, who is listed as being the person to receive mailings for
Martha and her siblings, was Pliny Webster Bartholomew, who married Martha
sister, Sarah Belle Smith. At that time, P. W. was an attorney, but he
later became a judge of the Superior Court in Indianapolis.
Martha Harp
4.3, the sister of Martha's and Sarah Belle's father, is also listed as an heir
to the estate. Although she was living at the time the case was filed
(1879), she died on June 26, 1880, in Crawfordsville. When it was finally
settled, her children would have been the heirs. - MK
Michael Kirley
Informatiom taken from summons in file with Rice material:
Crawford County, Indiana: Summons to Rice Chriswell and Nancy Taylor (impleaded with others)
Hancock County, Indiana: Summons to William Zike (impleaded with others)
Dubois County, Indiana: Summons to Mary A. Byrum (impleaded with others)
Tippecanoe County, Indiana: David Smith (impleaded with others)
Dates of above summons are all the same, April 14, 1879.
Dusky Bennefield her husband Riley Bennefield
Elizabeth Moseley her husband James L. Moseley
Elizabeth Wymore her husband William H. Wymore
Eva Madding her husband James H. Madding
Nancy K. Craven her husband E. T. Craven
Sarah E. Johnson her husband Joseph Johnson
Sarah F. Smith her husband Asa Smith
Eliza J. Kirtley her husband J. F. Kirtley
Mary L. Kirtley her husband P.K. Kirtley
Martha A. Smith her husband T. R. Smith
This was taken from misc. papers found in Shelby County Court House.
Know all men by these presents that I John Rice of the County of Jessamine and State of Kentucky, am held and firmly bound unto Samuel Brown of the County of Shelby and State of Indiana, in the pennal sum of one hundred and fifty dollars lawful money of the United States, for the true payments will and truly be paid. I bind myself my heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents, sealed with my seal and dated this 22nd day of May 1830.
Transcribed by Barb Huff; information collected by Bob Gordon in 1971 from the Shelby Co IN Courthouse and reproduced here with Bob's permission.

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