Arrest  Journal
1903 - 1906
~ ~ ~
John J Marsh
Shelbyville, Indiana

          This journal appears to be the records kept by  John Marsh  of arrests made in the city of Shelbyville from 1903 to 1909.  Due to a fire at City Hall the exact record of when the police department was established is not known.  Some records show that in 1902 a police force was established but the officers resigned after realizing they could not cope with the bad element in town.  In this journal it is noted that John J Marsh was elected Marshall of the city of Shelbyville, over Alexander Fox, on May 3 1904, by a majority of 33 votes.  The arrest records stop in 1909 and then appear to be a diary of his employment from 1910 to 1914.  Some of the entries show “Police Force” and other entries for various factories.  The daily wages showed from $1.85 to $3.30 as daily wages; he worked six days a week.  The police chief in 1913 was  Gilbert Manlove  with  George Tolen,  Dillard Moore,  John Farrell,  John Marsh  and one more unnamed patrolman.
Notes and transcription by George Young
Please let me know if you would like an entry deleted.

Alphabetical listing, 1903-1909

Last Name
First Name
10-Jan-03         Buell Forrest Intoxication Fined $9.50
10-Jan-03 Sor??? George Intoxication Fined $9.50
21-Jan-03 Andrews James Intoxication Fined $9.50 and went to jail
29-Jan-03 Comstock John Assault & Battery on Frank Pettit Dismissed
6-Feb-03 Henson Frank Associating Fined $18.50 and went to jail
6-Feb-03 Endsley Frank Associating Fined $18.50 stayed by xxxx Montgomery
6-Feb-03 Smith Ed Intoxication Fined $7.50
7-Feb-03 Ennis Charles Asaulting George Marshall Stayed by his father
7-Feb-03 Marshall George Asaulting Charles Enis
10-Feb-03 Arebough Ana Robbery Pleaded not guilty, bound over to court, came clear
10-Feb-03 Brokering William Robbery Pleaded guilty, bound over to court, turned states evidence
10-Feb-03 Springer Sturbert Robbery Pleaded not guilty, bound over to court, acquited
10-Feb-03 Talbert James Robbery Pleaded guilty, brought over to court- sent to pen 1 to 3 yrs
11-Feb-03 Ennis Charles Mandate Paid $11.25
13-Feb-03 Cox John Wife beating Fined $7.50
25-Feb-03 Vrick Frank Assaulting Evert Comstock Fined $8.80
26-Feb-03 Ebbing August Intoxication Fined $9.80
2-Mar-03 Spurlin Rose Assualting Mary Perkins Fined $8.80
5-Mar-03 Petit Robert Stealing and Comfort Dismissed
10-Mar-03 Cunningham Claud Intoxication Fined $9.50 stayed by R.R. supt Doll
10-Mar-03 Hawkins Harry Intoxication Fined $9.50 stayed by Birt
10-Mar-03 Polin John Intoxication Fined $9.50 stayed by his mother
10-Mar-03 Porterfield Ed Intoxication Fined $9.50 stayed by John Henry
14-Mar-03 Rhinehart Ed Intoxication Fined $8.50 stayed by John Henry
16-Mar-03 Adams Clarah Living in a house of ill Fame Fined $13.05 stayed Kate Hoyt
16-Mar-03 More Anna Living in a house of ill Fame Fined $13.05 stayed Kate Hoyt
16-Mar-03 Spark Clancy Carrying concealed wepons Fined $9.55 stayed by Vernon Randall
20-Mar-03 Barratt Dock Assault & battery on Flora Skotski Fined $9.50 stayed by father
21-Mar-03 Casto John Provoking Fined $8.50
23-Mar-03 Hitchcock Rosco Assault & battery on Sam kennedy Fined $8.50
23-Mar-03 Skotski Flory Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $20.05 stayed
24-Mar-03 Nevel Anna Assualt on Rosco Hitchcock Fined &8.50
28-Mar-03 Sullivan Hurshell Intoxication Fined $9.30 stayed Dick xxxx
31-Mar-03 Arbuckle Frank Assualt on Claud Munson Not Guilty
2-Apr-03 Stednick Carl Assualt on Dan Becker
4-Apr-03 Walker John Intoxication Fined $18.80 wentr to jail
13-Apr-03 Flora Ell Living in a house of ill Fame age 13 Sent to reformatory
13-Apr-03 Jones mary Living in a house of ill Fame Dismissed
13-Apr-03 Skotski Flora Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $50.25
20-Apr-03 Golding Harry Assualting George Main
25-Apr-03 Fiske Terry Intoxication Fined $10.80
6-May-03 Cummings Joe Intoxication Fined $9.50 put up watch for stay
9-May-03 Henderson Otto Profanity Fined $10.05 stayed Andy Ensminger
9-May-03 Plummer Charles Jr Profanity Fined $10.05 stayed Andy Ensminger
11-May-03 Schnobel May Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $18.00
19-May-03 Adams William Assualt on Julia McKinney Fined $10.80 stayed Fred Kennedy
20-May-03 Drake Walter Disturbing a religious meeting Went to Jail
20-May-03 Henry William Disturbing a religious meeting Runaway
22-May-03 Davis Flora Burning trash on street Fined $3.80
29-May-03 Hednot Case Carrying concealed wepons Dismissed
6-Jun-03 Golden Harry Carrying concealed wepons Fined $34.00 went to jail, paid later
11-Jun-03 Howard Johnnie Provoking Elsworth Miles
11-Jun-03 Mallory Roy Provoking Elsworth Miles
12-Jun-03 Silson William Assualting AnnaReed Fined $8.90
13-Jun-03 Lisom Frank Maintaning a nusiance Dismissed
15-Jun-03 Huegel Joe Assualting Walter Cloak Fined$10.00
20-Jun-03 Little Clarah Profanity Fined
22-Jun-03 Slusher Frank Intoxication Fined $12.00 and went to jail
23-Jun-03 Gray Eugene Playing ball in the streets Fined $7.80
23-Jun-03 Hogan Marshall Playing ball in the streets Fined $7.80
23-Jun-03 Skotski Flora Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $93.25 paid $2.40
29-Jun-03 Bright Jane Keeping a house of ill fame Left town, dismissed
29-Jun-03 Hunchie Les Profanity Dismissed
30-Jun-03 Hays Peter Jumping Brand Bill Dismissed
30-Jun-03 Hunchie John Profanity Dismissed
5-Jul-03 Hewbankisou James Intoxication Fined $9.05 stayed by JesseLenox
7-Jul-03 Sherman Silas Intoxication Fined $9.05
23-Jul-03 Hogan John Playing ball in the streets
23-Jul-03 Marks James Playing ball in the streets Fined $14.05 stayed by John Vanoy
23-Jul-03 Nash William Playing ball in the streets Fined $7.80
31-Jul-03 Anderson Thomas Profanity Fined $9.80
31-Jul-03 Neil Ed Intoxication Fined $11.00 went to jail
4-Aug-03 Hartibee Charles Drunk Fined #10.05 stayed by Andy Ensminger
10-Aug-03 Nelson Flow Profanity
10-Aug-03 Williams Oscar Running a slot machine
16-Aug-03 McCalip Charles Intoxication Fined $10.30
16-Aug-03 Tucker Ben Intoxication Fined $13.30 Stayed by George Shopfell
16-Aug-03 Tucker Ben Malicouis tresspass Fined $13.30 Stayed by George Shopfell
16-Aug-03 Tucker Joe Profanity Fined $9.30 stayed George Shopfell
16-Aug-03 Tucker Joe Drunk Fined $10.30 stayed by George Shopfell
18-Aug-03 Stewart Dock Intoxication Fined $8.05
20-Aug-03 Hogan John Drunk Dismissed
20-Aug-03 Stewart Dock Assualting Flow Skotski Fined $9.80 went to jail
24-Aug-03 Marks James Drunk Fined $12.50 went to jail stayed it later
24-Aug-03 Ray James Drunk Fined $10.80 went to jail paid later
25-Aug-03 Brown Hattie Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail
26-Aug-03 Bartlet Les Assualting Laura Avery Fined $13.55 went to jail
26-Aug-03 Ship Noah Striking his wife Stayed by John Dobbins
28-Aug-03 Strugle Joseph Profanity Fined $9.85
3-Sep-03 Henry Ed Robbery came clear
4-Sep-03 Barlow Jim Associating Fined $18.55
4-Sep-03 Gaily Gay Living in a house of ill fame Case was annuled
4-Sep-03 Horst Roxie Living in a house of ill fame Dismissed
4-Sep-03 James John Associating fined $18.50
4-Sep-03 Loued Elmer Intoxication Fined $9.80 stayed by Claud Curtis
4-Sep-03 McBride Jim Associating Fined $18.55 stayed by Crebs?
4-Sep-03 McNealy Associating Fined $18.50 stayed by Claud Curtis
4-Sep-03 Moore Anna Living in a house of ill fame Case was annuled
4-Sep-03 Reding Lillie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $16.50 went to jail
4-Sep-03 Wagoner Blanch Living in a house of ill fame Fined $16.50 went to jail
6-Sep-03 Sanders William Murder sentenced to penn 14 years on march 21 1904
6-Sep-03 Talbert Hattie Murder Founf guilty, sent to pen 2 to 21 years
8-Sep-03 Bell Charles Assualting James Talbert Fined $7.40 will pay Oct 8th
8-Sep-03 Mull Oliver Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by V Bandall
8-Sep-03 Sorden Martin Abstructing street Fined $8.50
8-Sep-03 Talbert James Assualting Mrs Charles Bell Fined $6.30 to pay 12 Sep
8-Sep-03 Wolfingners O.B. Intoxication Fined $8.51 stayed by A Endsminger
10-Sep-03 Fisher Henry Profanity Dismissed
13-Sep-03 Gleason Jim Escaped convict & post office robery, Nashville TN Rec'd reward $25 to dec George B Cline
17-Sep-03 Jackson Merit Drunk Fined $9.80
17-Sep-03 Schooler Charles Intoxication Fined $9.80
20-Sep-03 Williams John A Drunk Fined $9.50
22-Sep-03 Swange Minnie Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $17.50
23-Sep-03 Hoit Kate Renting a house for prostitution Fined $25.50
25-Sep-03 White Frank Profanity Fined $9.80
1-Oct-03 Mayrv Henry Drunk Fined $10.80 went to jail
2-Oct-03 Snepp Walter Embezlement Dismissed
16-Oct-03 Paugh Charles Intoxication Fined $9.30 stayed Theodore Luther
17-Oct-03 Kennedy Gilbert Intoxication Fined $18.80
17-Oct-03 Doil Bert Trespass Skipped
17-Oct-03 Dugan Gill Drunk Fined $9.06
17-Oct-03 Foley John Drunk Fined $9.05
17-Oct-03 Paton Walter Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by oscar Druman
19-Oct-03 Cosler Curtis Associating Fined $20.35 stayed by Harry Carmine
20-Oct-03 Hackleman Noah Loitering Fined $18.00 went to jail
20-Oct-03 Myers Dan Loitering Fined $18.00 went to jail
29-Oct-03 Grubb Albert Carrying concealed wepons (a negro) Fined $12.80
31-Oct-03 Brokering Harry Profanity Dismissed
31-Oct-03 Brokering Harry Wife desertion Dismissed
31-Oct-03 Dennison Claud Unpaid doctor bill Paid $23.00
31-Oct-03 Sullivan Hershell Shooting John James with intent to commit murder
2-Nov-03 Campbell George Drunk Fined $8.55
4-Nov-03 Strugle Joseph Intoxication Fined $9.80
5-Nov-03 Swartstrober Ida Assaulting Mrs Jamie Petit Guilty $16.60 stayed by Hamilton
6-Nov-03 Talbert James Intoxication Dismissed
8-Nov-03 Talbert James Daughter swore life against him Out on Bond
14-Nov-03 Boyd Sam Drunk Fined $10.05
14-Nov-03 Fergeson Albert Drunk Fined $10.05
14-Nov-03 Green Alonzo Drunk Fined $10.05 stayed by Clarenda ship
14-Nov-03 Rines Buck Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail
15-Nov-03 Porterfield Ed Drunk Fined $10.05
15-Nov-03 Taylor Starvy Intoxication Fined $13.80
16-Nov-03 Ray James A Intoxication Fined $9.80
16-Nov-03 Coner Hiram Drunk Fined $10.05 stayed by John dobbins
16-Nov-03 Cruse Harry Drunk Fined $10.05
16-Nov-03 Richardson Jeff Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail
17-Nov-03 Parrish George Intoxication fined $9.80
17-Nov-03 Wilson Thomas Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail
19-Nov-03 Bennett Thomas Drunk Fined $81.05 went to jail, plead guilty to three charges
19-Nov-03 Evans John Profanity Fined $10.05 stayed Leonard Williams
20-Nov-03 Cunningham Frank Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail
21-Nov-03 McGill James Carrying concealed wepons Fined $12.15 stayed by his father
25-Nov-03 Lane William Profanity Dismissed
26-Nov-03 Amsden Lee Jr Riding on sidewalk Fined $9.50
26-Nov-03 Hogan Burney Intoxication fined $9.80
26-Nov-03 Mickelson John Riding on sidewalk fined $9.50
10-Dec-03 Faulkner Lando Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by Kemp senior
10-Dec-03 Pool Charles Drunk Fined $9.05
10-Dec-03 Smith Robert Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by Bruce
10-Dec-03 Wells Thomas Drunk went to jail
15-Dec-03 Earnst William Carrying concealed wepons Fined $8.00 went to jail
16-Dec-03 Huegel Intoxication fined $9.40
16-Dec-03 Cotton Tom Profanity Fined $10.05 stayed by laws went to jail
16-Dec-03 Hazett Mrs Drunk Fined $9.05
16-Dec-03 Mitchell Jim Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.05 stayed by Henry Shelch
20-Dec-03 Shedon Albert Associating Fined $9.80
20-Dec-03 Shedon Hussman Associating Fined $9.80
20-Dec-03 Cherry Harry Drunk Fined $10.05
20-Dec-03 Keith Charles Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail
26-Dec-03 Joyce Henry Whipping his wife Fined $13.05 stayed by John Sieferts
27-Dec-03 Luther Theodore Assault on Douglass Wood Fined $12.80
27-Dec-03 Wood Douglas Jr Intoxication Fined $9.40 stayed by John Rhinehart
27-Dec-03 Wood Douglas Jr Assault on Lora Berry Fined $18.50
27-Dec-03 Blanton Thomas Assault & Battery Fined $9.50
29-Dec-03 Lane Starry Associating Fined $9.50
29-Dec-03 Cass Will Profanity Fined $14.80 went to jail
31-Dec-03 Kinney Bob Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail
31-Dec-03 Riley Jared Drunk Fined $9.35
31-Dec-03 Williams Charles Drunk & Profanity Fined $19.05
31-Dec-03 190 arrests in 1903
180 arrests made in 1903  
1-Jan-04 Riley Fred Attempting to jump Bousd Pill Fined $10.05
6-Jan-04 Johnston George Stealing eggs (negro) Dismissed
6-Jan-04 Bell Charlie Stealing eggs Sent to prision 1 to 3 years
6-Jan-04 Johnston Leonard Stealing eggs (negro) Dismissed
6-Jan-04 Murry George Stealing eggs (negro) Dismissed
6-Jan-04 Kinney Bob Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail
10-Jan-04 Harring Lee Went insane
21-Jan-04 Golden Harry Disturbing religious meeting Got away while going to trial
1-Feb-04 Fogerty John Drunk Fined $8.05
2-Feb-04 Maily Pat Drunk Fined $10.05
6-Feb-04 Eads Will Drunk & profanity two cases $17.68 stayed Chas Amsen
8-Feb-04 Ensly Jim Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail
8-Feb-04 Deal Tolina Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail
10-Feb-04 Kolie Thomas Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail
12-Feb-04 Becker Jim Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed Otis Becker
14-Feb-04 Snepp Cal Assualting Dan Callahan Fined $9.05 stayed by William Meloy
14-Feb-04 Callahan Dan Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by Henry Fisher
27-Feb-04 Moore Wiley Wife Desertion Fined $20.80 stayed by grandmother
27-Feb-04 Hearn Tom Drunk turned over to sherriff hold for larcency
8-Mar-04 Ivy Wes Assualting Harley Lawhorn Dismissed
10-Mar-04 Skotski Flora Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $21.80 stayed by Dan DePrez
13-Mar-04 Porteni Bill Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by John Gordon
15-Mar-04 Polin John Drunk Fined $13.50
15-Mar-04 Sullivan Hershel Assualting Bob Miles Fined @1.50
16-Mar-04 Sullivan Sid Assualting Bob Miles Dismissed
21-Mar-04 Runchie John Drunk Fined $16.50 stayed by George Snepp
23-Mar-04 Veach Charles Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by Herb Springer
3-Apr-04 Gatewood Jim Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by Clarence Bruce
8-Apr-04 Paten Walter Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail
8-Apr-04 Snyder Ralph Gambling Fined $20.05
8-Apr-04 Smith Ed Gambling Fined $20.05
8-Apr-04 Byland George Gambling Fined $20.05
8-Apr-04 Nickelson Will Gambling Fined $20.05
8-Apr-04 Hoffman H Gambling Fined $20.05
8-Apr-04 Kennedy Gib Drunk Fined $33.00 went to jail
12-Apr-04 Dobbins Tom Disturbing religious meeting Fined $13.15 stayed by Bis Webber
12-Apr-04 King Joe Disturbing religious meeting Fined $13.15 stayed by his father
26-Apr-04 Hoffman Ed Stealing an umbrella from Mrs Flemming Dismissed
28-Apr-04 Inman John Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by his mother
29-Apr-04 Patton Walt Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail
30-Apr-04 Kline Harry Assault & battery with intent to commit murder on ____ Clayton
3-May-04 Marsh John J Elected Marshal of the city of Shelbyville by a majority of 33 votes over Alexander Fox
6-May-04 Terrell Miles Board Fined $13.05 stayed by John Bbutler
18-May-04 Swanigan Thomas Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by brother in law
8-Sep-04 King Ben Abstructing a public highway Fined $2.85
8-Sep-04 Located Buggy & Harness Collected $2.00
9-Sep-04 Louden David Intoxication Fined $8.35 stayed by his brother
9-Sep-04 Bruce Clarence Violating Nicholson law Fined $18.35
10-Sep-04 Logan James Tresspass
10-Sep-04 _____ horse____ ______ collected $1.25
17-Sep-04 Lingo Willis Assualting Charlie Ray Fined $9.80
17-Sep-04 Wealch John Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by his mother
19-Sep-04 Hays Peter Defrauding Boarding Fined $13.80 stayed by Lou Bullard
26-Sep-04 Harris Clarence Wife Desertion Fined $13.80
26-Sep-04 Harris Clarence Children desertion Fined $13.80
26-Sep-04 Anderson Thomas Whipping his wife Fined $13.80 went to jail
27-Sep-04 Inman John Assorting Fined $18.80
27-Sep-04 Spenser Flossie Living in a house of ill repute Fined $20.05 stayed by Kate Hoyt
30-Sep-04 Byland Marion Drunk Fined $8.65 stayed by George
30-Sep-04 Lane Harry Assualting Marion Byland Fined $10.05 took an appeal
30-Sep-04 Evans John Assualting Marion Byland Not Guilty
3-Oct-04 Chansey Chas letting minor in his tavern Came clear
6-Oct-04 Meer Charles Drunk Sent to jail
7-Oct-04 Weeks Tom Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
7-Oct-04 Collielison Tom Drunk Fined $9.80 Pay whenget pension
8-Oct-04 Browning Patsey Drunk Went to jail
11-Oct-04 Close John screening the windows to his sallon Fined $1.35 & $18.80 took appeal
25-Oct-04 Polin John Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by John Cheney
1-Nov-04 Nickels Mont House rent
4-Nov-04 Seeleman Elmer Shooting Vernon Parker died Proved to be accidental
7-Nov-04 Faulkner Walter Stealing clover seed out on parole
9-Nov-04 Taylor Ora Tresspass Fined $13.50
9-Nov-04 Willson Charles Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by Will Warden
10-Nov-04 Cosert William Served papers for possesion of house
12-Nov-04 Cross E Assualting Evest Cook Stayed by James B____
12-Nov-04 Rhinehart Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by his father
14-Nov-04 Barlow James Assocating Fined $18.80 stayed by Frank Thompson
14-Nov-04 Bassett Sill Surity of the peace Went to jail
16-Nov-04 Rhodes Earl Stealing Fined $25.00 out on floater
16-Nov-04 Collins Fred Stealing Fined $25.00 out on floater
17-Nov-04 Fisher Orval Provoked Edman Parrish
17-Nov-04 Parrish Edman Assualting Orval Fisher
19-Nov-04 Spurlin Roy Drunk Stayed by John Rhinehart
20-Nov-04 Leasenden Harry Frequenting house of ill fame Dismissed
20-Nov-04 Steffey Arthur Frequenting house of ill fame Dismissed
20-Nov-04 Shite May Living in a house of ill fame Dismissed
20-Nov-04 Runchie Katie Living in a house of ill fame Dismissed
26-Nov-04 Hartman Joh Selling whiskey on thanksgiving Fined $18.60
6-Dec-04 Clingfield Thomas Drunk Fined $8.60
6-Dec-04 Clingfield Bill Drunk Fined $8.60
9-Dec-04 Willson May Drunk Fined $8.60
10-Dec-04 Parrish Combs Drunk Fined $8.60
12-Dec-04 Dudley Harry Fighting Fined $8.60
12-Dec-04 Cass Irvine Fighting Fined $8.60
12-Dec-04 Moss John Drawing a gun on Joe Hill Fined $1905
14-Dec-04 Dobbins Milt Drunk
16-Dec-04 Eads James Profanity Fined $8.60
22-Dec-04 G_______ Lizzie Stealing a skirt Fined $8.60 settled
25-Dec-04 Swart Levin Drunk Fined $8.55
25-Dec-04 Miles Elsworth Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Lewis Todd
27-Dec-04 Roth Harry Selling on a Sunday Dismissed
27-Dec-04 Roth Harry Selling on a Sunday Found not guilty
28-Dec-04 Lewis Harry For not paying Elsie Woodford
28-Dec-04 Spoteski Mrs Abe Assualting Fined $12.50
29-Dec-04 Lewis Harry For debt to Elsie Woodford
31-Dec-04 Hill Bud Assualting TomTillson Fined $9.80
31-Dec-04 Crowe Sam Profanity Fined $9.80
108 arrests made in 1904  
08-Jan-05 Richardson Lewis Surity of the peace
15-Jan-05 Lange Earl Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele
15-Jan-05 Bassett Bruce Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele
15-Jan-05 Falkner Walter Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele
15-Jan-05 McBride George Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele
15-Jan-05 Shine Burt Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele
15-Jan-05 Harris Clarence Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele
15-Jan-05 Steffy Arthur Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele
30-Jan-05 Weber Edward Conducting a gambling room Dismissed
30-Jan-05 Moore Sug jr Conducting a gambling room Fined $18.80
07-Feb-05 Patton Walt A mandate Jail
19-Feb-05 Talbert Frank Gambling Fined $13.55 stayed by John Gordon
19-Feb-05 Patton Bert Gambling Fined $13.55
19-Feb-05 Burgess Bill Gambling Not Guilty
19-Feb-05 Johnston William Gambling Fined $13.55
19-Feb-05 Porterfield Bill Gambling Not Guilty
19-Feb-05 Gordon John Running a gambling house Fined $13.55
28-Feb-05 Dobbins Milton Drunk Fined $9.80
05-Mar-05 Joyce Henry Drunk Fined $9.75
05-Mar-05 LeClare Will Drunk Fined
08-Mar-05 Ship Clarence Assualt & battery on Stephen Marshall Jail
08-Mar-05 Marshall Stephen Negro for assualt & battery on Clarence Ship Fined $9.80 stayed by Vernon Randell
08-Mar-05 Bruce Clarence Allowing men in his sallon on Sunday - jury dissagreed Jury later found not guilty
08-Mar-05 Parker Frank Whipping his wife Fined $18.80
10-Mar-05 Casten Anderson Whipping his wife Fined $9.85
16-Mar-05 Moss John Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Charels Chenney
08-Apr-05 Sullivan Sid For cutting Ed Wiskill with intent to kill Bind over to wait acting on grandjury - dismissed
10-Apr-05 Dupree Elmer Riding on the side walk Fined $9.80
17-Apr-05 Ivey Will Drunk Fined $7.80
27-Apr-05 Hawkins Brade Assualt & battery Dismissed
01-May-05 Richardson Bill Cruelty to animals Fined $9.00 went back to prision
02-May-05 Thurston Sam Profanity Fined $8.80
04-May-05 Grissom Sam Carrying weapons & stealing money - negro
05-May-05 Heck Birt____ Selling cartriges to minors Fined $10.80
06-May-05 Vrick Lillie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt
06-May-05 Stanley Marie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt
06-May-05 Harris Carrie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt
06-May-05 Hayse Irene Conducting a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt
06-May-05 Adams Clarah Conducting a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt
06-May-05 Henry George Associating Fined $14.00 stayed by his father
06-May-05 Randell Burell Associating Fined $14.00 stayed by George Ensminger
06-May-05 Hovis Bernie Associating Fined $14.00 stayed by Sam Harding
06-May-05 Hey Jacob Associating Fined $14.00 stayed by Jim Smith
08-May-05 White Jacob Carrying concealed wepons - Negro from Indianapolis Fined $19.90
19-May-05 Knapp John Provoaking Not Guilty
22-May-05 Grissom Melvin Petty Larcency Bound over to court went to Penn 1 to 3 years
24-May-05 Anderson Virgile Assualting Earl Williams Bad affidavit - dismissed
24-May-05 Adams Clarah Keeping a house of Ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate
24-May-05 Moore Anna Living in a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate
24-May-05 Harris Cassie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate
24-May-05 Webster Belle Keeping a house of Ill fame
24-May-05 Hoyt Kate Renting houses for the purpose of prostitution Bad affidavit
24-May-05 Schnoble May Keeping a house of Ill fame
24-May-05 Lawrence Bessie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $18.80
24-May-05 Montrose Bessie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80
24-May-05 Richey Anna Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80
24-May-05 Smith Bessie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80
24-May-05 Schnoble George Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80
24-May-05 Lyons John Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Frank Rambush
24-May-05 Brown John Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Rambush
24-May-05 Bentley Henry Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Rambush
24-May-05 Brown Sill Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Arthur Gorton
24-May-05 Mussell Will Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Butler
24-May-05 Anderson Frank Assualting Lane Williams Affidavid bad- dismissed
28-May-05 Colman Thad For selling lickeors Dismissed
28-May-05 Lewis Robert Cruelty to animals Fined $13.80 went to jail
03-Jun-05 Moore Jessie VEG (assume vagrancy) negro Fined $16.00
03-Jun-05 Moore Frank VEG (assume vagrancy) negro Fined $16.00
03-Jun-05 Smith Charles VEG (assume vagrancy) negro Fined $16.00
03-Jun-05 Robison Charlie VEG (assume vagrancy) negro Fined $16.00
04-Jun-05 McNealy Morgan Smoking a cigarett Fined $33.80 stayed by his uncle John McNeely took appeal found to be unconstitutional
05-Jun-05 Williams Earl Carrying concealed wepons Fined $13.55
06-Jun-05 Board Mattie Grand larceny negro woman Dismissed
09-Jun-05 Board Mattie Assualt & battery Fined $13.05 (cost $6.60)
16-Jun-05 Hill Little Mary assualted jun 14 by unknown person died june 16 1905 from a stroke on the head by some instrument
19-Jun-05 Swartstapher George Drunk
21-Jun-05 Adams Clarah Grand larceny Not guilty, fined on mandate
25-Jun-05 Lane Harry Giving away beer Fined $37.80 stayed by H___ DePrez
28-Jun-05 Murry George Carrying concealed wepons Fined $18.60 stayed by his father
01-Jul-05 Joyce Jim Shot and kille Jesse Harper
04-Jul-05 Dodd William Assualting George Bass Fined $8.60
04-Jul-05 Shaw Cliffy Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.60 stayed by Doug Moore
08-Jul-05 Heck Isacc Violating the Game law Took an appeal - dismissed
11-Jul-05 Rhinehart Edward Arrested in mandate
13-Jul-05 Shorman William Drunk Fined $9.80
14-Jul-05 Roomerstine M buying junk without licensce Fined $9.80
14-Jul-05 Rice Allie Fighting - negro girl
17-Jul-05 Harding Samuel Selling lickor without a liscensce Took an appeal
17-Jul-05 Metz Thomas Fighting John Runche Fined $9.80 went to jail
20-Jul-05 Drum Oscar Allowing gambling in his sallon Fined $18.75
22-Jul-05 Roberts George Violating city ordinance
22-Jul-05 Case Sam Violating city ordinance
22-Jul-05 Skotski Abe Violating city ordinance
31-Jul-05 Lane Roxie Drunk Not guilty
01-Aug-05 Lane Roxie Profanity Fined $11.80
16-Aug-05 Smith George Profanity Fined $9.80
18-Aug-05 Haze Ben Assualting Anna Motely
19-Aug-05 Ship Noah Drunk Fined $8.80
26-Aug-05 Falkner Walter Assualting Walter Sosbey Fined $8.80 pay by week
26-Aug-05 Shaw Jesse Assualting Gordon Thruston Fined $9.55
27-Aug-05 Dunn William Drunk Fined $9.55 stayed by_______
28-Aug-05 Wilson Clarence Drawing a knife on June Cone Dismissed
28-Aug-05 Cohen Sam Profanity
31-Aug-05 Pool Charles Assualting Fred Miller Fined $10.80 marshalls cost $6.10
31-Aug-05 Ennis Charles Assualting Fred Miller Not guilty
31-Aug-05 Howard James Theft Not guilty
01-Sep-05 Hays George Stealing clothing
01-Sep-05 Russell Ella Living in adultry Dismissed
01-Sep-05 Ran__ Forrest Living in adultry Dismissed
01-Sep-05 Pool Charlie Assualting Fred Miller Guilty stayed by his father
04-Sep-05 Gordon John Profanity Fined $8.60
04-Sep-05 Marks Frank Drunk Went to jail paid later
06-Sep-05 Harrel Charles Drunk Fined $10.80
06-Sep-05 Collins Clara Profanity Fined $12.00 stayed by husband
07-Sep-05 Thompson Charles Fighting Fined $9.60
07-Sep-05 Sweet James Drunk Pay $1.50 per week
08-Sep-05 E____ August Drunk Fined $9.80
09-Sep-05 Rigby Frank Drunk from Greensburg Fined $9.80 left watch for security
10-Sep-05 Brown George Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by wife
11-Sep-05 Havens Ed Drunk Stayed by Frank Kent
12-Sep-05 Bridges William Cruelty to animals $33.75 went to jail
13-Sep-05 Spurling Clarence Arrested for bound Fined $9.80
14-Sep-05 Neeb Ennis Malissous tresspass Fined $9.80
17-Sep-05 Foster Russell Assualting Lillian Foster, his wife Fined $9.80 stayed by his father
17-Sep-05 Smith Ed Drunk Fined $9.80
18-Sep-05 Castro Washington Larceny Settled
20-Sep-05 Sealman Perry Concealing _____
20-Sep-05 Sealman Elmer Assualting Albert Giger Fined $9.80 stayed by Harry Spiegel
20-Sep-05 Giger Albert Provoke on Anna Spiegel Fined $9.80
20-Sep-05 Nicely Ben Drunk Fined $9.80
27-Sep-05 Conner Hiram Drunk Fined $9.80
29-Sep-05 Sealeman Elmer Assualting Albert Giger Fined $10.10
29-Sep-05 Spiegel Ella Assualting Elizabeth Giger Fined $10.10
29-Sep-05 Sealeman Elmer Profanity Fined $11.10
29-Sep-05 Ivy Wes Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
01-Oct-05 Reed John Drunk Fined $9.80
01-Oct-05 Feilden Albert Whipping his wife Fined $13.80
02-Oct-05 Slusser Frank Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
22-Oct-05 Sullivan Hershel went to Pennitenary 9-14 years
28-Oct-05 Ballard Joe Provoke Not guilty
28-Oct-05 Perkins Red Drunk Fined $12.60 went to jail
28-Oct-05 Williams Oscar Renting rooms for gambling
31-Oct-05 Tolen Unis Visiting a gambling house Dismissed
02-Nov-05 Cotton Charles Assaulting Jim Russell Fined $9.80
02-Nov-05 Barrett Dock Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Chas Goble
03-Nov-05 Anderson George Drunk Fined $8.80
08-Nov-05 Throp Albert Illegal voting bad affidavid
08-Nov-05 Anderson Virgil Bastardy
10-Nov-05 Hill Branton Drunk Fined $9.80
17-Nov-05 Bishop Elias Selling whisky to a minor
19-Nov-05 Browning Bob Drunk Fined $9.80 and went to jail
19-Nov-05 Lingo Willie Out on parole Sent back to Plainfield (penitentiary)
21-Nov-05 Drummond Oscar Allowing persons other than himself on Sunday Not guilty
24-Nov-05 Ewick Frank Assualting Mrs Andrew Fined $9.80 stayed by Dick Evans
24-Nov-05 Pitcher Johline Profanity
26-Nov-05 Harding Sam Selling whisky to a minor Dismissed
26-Nov-05 Harding Sam Selling whisky on election day Not Guilty
29-Nov-05 Smith Robert Jumping trains Fined $9.80 stayed by his father
30-Nov-05 Ensminger George Violation of the Nicholson law, allowing his bartender in saloon on Thanksgiving Not Guilty
01-Dec-05 Dudley Harry Profanity Fined $9.80 stayed by Frank Miller
04-Dec-05 Nixon Romeo Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
10-Dec-05 Collins Clarence Associating Fined $9.80
10-Dec-05 Wilkins Gurtie Associating Fined $9.80
10-Dec-05 Collins Bill Associating Fined $9.80
10-Dec-05 Gordon John Keeping a gambling room Fined $13.80
10-Dec-05 Butler Mrs Bill Associating Fined $9.80
10-Dec-05 Paxton Burt Frequenting a gambling room Fined $13.80
10-Dec-05 Talbert James Frequenting a gambling room Fined $13.80
10-Dec-05 McGill James Frequenting a gambling room Not guilty
10-Dec-05 Cooper William Frequenting a gambling room Fined $13.80
10-Dec-05 Ivy Harry Frequenting a gambling room Not guilty
10-Dec-05 Hartibeck Lawrence Jumping bourd bill Fined $9.80 stayed by wife & sister
14-Dec-05 Mayhew T______ Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
15-Dec-05 Myer Joseph Drunk Fined $9.85 county commissioner
16-Dec-05 Allens Otto Searched house for stolen turkey found dressing in privy vault J B Randalls
16-Dec-05 Branson Laura Drunk Fined $9.80
18-Dec-05 Gordon John Provoking Thomas Newton Fined $9.80
178 arrests made in 1905  
02-Jan-06 Neal Margaret Insanity case Cost 1/05
09-Jan-06 Phillips Ed Drunk Fined $10.30 went to jail
10-Jan-06 Griffith thomas Drunk Fined $8.30
19-Jan-06 Mickelson William Forgery & Embezlement, warrant from Ft Wayne IN Dismissed
19-Jan-06 Runchie John Drunk Fined $9.55 went to jail
20-Jan-06 Sweet Joe Drunk Fined $8.55 went to jail
20-Jan-06 Parrish Combs Drunk Fined $8.55 went to jail
25-Jan-06 Randal Buryl Dinimiting fish in Big Blue river out on $5.00 fined $2.50 and $7.50 cost
25-Jan-06 Parrish Combs Dinimiting fish in Big Blue river out on $5.00 fined $2.50 and $7.50 cost
25-Jan-06 Sprague John Dinimiting fish in Big Blue river Cant furnish bond, fined $2.50 and $7.50 cost went to jail
26-Jan-06 Williams Clyde Forgery on the Williams Post bank
03-Feb-06 Wagoner Orban Loosening brakes of freight car in P_____ RR Fined $5.00 went to jail
06-Feb-06 Sparks John Living in adultry from Estill CO KY Fined $14.50
06-Feb-06 Freeman Mary Living in adultry with John Sparks from Estill CO KY Fined $14.50
12-Feb-06 Goldbard Jacob Assaulting Isaac Fox Fined $8.55 stayed by John Rhinehart
15-Feb-06 Atter Borous Arrested by mayor violating city ordicnace by selling spectecles Dismissed
24-Feb-06 Phillips Frank Drunk Fined $8.51 went to jail
24-Feb-06 Spurlin Clarence Drunk Fined $8.51 went to jail
24-Feb-06 Williams Carl Drunk Fined $8.51 stayed by his mother
24-Feb-06 Swanigan Tom Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by John Soliman
01-Mar-06 Fleming James Selling whiskey to minors - plead guilty Fined $18.80
01-Mar-06 Higgins Sam Selling whiskey to minors
02-Mar-06 Shermann Charlie Selling whiskey to minors Not guilty
12-Mar-06 Bradshaw Ray Stealing chickens - negro 21years old Sent to Jeffersonville ______ 1-3 years
13-Mar-06 McLaine Tom Search warrant $.55 subpeona 3 witnesses $1.05 total $1.60
15-Mar-06 Heil Jacob Served summons for possesion of house for William Moore Cost $0.55
16-Mar-06 Coleman Thadius Assualting John Walsh Not guilty
16-Mar-06 Theibold Julius Asaulting Frank Petitt Fined $9.55 stayed by Kate Hoyt
18-Mar-06 Harding Sammuel Selling whiskey on Sunday to one Art Clark Dismissed
18-Mar-06 Barrett Dock Drunk Fined $16.20 went to jail
19-Mar-06 Cotton Thomas Jumping board Bill Pryon Installment plan
20-Mar-06 Amsden Charles Forgery Sentenced to Michigan city prison 2 to 14 years
28-Mar-06 Walton Virgil Non payment of fog tax
31-Mar-06 Gray Eugene Gambling Dismissed
31-Mar-06 Porterfield Bill Gambling Dismissed
31-Mar-06 Stuart Andrew Gambling Dismissed
31-Mar-06 Eads William Gambling Dismissed
31-Mar-06 Ross George Gambling Dismissed
31-Mar-06 Clark Arthur Gambling Dismissed
31-Mar-06 Falkner Walter Gambling Dismissed
10-Apr-06 Griffith Joe Assualting Martin Barley Fined $9.05 went to jail
12-Apr-06 Runchie John Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
12-Apr-06 Cobb Henry Drunk - negro Fined $9.80 went to jail paid later
18-Apr-06 Sullivan Sid Assault and battery with intent to kill and rob Phillip Miller of Rushville Sent to Jeffersonville 2 to 14 years
22-Apr-06 Wallace Evertt Jumping board bill Fined $15.55
26-Apr-06 Bausback George Bastardy Settled
29-Apr-06 Wilson Otto Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
05-May-06 Walton Virgillis Beating board Bill settled
06-May-06 Runtz Louis Allowing bartender in his saloon on Sunday Fined Took appeal
09-May-06 Fultz Eva Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.40 went to jail
09-May-06 Hayse Irene Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt
09-May-06 Stockhaw Lillie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.40 went to jail
09-May-06 Eck William Associating Fined $18.80 stayed by R__ Goodrich
12-May-06 Cotton Charlie Drunk Fined $9.80 paid
13-May-06 Shipp Harry Drunk Fined $9.35 stayed by Sam harding
13-May-06 Hoyt Kate Selling beer without a license to Dan Staskey Fined in one case
13-May-06 Hoyt Kate Selling beer without a license to Jim Jackson Fined $20.00
11-May-06 Hayes Irene Selling beer without a license to Jim Jackson Settled in one case
11-May-06 Hayes Irene Selling beer without a license to Dan Staskey Fined $20.00
15-May-06 Hoyt Kate Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $22.05 took appeal
15-May-06 McGinnis Flora Living in a house of ill fame Not guilty
19-May-06 Shaw William Drunk Fined $9.85
19-May-05 Reed Dock Drunk Fined $8.80
30-May-06 Friday Henry Assualting Borris Alder Fined $8.80
30-May-06 Miller Louis Assualting Henry Friday Dismissed
30-May-06 Miller Phillip Assualting Henry Friday Dismissed
01-Jun-06 Alder Borous Surity of peace
04-Jun-06 Walton Virgillis Jumping board bill
04-Jun-06 Conor William Drunk Fined $8.80
07-Jun-06 Barrett Ed Drunk Fined $24.00 went to jail
09-Jun-06 Evans Tobe Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.80 stayed by his father
11-Jun-06 Bradley Jim Drunk Fined $9.80 went to get bail and never came back
15-Jun-06 Wilson Wirth Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Cill Bassett
15-Jun-06 Ivy Sherman Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week
17-Jun-06 Freeman William Whipping his wife negro Fined $8.50
28-Jun-06 Johnson Earnest Fighting negro Fined $10.50 stayed by Jim Morris
28-Jun-06 Spurlin Clarence Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.80 went to jail
29-Jun-06 Griffith Joe Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.80 went to jail
29-Jun-06 Cox Marshall Assualting Babe Sexton Fined $9.80 went to jail
10-Jul-06 Barrett Dock Drunk Fined $24.00 went to jail
12-Jul-06 Neal Ed Drunk Fined $13.20 went to jail
16-Jul-06 Ferguson George Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
20-Jul-06 Childess Harry Whipping his wife Fined $7.80 stayed by H Deprez
23-Jul-06 Conor Hiram Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week
25-Jul-06 Hamilton Thomas Drunk Fined $8.80 pay Saturday
25-Jul-06 Rapp John Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
25-Jul-06 Moss Martin Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Jim Fleming
25-Jul-06 Cushing Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
26-Jul-06 Wilson John Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week
26-Jul-06 Wilson thomas Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
26-Jul-06 Gliski Hiram Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed promised to pay
27-Jul-06 McMamnan Frank Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 took appeal
28-Jul-06 McGinnis Flora Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 took appeal
28-Jul-06 Bicker Dan Drunk Not guilty
28-Jul-06 Jerguson Albert Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
28-Jul-06 Gray Bob Cutting with intent to kill George Brown Bound over to court later dismissed
01-Aug-06 Randall Bryse Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 stayed by father
03-Aug-06 Smith Sam Drunk Fined $8.80 paid part put up watch
05-Aug-06 Browning Bob Drunk Jail
07-Aug-06 Swanigan Tom Drunk Fined $9.55 stayed by John S________
08-Aug-06 Polin John Henry Profanity Fined $8.75 stayed by L____ Williams
09-Aug-06 Pinkins Jim Living in adultry with Emma Ohl Fined $10.55
09-Aug-06 Ohl Emma Living in adultry Fined $10.55
11-Aug-06 Lightfoot Col Drunk Fined $9.55
12-Aug-06 Hatfield John Drunk Fined $9.55
11-Aug-06 Hoyt Kate Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $21.95
11-Aug-06 Moss John Associating Fined $18.90
11-Aug-06 Ebbehart Doc Associating Fined $18.90
11-Aug-06 Attwood John Drunk Fined $9.55
19-Aug-06 Cook William Drunk Fined $9.55 to jail
17-Aug-06 Smith Walter Drunk - negro Fined $9.55 to jail
19-Aug-06 Polin H Fined $9.05 stayed by his mother
24-Aug-06 Collins Charles N Escaped convict from Mansfield OH $25.00 reward
24-Aug-06 Lyons William Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail
24-Aug-06 Quashe Peter Drunk Fined $ 9.05
29-Aug-06 Gossman William Drunk Funed $8.80
31-Aug-06 Williams Oscar Allowing bartender, Oscar Heihler in his saloon on Democratic primary election day Fined $13.80
02-Sep-06 Petit Frank Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
02-Sep-06 Smith Sam Drunk Fined $8.80 took mortgage on goods
05-Sep-06 Miller Bill Drunk Stayed by Dunn
06-Sep-06 Mullery Gene Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
06-Sep-06 Shines Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
06-Sep-06 Obrien James Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
07-Sep-06 Kent Ben Petty larceny Not guilty
08-Sep-06 Golden Perry Resisting arrest Fined $8.50 plus 30 days
08-Sep-06 Brinmont Ed Resisting arrest Fined $17.00 plus 30days
09-Sep-06 Russ James Drunk Fined $9.55 went to jail
12-Sep-06 Weaver Harry Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Len Ballard
13-Sep-06 Ryan Edward Drunk Fined $8.80
18-Sep-06 Hines John Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
18-Sep-06 Hogan Tom Running gambling house Fined $20.00 25 days in jail
18-Sep-06 Petit Bob Gambling Fined $15.00 pay by week
18-Sep-06 Elliot Jack Gambling Fined $15.00 and 10 days in jail - pay by week
18-Sep-06 Hogan Morris Gambling Fined $15.00 and 10 days in jail - pay by week
18-Sep-06 Smith John Gambling Fined $15.00 and 10 days in jail - pay by week
22-Sep-06 Evans Bill Assualting Juke Emrich Fined $15.00 stayed
22-Sep-06 Emrich Jacob Assualting Williams Evans Fined $15.00 paid
25-Sep-06 Frisby Richard Drunk Fined $8.80
27-Sep-06 Snapp Lewis Living in adultry with Mollie VanCleave Fined $17.80 stayed by H McCarty
27-Sep-06 VanCleave Mollie Living in adultry with Lewis Snapp Fined $17.80
29-Sep-06 Ricer Charlie Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
30-Sep-06 Duband Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 paid
01-Oct-06 Flarity Drunk Fined $8.80 paid
02-Oct-06 Killoren Arnie? Violating the Nicholson law Fined $20.00 and his licensce revoked
04-Oct-06 Prilasky Phillip Buying junk without a liscence Fined $9.55 went to jail
14-Oct-06 Snider Charles Shooting craps Fined $15.00 stayed
14-Oct-06 Cursin Charles Shooting craps Fined $15.00 stayed
14-Oct-06 Calvin Otto Shooting craps Fined $15.00 stayed
15-Oct-06 Brown George Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail
17-Oct-06 Hamilton Alonzo Shooting craps Fined $15.00 paid
18-Oct-06 Reed Abraham Jumping trains Fined $9.05 went to jail
18-Oct-06 Wagner Orbin Jumping trains Fined $9.05 went to jail
19-Oct-06 Nelson Rose Living in adultry with Joel Watson Fined $10.30 went to jail
19-Oct-06 Watson Joel Living in adultry with Rose Nelson Fined $10.30 went to jail
21-Oct-06 Costeller Turner Working on Sunday Dismissed
21-Oct-06 Galimone George Drunk - negro Fined $10.30 stayed by Claud Fort
22-Oct-06 Moore Anna Living in a house of ill fame Fined $15.75 paid
25-Oct-06 Reading George Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail pay by the week
25-Oct-06 Smith Maud Assualting Jennie Wallace - negro Fined $8.80
25-Oct-06 Wallace Jennie Assualting Maud Smith - negor Not guilty
28-Oct-06 Sheals John Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
02-Nov-06 Neal Ed Drunk Fined $9.55 went to jail
04-Nov-06 Sweet Joe Drunk Fined $8.80
04-Nov-06 Cox Marshall Profanity Fined $11.55
04-Nov-06 Rice Anthony Drunk Fined $8.55
05-Nov-06 Brown W.J. Profanity from Indianapolis Fined $9.80
05-Nov-06 Sw____ William Buying votes Fairland Not guilty
09-Nov-06 Stewart James E Getting money under false pretences Not guilty
11-Nov-06 Wealch John Drunk Fined $9.55 went to jail
14-Nov-06 Johnson Leonard Wife desertion in Indianapolis
14-Nov-06 Ricer Charles Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
16-Nov-06 Ryland Me_____ Assualting Geo Keuile runaway
15-Nov-06 Woodrough Jerry Cutting Ruben Sc______ Sent to prison 2 to 14 years
15-Nov-06 McGual William Drunk Fined $8.80
23-Nov-06 Butler William jr Cutting belt at Conrey Davis factory Fined $10.00 went to jail plus plus $5 reward
23-Nov-06 Crisfield Earnest Cutting belt at Conrey Davis factory Fined $10.00 went to jail plus plus $5 reward
23-Nov-06 Finished Paving Streets
24-Nov-06 Thrasher John Assualting Ben Whaley Policeman Fined $10.00 10days in jails took appeal
01-Dec-06 Dudley William From Plainfield - negro $10.00 reward
01-Dec-06 Louden David Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
09-Dec-06 Elwood Henry Embezlement Bound over to court
14-Dec-06 Ross James Drunk Fined $11.80 went to jail
14-Dec-06 Vanpelt Ben Drunk Fined $9.80
20-Dec-06 Quigley Patrick Drunk Fined $9.80
24-Dec-06 Ivy Weslie Drunk Fined $9.45 went to jail
24-Dec-06 Russ James Drunk Fined $9.45
28-Dec-06 Mckiln Sam Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
28-Dec-06 King Mike Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
30-Dec-06 Worland James Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by George Hupp
31-Dec-06 Gregg Joe Drunk Fined $9.00
191 arrests made in 1906  

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