Arrest  Journal
1907 - 1909
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John J Marsh
Shelbyville, Indiana

          This journal appears to be the records kept by  John Marsh  of arrests made in the city of Shelbyville from 1903 to 1909.  Due to a fire at City Hall the exact record of when the police department was established is not known.  Some records show that in 1902 a police force was established but the officers resigned after realizing they could not cope with the bad element in town.  In this journal it is noted that John J Marsh was elected Marshall of the city of Shelbyville, over Alexander Fox, on May 3 1904, by a majority of 33 votes.  The arrest records stop in 1909 and then appear to be a diary of his employment from 1910 to 1914.  Some of the entries show “Police Force” and other entries for various factories.  The daily wages showed from $1.85 to $3.30 as daily wages; he worked six days a week.  The police chief in 1913 was  Gilbert Manlove  with  George Tolen,  Dillard Moore,  John Farrell,  John Marsh  and one more unnamed patrolman. Notes and transcription by George Young
Please let me know if you would like an entry deleted.

Alphabetical listing, 1903-1909

Date             Last Name First Names Charge Sentence
05-Jan-07 Mahoney Thomas Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
05-Jan-07 Wilkeson George Jumping trains Fined $9.00 stayed
08-Jan-07 Kenstridge Sam J Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
08-Jan-07 Reding George Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail pay by week
09-Jan-07 Lanksford Alvine Breaking parole Sent back to prison
11-Jan-07 Hillman Charlie Wife desertion Dismissed
11-Jan-07 Miller William Drunk Fined $12.80 went to jail pay by week
16-Jan-07 Muller Earnest Selling whiskey to Bill Miller habitual drunk not Guilty
24-Jan-07 Stevens James Drunk Fined $8.50
26-Jan-07 Stevens James Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail
28-Jan-07 Smith John Drunk negro Fined $9.05 went to jail
28-Jan-07 Teleini Sam Drunk Fined $9.05 paid
30-Jan-07 Scott Robert Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
31-Jan-07 Adison Joseph Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
04-Feb-07 Carroll Henry Drunk Fined $8.80
04-Feb-07 Cooper Thomas Drunk Fined $8.80
04-Feb-07 Johnson Daniel Larceny Dismissed
04-Feb-07 Johnson James Lee Larceny Sent to Pen 1-3 years
04-Feb-07 Roach George Larceny not Guilty
04-Feb-07 Roach John Larceny Sent to Pen 1-3 years
07-Feb-07 Peed Orvill Drunk Fined $9.80
09-Feb-07 Swanigan Tom Drunk Fined $9.00
09-Feb-07 Talbert James Drunk Fined $8.55 stayed by Clint Wasson
11-Feb-07 Hunter John Drunk Fined $10.05 stayed
11-Feb-07 Moore William Drunk from Cannady Fined $8.55 went to jail
13-Feb-07 Means Neil Selling whiskey on Sunday to William Tally
14-Feb-07 Kawai T. J. Disturbing peace with a machine Dismissed
15-Feb-07 Rhinehart Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by John Burk
16-Feb-07 Herick George Drunk Fined $9.80
18-Feb-07 Little William Perjury Bound ovet to Grand Jurry 1 to 8 years
18-Feb-07 Maloney Jim Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
18-Feb-07 Williams Alonzo Wife desertion Dismissed - back together
19-Feb-07 Conway J.H. Drunk Guilty fined 18.50 took appeal
19-Feb-07 Fitzgivens David Drunk Fined $8.80
22-Feb-07 Miller William Drunk Fined $15.00 jail
23-Feb-07 McWilliams Charlie Larceny Dismissed paid cost
26-Feb-07 C______ Perry Drunk Fined $8.25
27-Feb-07 Jaco Jim Drunk Fined $9.80 Jail
27-Feb-07 Runche John Drunk Fined $9.80 Jail
02-Mar-07 Golden Harry Drunk Annuled
02-Mar-07 Golden Harry Drunk Annuled
02-Mar-07 Lind John Drunk Fined $9.80 Jail
04-Mar-07 Golding Perry Intent to murder
04-Mar-07 Lyons William Drunk Fined $9.80 jail
05-Mar-07 Smith W.C. Drunk Fined $8.75 watch marker
07-Mar-07 Griffith Tom Drunk Fined $8.75
07-Mar-07 Manning Edward Drunk Fined $9.75
07-Mar-07 Maple Delbert Drunk Fined $9.75
07-Mar-07 Maple Delbert Assualt & Battery Fined $9.75
11-Mar-07 Bassett Dock Drunk Fined $9.00
11-Mar-07 Dobbins Milt Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by Val Schoelch
14-Mar-07 Stevenson Jim Drunk Fined $9.80
16-Mar-07 Adams Jacob Running gambling room Fined $35.00
16-Mar-07 Wilson Bryant Drunk Fined $8.80
20-Mar-07 Lyons William Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
21-Mar-07 Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
22-Mar-07 Richardson Louis Assualting Tom steffy Fined $9.80 stayed by Bill Landen
23-Mar-07 Richardson Will Provoke Dismissed
30-Mar-07 Griffith Joe Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed by Bill Giffith
01-Apr-07 Griffith Joe Hopping trains Fined $8.50 pay by week
06-Apr-07 Goldsand Jacob Buying junk without a license Dismissed - produced license
11-Apr-07 Havens Russell Assualting Bob Pettit Fined $8.80 stayed by his father
11-Apr-07 Pettit Bob Provoked Fined $8.80 stayed by ____
12-Apr-07 Weaver Allen Having worthless checks (a negro) not Guilty
13-Apr-07 Grady Allen Drunk - from Indianapolis Fined $8.80
18-Apr-07 Drake Walter Jumping trains Fined $8.80 - pay by week
20-Apr-07 Deavers Irwin Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
25-Apr-07 Whitelaw Joseph M Larceny - stole gold watch, diamond ring, band ring from James L Hennesy of Columbus. Whitlaw was with the show troop Dollar Dimple To prison from 1-8 years
27-Apr-07 Jefferson Robert Drunk Fined $8.75 stayed by Robt Stewart
30-Apr-07 Yager Charles Drunk Fined $8.75 stayed by E Slifer
30-Apr-07 Yager Charles Carrying concealed weapon Fined $10.00 stayed by E Slifer
01-May-07 Berymaster Ricahard Pety Larceny Guilty 1-8 years Jefferson Pennatenary
02-May-07 Heck Isaac Violating city ordinances not Guilty
02-May-07 Stafford Charles Wife desertion Dismissed
04-May-07 Deavers Irwin Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
04-May-07 Maloney Jim Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
05-May-07 Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
08-May-07 Hines John Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail
09-May-07 Gohen Joe Drunk Fined $8.65 pay by week
09-May-07 Wilkeson Jennie Drunk Fined $8.65
10-May-07 Rapp John Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by John Rinton
10-May-07 Runche John Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
11-May-07 Edwards Ruffus Drunk Fined $8.80
11-May-07 Fogety John Drunk Fined $8,25
11-May-07 McGlothlin Edward Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
12-May-07 Bantz Charlie Provoke not Guilty
13-May-07 Ayers Charles Carrying concealed weapon Fined $10.00
14-May-07 Dobbins Milt Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week
14-May-07 Edwards Ruffus Drunk Fined $9.80
15-May-07 Luther Francis Provoke Fined $8.80 stayed
17-May-07 Grizer Joe Drunk Fined $7.80
17-May-07 Neal Ed Drunk Fined $8.80
17-May-07 Williams Seth Drunk Fined $12.80 went to jail pay by week
19-May-07 Fryer Walter Drunk Fined $9.80
21-May-07 Eads Bill Fighting Fined $8.80 stayed by his father
21-May-07 Flannery John Drunk Fined $7.90
21-May-07 McDaniels Frank Drunk Fined $7.90
21-May-07 Phillips Frank Fighting Fined $8.80 stayed by Harry Nails
21-May-07 Shaw Samuel Drunk Fined $7.90 left watch for security
25-May-07 Gibson Edward Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
25-May-07 Marshall Samuel Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
25-May-07 Simpson Allen Drunk Fined $7.90
26-May-07 Ramer Forest Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
26-May-07 Worland Jim Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by George Hupp
28-May-07 Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $25.00 went to jail
29-May-07 Geiger Daniel Drunk Fined $8.65 went to jail
29-May-07 Messersmith Charles Jumping Board Bill Fined $8.80 stayed by Melllisa Bassett
30-May-07 Barrott Ed Drunk Fined $25.00 went to jail
30-May-07 Brannon Lulia Adultry Fined $8.80 went to jail
30-May-07 Davis Elmer Adultry Fined $8.80 went to jail
30-May-07 Ferrier Charles Adultry Fined $8.80 stayed by Wiley Means
30-May-07 Thompson Srella Adultry Fined $8.80 went to jail
01-Jun-07 Frier Jim Drunk Fined $8.80
01-Jun-07 Joyce Henry Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
01-Jun-07 Mahan John Insane Jail
01-Jun-07 Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $12.80 went to jail stayed by Mrs thurston
01-Jun-07 Spurlin Clarence Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
02-Jun-07 Polin John Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Elmer Bassett
02-Jun-07 Ricer Charles Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
05-Jun-07 Kinney John Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
05-Jun-07 Runche John Drunk Fined $12.60 went to jail
08-Jun-07 Gordon Harry Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by his father
08-Jun-07 Traylor William Jumping Board Bill Paid
14-Jun-07 Weed Clark Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by his father
15-Jun-07 Applegate Harvey Child Desertion Dismissed
15-Jun-07 Fike Henry Drunk Fined $8.40
16-Jun-07 Berry Bill Drunk Fined $8.40 went to jail
20-Jun-07 Kendell Otto Assualt & Battery on his father-in-law Fined $8.80
20-Jun-07 Kendell Otto Surety of peace Dismissed
21-Jun-07 Lions William Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
21-Jun-07 Orbaugh Ono L__ting Fined $100 and 95days in jail, jail suspended sentence
21-Jun-07 Phillips Frank L__ting Fined $100 and 95days in jail, jail suspended sentence
21-Jun-07 Stevens John Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
25-Jun-07 Ephraim Knut Provoke not Guilty
27-Jun-07 Golden Perry Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by his mother
28-Jun-07 Bassett Edward Drunk Fined $100 or 30days in jail by Mayor
28-Jun-07 Golden Perry Assualt & battery Fined $10.80 went to jail
01-Jul-07 Lyons Lloyd Drunk Fined $15.00 went to jail
01-Jul-07 Victor Charlie Drunk Fined $15.00 went to jail
01-Jul-07 Wilson Isaac Drunk Fined $20.00 went to jail
05-Jul-07 Polen John Drunk Fined $10.00 took appeal
06-Jul-07 Carney Golden Drunk Fined $7.80
06-Jul-07 Conrad Ed Robbery Bound over to court Got 1 - 8 years
06-Jul-07 Drake Walter Highway Robbery Dismissed
06-Jul-07 Griffith Joe Robbery Bound voer to court Got 1 - 8 years
06-Jul-07 Richardson Will Highway Robbery Dismissed
08-Jul-07 Cummins John Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
08-Jul-07 Curtis John Burglary Bound over to court
08-Jul-07 Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
10-Jul-07 Nash Rusty Assualt & Battery on Tom Smith Jr not Guilty
11-Jul-07 Brown John Violating city ordinances Dismissed
13-Jul-07 Harris Claud House breaking not Guilty
13-Jul-07 Parrish Charles House breaking not Guilty
13-Jul-07 Reed Dock Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail
13-Jul-07 Stilwell Frank House breaking Guilty 10 to 20 years sentence 7oct1907
17-Jul-07 Kiser Harrold Stealing watch of John Seifert Bound over to court
18-Jul-07 Meer Aldrich Stealing watch of John Oldfield Out on bond
19-Jul-07 Wilson Isaac Carrying concealed weapon Fined $100 went to jail
26-Jul-07 Polland George Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
27-Jul-07 Rose LL Assualt & Battery on Lafayette Williams Fined $8.80
27-Jul-07 Williams Lafeyette Assualt & Battery on LL Rose Fined $8.80
29-Jul-07 Bausback Ornen Assualt & Battery on Grant Phillips Fined $8.80
29-Jul-07 Ensley Frank Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
29-Jul-07 Holland Edward Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
29-Jul-07 Shaw James Violating city ordinances Dismissed
30-Jul-07 Bogerman Louis Violating city ordinances Dismissed
30-Jul-07 Borgen Frank Violating city ordinances Dismissed
31-Jul-07 Anderson Elizabeth Assualt & Battery on Mrs June Lmabert Fined $8.80
03-Aug-07 Neal George Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
04-Aug-07 Neal George Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week
05-Aug-07 Davis Rollie Assualt & Battery on Elmer Lealman
05-Aug-07 Lealman Elmer Assualt & Battery on Rollie Davis Fined $8.40 went to jail
07-Aug-07 Morris John H Loitering Fined $5.00 made leave town
07-Aug-07 Randall Burl Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by his father
07-Aug-07 Wilson Otto Drunk Fined $25.00
09-Aug-07 Handebeck Clara Living in a house of illfame
09-Aug-07 Handebeck Stella Keeping a house of illfame Fined $20.00 stayed
09-Aug-07 Johnston Wright Visiting a house of illfame Fined $20.00
10-Aug-07 Mullery William Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
10-Aug-07 Palmer Jasper Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail paid later
12-Aug-07 Gephart Lelie Drunk Fined $10.80 went to jail paid later
14-Aug-07 Gephart Lelie Carrying concealed weapon Fined $17.00
14-Aug-07 Lealman Elmer Profanity Fined $8.80 stayed by Harry Spiegel
16-Aug-07 _____ Edwin Loitering Fined $50.00
16-Aug-07 Bitner Arthur Loitering Fined $50.00 sent out of town
16-Aug-07 Cunningham Thomas Loitering Fined $50.00
16-Aug-07 Lange Fred Loitering Fined $50.00
16-Aug-07 McKinney Roy Loitering Fined $50.00
16-Aug-07 Potts Onnen Loitering Fined $50.00
16-Aug-07 Walker John Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by Mr Compton
17-Aug-07 Chapplow William Assualt & battery on Connie Davison Fined $8.80
17-Aug-07 Davison Connie Assualt & Battery on William Chaplow Fined $8.80
17-Aug-07 Davison Connie Carrying concealed weapon Not Guilty
17-Aug-07 Henrdricks Robert Drunk Fined $8.05
17-Aug-07 Henry William Assult & Battery on Mrs Jean Bartlett Fined $8.80 stayed
17-Aug-07 Rice Bub Drunk Stayed by George Hupp
17-Aug-07 Worland James Drunk Fined $8.80
18-Aug-07 Brown George Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
21-Aug-07 Brown Alice Provoke Fined $8.80 pay by week
24-Aug-07 Hill Vinnie Drunk Fined $8.05 went to jail
24-Aug-07 Rice Frank Drunk Fined $8.05 stayed Paid
25-Aug-07 Copell Samuel Visiting a house of illfame Fined $15.00
25-Aug-07 Paton Mary Living in a house of illfame Fined $11.00
26-Aug-07 Morgan Earnie Stealing not Guilty
28-Aug-07 Adams Roy Assualting George Brown Fined $15.00
28-Aug-07 Wiley Thomas Profanity
29-Aug-07 Hawiehaus Thomas Drunk Fined $7.80
31-Aug-07 Deal Tolivar Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by Earnie Peters
31-Aug-07 Fox Charles Assualt & battery on Hugh Alexander
31-Aug-07 Sexton Oliver Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed
31-Aug-07 Spurlin Clarence Assualt & battery on JohnStewart Fined $8.80 stayed
03-Sep-07 Matlock George Stealing horse & buggy from Chet Fox caught in Columbus Guilty 2 to 14years
04-Sep-07 Marshall James Assualting Officer Staskey Fined $25.00 jail
04-Sep-07 Marshall Stephan Assualting Dan Staskey Fined $25.00 jail
04-Sep-07 Schueden Al Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
04-Sep-07 Stewart John Assualt & battery on Clarence Spurlin Fined $8.80 paid
05-Sep-07 Hogue William Assualt & battery on John Howard Fined $8.80 went to jail
05-Sep-07 Howard John Assualt & battery on Charles Keith Fined $8.80 stayed
05-Sep-07 Keith Charles Assualt & battery on John Howard Fined $8.80 went to jail
05-Sep-07 Mallery Pete Assualt & battery on William Hogue Fined $8.80 stayed
06-Sep-07 Dailey Patrick Larceny Guilty sentenced 1 to 4 years
06-Sep-07 Neal Ed Drunk Fined $15.00 suspended sentence
06-Sep-07 Neal William Drunk Fined $8.05 stayed
06-Sep-07 Parrish Comes for Franklin man an old fine
06-Sep-07 Sawyer Wade Loitering Dismissed
06-Sep-07 Westmore Isaac Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed
06-Sep-07 Wilson Worth Drunk Fined $15.00 suspended sentence
07-Sep-07 Farley Henry Assualt & battery on Charles Byland Fined $8.05
07-Sep-07 Garber George Defrauding boarding house Fined $8.80 stayed
07-Sep-07 Joliff Samuel Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed
07-Sep-07 Sandifur Harry Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by his father
07-Sep-07 Ship William Assualt & battery on Mamie Ingesham not Guilty
09-Sep-07 Cenes Hershel Assualt & battery on Albert Cherry Fined $8.80
13-Sep-07 Hines John Drunk Fined $8.05 pay by the week
13-Sep-07 Jones Charles Assualt & battery on his wife Bound over to court Guilty
14-Sep-07 Fowler Henry Drunk Fined $8.05 pay by the week
14-Sep-07 Lingo Dan Cruelty to animals Fined $8.05 stayed
14-Sep-07 McGill James Drunk Fined $8.05 pay by the week
17-Sep-07 Griffith Thomas Drunk Paid $8.05 paid
17-Sep-07 Henderson William Drunk Fined $8.05 went to jail
19-Sep-07 Allen John Petty Larceny Fined $25.00 6 months in jail and sentence suspended
21-Sep-07 Adams Roy Assualt & battery on Ruben Brown Fined $8.80
21-Sep-07 Brown George Assualt & battery on Roy Adams not Guilty
21-Sep-07 Brown Ruben Assualt & battery on Roy Adams Fined $8.05 stayed
21-Sep-07 Caster Carrie Drunk Fined $7.05 pay by the week
21-Sep-07 Hendricks Robert Drunk Fined $8.80 paid
21-Sep-07 Higgins Evert Tresspass Fined $9.95 paid
21-Sep-07 Palmer Marshall Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
21-Sep-07 Richardson Bill Assualt & battery on Charles Anderson Fined $8.80 went to jail
22-Sep-07 Luther Cecil Jumping board bill Paid
23-Sep-07 Adams Roy Carrying concealed weapon Fined $12.50 stayed and mandate by J D Hass & Co. jail
23-Sep-07 Marshall Rob Assualt & battery on T Burton & Dan Staskey Fined $25.00 stayed by Will Kennedy
24-Sep-07 Henderson William Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
26-Sep-07 McNealy George Drunk Fined $8.05 stayed by EE Barton
26-Sep-07 Quigley John Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail
28-Sep-07 Anderson Albert Carrying concealed weapon Not Guilty
28-Sep-07 Casper George Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail
29-Sep-07 Ensley Frank Grand larceny Bound over to court Guiilty 2 to 14 years
29-Sep-07 Gray John Jumping board bill Fined $10.80 paid
30-Sep-07 McGibben Charles Drunk Fined $10.80 pay Saturday
02-Oct-07 Boger R F Assualt & battery on Tony Wilson Not Guilty
02-Oct-07 Means Ethel Assualt & battery on Tony Wilson Not Guilty
02-Oct-07 Shafer Fred Drunk Fined $8.05 jail
02-Oct-07 Smith Abner Drunk Fined $8.05 jail later stayed by his mother
03-Oct-07 Hahel Asno ? Giving away beer Fined $25.00
04-Oct-07 Carney Patrick Drunk Fined $ 9.80 went to jail
05-Oct-07 Fleming Willis Drunk Fined $7.05 stayed
06-Oct-07 Clingman Ed Drunk Fined $8.05 paid
07-Oct-07 Bradshaw Martha Stealing $10 in Greensburg 2 to 14 years
07-Oct-07 Riley Jacob Drunk Fined $8.05 went to jail
10-Oct-07 Smith William Forgery Went to Pen 2 to 14 years
11-Oct-07 Palmer Marshall Larceny Not Guilty
12-Oct-07 Jenkins Henry Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed
14-Oct-07 McNealy George Wife desertion Dismissed
22-Oct-07 Neal Ed Drunk Fined $10.85 went to jail
22-Oct-07 Reding George On Mandate Fined $10.85 went to jail
23-Oct-07 Reed Clark Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed by his father
24-Oct-07 Driscol Charlie Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed
28-Oct-07 Hogan Thomas On Mandate Settled
28-Oct-07 Wise John Drunk Fined $8.50 paid
29-Oct-07 Canney Patrick Drunk Jail
30-Oct-07 Shafer Fred Drunk Fined $8.50 pay by week
02-Nov-07 McGibbins Charles Drunk Fined $8.50
08-Nov-07 DeLong John Demanding the mail turned loose
08-Nov-07 Lions William Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
09-Nov-07 Lyons William Drunk Fined $8.80 jail
09-Nov-07 Willson Worth Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week
12-Nov-07 Tanney Pat Drunk Fined $10.50 left town
14-Nov-07 Nickles Frank Drunk Not Guilty
16-Nov-07 Barrott Ed Drunk Fined $15.00 stayed
16-Nov-07 Ivy Wesley Profanity Fined $8.80
16-Nov-07 Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $15.00 stayed by his brother
17-Nov-07 Cotton Charles Assualt & Battery on Ed Rinehart Fined $15.00
17-Nov-07 Rinehart Ed Assualt & battery on Charles Cotton Fined $15.00 stayed by his father
20-Nov-07 Kritser George Jumping board bill Paid
21-Nov-07 Johnson Joseph Drunk Fined $$8.90 paid
21-Nov-07 Vogt John Bastardy Settled Paid $100
24-Nov-07 Comstock George Associating Fined $20.00 stayed by parents
24-Nov-07 Emhold Clifford Associating Fined $20.00 stayed
24-Nov-07 Pendelton Leslie Associating Fined $5.00 stayed
24-Nov-07 Taylor Dollie Associating Fined $10.00
24-Nov-07 Thompson Albert Assualt & Battery on Martha Thompson Fined $9.80 stayed
24-Nov-07 Thompson Albert Profanity Dismissed
26-Nov-07 Brady Harry Cruelty to animals Wanted by greensburg police
30-Nov-07 Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $15.00 10days jail
02-Dec-07 Vanandoll Roy Selling whisky without liscence Fined $50.00
06-Dec-07 Kline Harry Drunk Fined $8.00 went to jail
06-Dec-07 Suponed two witness in Earnie Miller case
11-Dec-07 Davis Charles Stealing lap robe not Guilty
12-Dec-07 Motley James Keeping a dog that killed chickens Fined $17.50 stayed by his father
13-Dec-07 Fout William Drunk Fined $8.05
15-Dec-07 Murry George Provoke Fined $10.00 jail
16-Dec-07 Hilt Clifford Drunk Fined $9.65 stayed by Bill Moore
20-Dec-07 Greenlee William Drunk not Guilty
21-Dec-07 Bomont Tilford Provoke Fined $8.00 paid
21-Dec-07 Joyce Henry Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
22-Dec-07 Christenson Harry Gambling not Guilty
22-Dec-07 Collins William Shooting craps Fined $15.00 stayed
22-Dec-07 Fricker George Gambling not Guilty
22-Dec-07 Hogan John Shooting craps Fined $15.00 stayed
22-Dec-07 Hogan Morris Shooting craps not Guilty
22-Dec-07 Hogan Thomas Shooting craps not Guilty
22-Dec-07 Runyon Theodore Gambling not Guilty
23-Dec-07 Adams Roy Mandate Went to jail
23-Dec-07 Rice Charlie Stealing an overcoat from Russell Henshaw Bound over to court fined $10.00 and 10 day jail
23-Dec-07 Sadler Alvin Hunting without permit Fined $17.80 stayed
23-Dec-07 Stevens George Stealing an overcoat from Russell Henshaw Bound over to court fined $10.00 and 10 day jail
23-Dec-07 Williams Earl Hunting without permit Fined $17.80 stayed
24-Dec-07 Foley Dave Assualt & battery with intent to kill Indianapolis
24-Dec-07 Murry George Drawing dangerous and deadly weapon Fined $9.80 stayed by Maud Estis
28-Dec-07 Drake Walton Drunk Fined $7.90 stayed by his mother
28-Dec-07 Harris Albert Drunk Fined $7.90 stayed
28-Dec-07 Henry Ed Drunk Fined $7.90 stayed
30-Dec-07 Harris Major Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week
335 arrests made in 1907  
01-Jan-08 Thrakes Charles Selling whisky to minors Fined $20.00
01-Jan-08 Wallace Isiah Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by his father
02-Jan-08 Boyd Sam Jumping board bill Fined $7.80 stayed
02-Jan-08 Haehl George Selling whisky to minors Not Guilty
03-Jan-08 McGibbons Charles Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
03-Jan-08 Robertson Wash Drunk Fined $8.80
07-Jan-08 Adams Ray Jumping board bill Fined $8.80 went to jail
07-Jan-08 Dawson Ben Visiting a house of ill fame Negro left town
07-Jan-08 Miller Minnie Visiting a house of ill fame Jailed to appear
07-Jan-08 Shueden Allen Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 10 days in jail
10-Jan-08 Hoyt Kate Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $20.00
13-Jan-08 Marshall James Whipping his wife Fined $9.80 went to jail
14-Jan-08 Copple Anna Profanity Fined $13.00 took appeal
19-Jan-08 Lee Emma Living in adultry Not Guilty
20-Jan-08 Phillips Victor Drunk Fined $8.80
20-Jan-08 Scripture Newt Wife desertion Dismissed
21-Jan-08 Bogerman Louis Violating the health law Dismissed
21-Jan-08 Sidlinger Charles Violating the health law Fined $20.00 took appeal
22-Jan-08 Ites Travis Wife desertion Fined $10.00 paid
24-Jan-08 Byland Meriam Contempt Court 2 days in jail
25-Jan-08 Copple Tom Gambling Not Guilty
25-Jan-08 Gorden John Gambling Not Guilty
25-Jan-08 Krutz Kooney Gambling Not Guilty
27-Jan-08 Gallaway Herbert Assualting Clara Kiplinger Fined $15.00
27-Jan-08 Hey Aeshart Assualting Clara Kiplinger took to basment by his father and flogged case dismissed
27-Jan-08 Taylor Walter Drunk Fined $8.40 went to jail
30-Jan-08 Krisand Theodore Drunk Left town
31-Jan-08 Miller Phillip Trespass Fined $9.80
03-Feb-08 Knoot Ephraim Assualt & battery on Phillip Miller Not Guilty
03-Feb-08 Knufman Samuel Assualt & battery on Phillip Miller Dismissed
03-Feb-08 Rubin Samuel Assualt & battery on Phillip Miller Dismissed
05-Feb-08 Bomont Tillford Mandate Paid
08-Feb-08 Berry Bud Drunk Fined $8.40 went to jail
08-Feb-08 Miller Phillip Profanity Dismissed
10-Feb-08 Alby William Petty Larceny Not Guilty
14-Feb-08 Smith Hoke Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed
14-Feb-08 Wendleboe John Assualt & battery on Mrs Fred Moss Not Guilty
18-Feb-08 Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $12.65 went to jail
18-Feb-08 Rines Frank Whipping his wife Dismissed
20-Feb-08 Parker Newton D Passing fraudulant checks Waved Preliminary
20-Feb-08 Shafer Frank Jumping board bill Fined $8.80 went to jail
22-Feb-08 Barnett Harry Selling whisky without a licesence Fined $50.00 took appeal
22-Feb-08 Meer Alderich Breaking into A L Means store Went to Plainfield penn
24-Feb-08 Farrell John Drunk Fined $8.65
26-Feb-08 Neal Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
27-Feb-08 Clark Charlie Petty Larceny Fined $21.00 10days in jail
27-Feb-08 Phillips Garret Hopping trains Fined $8.30 stayed bySturley
27-Feb-08 Purvis Carl Petty Larceny 60 days in jail
29-Feb-08 Gordon Charlie Drunk Fined $15.00
06-Mar-08 Bassett Dock Drunk Fined $8.00 and 75 days in jail
09-Mar-08 Richardson Will Whipping his wife Dismissed
11-Mar-08 Kincade Martha E Shoplifting Fined $10.00 went to jail 30 days
11-Mar-08 Kincade Miss Lina Shoplifting Fined $10.00 suspended jail
11-Mar-08 Shafer Frank Drunk Fined $8.65 went to jail
12-Mar-08 Chessy Harry Obtaining money under false pretences Bound over to court Not Guilty
16-Mar-08 Piatt Nettice E Neglecting her children Fined $15.00 left town
19-Mar-08 Penn Willis Drunk Fined $17.80 negro
26-Mar-08 Kennerly Dallas Drunk Fined $8.40 stayed
26-Mar-08 Neal Ed Drunk Fined $17.80 went to jail
03-Apr-08 Wilson Issac Profanity Fined $11.00 went to jail
05-Apr-08 Irvin Jack Drunk Fined $8.40 stayed by Bill Clark
09-Apr-08 Albright William Drunk Fined $11.00 paid later
09-Apr-08 Sparks Amos Assualt & battery on Harry Morris Fined $8.80
10-Apr-08 Morris Harold Profanity Fined $54.00
10-Apr-08 Morris Harold Assualt & battery on Amos Sparks Fined $9.80
10-Apr-08 Wilson Bill Drunk Fined $11.00 stayed
10-Apr-08 Wilson Otto Drunk Fined $11.00 suspended sentence
11-Apr-08 Falkner Walter Assualt & battery on Roy Enders Fined $11.00 stayed
13-Apr-08 Mahan James Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed
13-Apr-08 Torrance Andrew Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
13-Apr-08 Williams Charles Obstructing the public highway
17-Apr-08 Adams Roy Provoke Fined $15.00 went to jail
17-Apr-08 Richardson Bill Mandate Jail
18-Apr-08 Robertson Washington Drunk Fined $12.60 went to jail
19-Apr-08 Fastlaben Joe Stealing whisky Fined $15.00 and 90 days in jail
19-Apr-08 Flohr Frank Stealing whisky Not Guilty
19-Apr-08 Mountz Nora Drunk Fined $15.00
19-Apr-08 Rice Anthony Drunk Fined $15.00 went to jail
19-Apr-08 Tolbert Jim Stealing whisky Not Guilty
20-Apr-08 Estis Madison Profanity Fined $9.80
21-Apr-08 Marshall James Mandate
23-Apr-08 Sexton Oliver Drunk Fined $8.25 stayed by George Leggett
27-Apr-08 Adams Jacob Visiting a gambling house Fined $100.00
27-Apr-08 Burgis Bill Visiting a gambling house Fined $15.00
27-Apr-08 Carney Charles Gambling Fined $15.00
27-Apr-08 Eads Jim Assualt & battery Fined $11.00 went to jail
27-Apr-08 Henry Edward Provoke Fined $11.00 stayed by John Henry
27-Apr-08 Henson Frank Stealing a bicycle Dismissed
27-Apr-08 Jackson Hershel Visiting a gambling house Fined $15.00
27-Apr-08 Krebs Fred Running a gambling house Fined $100.00
27-Apr-08 Miller Ed Visiting a gambling house Fined $20.00
27-Apr-08 Molder Bill Visiting a gambling house Fined $15.00
27-Apr-08 Phillips George Gambling Fined $15.00
27-Apr-08 Price Willard Gambling Fined $15.00
27-Apr-08 Washburn Earl Visiting a gambling house Fined $15.00
27-Apr-08 Westsick Bill Visiting a gambling house Fined $15.00
27-Apr-08 Wilson Thomas Drunk Fined $9.65 paid
28-Apr-08 Adams Roy Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail
28-Apr-08 Chueden Albert Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail
28-Apr-08 Eads William Drunk Fined $11.00 paid
28-Apr-08 Eads William Assualt & battery on Ed Henry Fined $11.00 paid
28-Apr-08 Grant Thomas Drunk Fined $8.95
01-May-08 Moore Charles Gambling Fined $15.00 stayed by John Butler
02-May-08 Jones Charles Drunk Fined $10.25 went to jail
02-May-08 Wallace Isiah Mandate Jail negro
05-May-08 Neal Ed Drunk Fined $13.30 went to jail
05-May-08 Richardson William Drawing a dangerous and deadly weapon Fined $11.00 pay by week
06-May-08 Rice Abner Mandate Jail
07-May-08 Fleming Ed Loitering $115.00 left town
07-May-08 Shull William Drunk Fined $9.00 paid
11-May-08 Henry John Assualt & battery on George Jackson Dismissed
11-May-08 Stafford Albert Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Wilber Stafford
11-May-08 Talbert James Assualt & battery on Dud Ensley Fined $8.75 paid
12-May-08 Callahan George Loitering Dismissed and made to leave town
12-May-08 Hilt Clifford Mandate Paid
14-May-08 Comstock Evert Hopping trains Fined $9.80 stayed by his father
23-May-08 Martin Branch Assualt & battery on his wife Fined $9.00 jail, negro later stayed by Warren Good
25-May-08 Swit Michael Assualt & battery on Paul Craig Fined $9.80 paid
27-May-08 Callahan Dan Drunk Fined $8.75
27-May-08 Comstock John Provoke Fined $9.05 paid
28-May-08 Thompson John Provoke Fined $20.00 paid
30-May-08 Gibbons John Drunk Fined $7.00 paid
30-May-08 Jones Ida Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 & 30days in jail
31-May-08 Jones Clarah Living in a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 & 30days in jail suspended
02-Jun-08 Kating Patrick Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
02-Jun-08 Taylor Dollie Associating Turned over to juvenile court
02-Jun-08 Thrasher Walter Associating Fined $20.50 stayed by Will Thrasher
03-Jun-08 Kincade Anna Visiting a house of illfame Fined$15.00 10days in jail
04-Jun-08 Becker Dan Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed
07-Jun-08 Scott Homer Bastardy Complemised
08-Jun-08 Bright Jane Living in a house of ill fame Dismissed
08-Jun-08 Hoyt Kate Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 stayed
08-Jun-08 Ingram H.D. Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 suspended sentence
08-Jun-08 Shields Daisy Living in a house of ill fame Fined$15.00 stayed
10-Jun-08 Kating Pat Drunk Fined $13.50 went to jail
10-Jun-08 Thurston Melvin Drunk Fined $9.25 went to jail
10-Jun-08 Wilson Issac Breaking jail Reward $25.00
11-Jun-08 Sullivan Owen Drunk Fined $8.35 went to jail
12-Jun-08 Knight Walter Wife desertion Dismissed
13-Jun-08 Ensley Dud Drunk Fined $7.70 paid
13-Jun-08 Havens Samuel Stealing a watch
13-Jun-08 Platt Mrs Lou Malicious trespass Dismissed
13-Jun-08 Swartzberg George Stealing a watch
13-Jun-08 Taylor William Whipping his wife Dismissed
16-Jun-08 Bailey Morton Assualt & battery on Ed McCasity Not Guilty
16-Jun-08 Haines Clyde Stealing a pair of shoes Guilty out on parole
16-Jun-08 Ivy Roselle Assualt & battery on Mrs Frank Pettit Fined $7.00 paid
16-Jun-08 McCasity Ed Assualt & battery on Morton Bailey
16-Jun-08 Spaulding Warren Assualt & battery on Ed McCasity Fined $9.50 went to jail
17-Jun-08 Bruce Wood Selling beer to a minor William Smithers Not Guilty
26-Jun-08 Laird L.J. Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
30-Jun-08 Irvine Jack Drunk Fined $9.50 stayed by Len Williams
01-Jul-08 Golding Perry Desertion of Army $50.00 reward
02-Jul-08 Campbell Hurley Whipping his wife Fined $9.80
06-Jul-08 Clark Art Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines Fined $8.80 Took appeal & dismissed
06-Jul-08 Manson William Carrying a concealed wepon Fined $8.75
06-Jul-08 Stahl Andrew Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines Not Guilty
06-Jul-08 Veach Charles Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines Fined $8.80 Took appeal & dismissed
07-Jul-08 Harris Major Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines Not Guilty
07-Jul-08 Stohl Andrew Drunk Fined $8,75 stayed by his father
07-Jul-08 Stohl Andrew Assualt & battery on Kate Hoyt Fined $20.00 stayed by his father
08-Jul-08 Humphries Ina Assualt & battery on John Mahley
08-Jul-08 Humphries Ina Profanity Took appeal, paid later
08-Jul-08 Lyons William Drunk Fined $8.60 went to jail
08-Jul-08 Mahley Jacob Assualt & battery on Ina Humphries Fined $9.80
08-Jul-08 Mahley Jacob Profanity Fined $9.80
08-Jul-08 Mahley John Assualt & battery on Ina Humphries Fined $9.80
08-Jul-08 Mahley John Profanity Fined $9.80
08-Jul-08 Slucher Frank Drunk Fined $8.50 went to jail
08-Jul-08 Stites David Provoke Not Guilty
08-Jul-08 Stites William Drunk Fined $8.60 went to jail
08-Jul-08 Talbert James Assualt & battery on Hattie Hogan Fined $30.00 stayed by his father
08-Jul-08 Talbert James Drunk Fined $8.00
10-Jul-08 Fusilman Edward Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines Dismissed
10-Jul-08 Fusilman Frank Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines
11-Jul-08 Jackson Andrew Assualt & battery on Leslie Patterson Fined $ $9.45 negro
11-Jul-08 Rice Henry Drunk Fined $8.50 Stayed BY Val Welsh
12-Jul-08 Bomant Tillford Whipping his wife Failed to appear later fined $11.00 30 days in jail
12-Jul-08 Moonan Frank Blocking public highway Fined $11.00
16-Jul-08 Raymond Frank Drunk Fined $8.75 went to jail
18-Jul-08 Oldfield John Profanity Fined $10.40 stayed by Judge Hoard
19-Jul-08 Billman Ed Drunk Fined $9.00
20-Jul-08 Bomant Tillford Wife desertion
20-Jul-08 Oldfield John Assualt & battery on George Richmond Dismissed
20-Jul-08 Parrish Charlie Assualt & battery on Russell Maple Dismissed
20-Jul-08 Patterson Leslie Assualt & battery on Andrew Jackson
20-Jul-08 Reed Ralph Assualt & battery on Russell Maple Fined $8.00
20-Jul-08 Robertson Frank Assualt & battery on Russell Maple Fined $8.80
20-Jul-08 Schmoor Harry Assualt & battery on Russell Maple Dismissed
20-Jul-08 Tharp Frank Profanity Fined $8.80 went to jail
21-Jul-08 Kincade Anna Prositute Fined $30.00 30days jail or suspend sentence & leave county
21-Jul-08 Spicer George Associating Dismissed
22-Jul-08 Parrish Charles Provoke Dismissed
22-Jul-08 Reed Ralph Provoke Fined $11.00
22-Jul-08 Robertson Frank Provoke Dismissed
22-Jul-08 Robinson Otho Public indecency
22-Jul-08 Schmoor Harry Provoke Dismissed
23-Jul-08 Morgan Earl Larceny 1 to 8 years in Pen
23-Jul-08 Wallace Isiah Stopping trains Fined $11.00
25-Jul-08 Baxter William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Joe Baxter
25-Jul-08 Cramer Oscar Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Fisher B. Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Gatewood Charles Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Goff William Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Henry Ed Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Johnston Charles Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Lowery Joseph Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 McAsley Henry Running Gambling house Fined $100.00
25-Jul-08 McKinney Bert Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 McKinney Frank Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Phillips Drunk Fined $8.50
25-Jul-08 Rice Abner Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Talbert Jay Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Thompson George Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Williams Orlando Gambling Fined $15.00
25-Jul-08 Williams Oscar Permitting gambling Fined $20.00
25-Jul-08 Worland George Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Arno Haehl
27-Jul-08 Gordon Albert Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
27-Jul-08 Gordon Albert Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Harry Nellis
27-Jul-08 Hutchison Paul Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
27-Jul-08 Morrow Fred Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
27-Jul-08 Morton Ballard Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
27-Jul-08 Runshe Lis Carrying a concealed wepon Fined $9.00 stayed by Kate Hoyt
27-Jul-08 Wills Fred Whipping his wife Dismissed
29-Jul-08 Hutchison Paul Wife desertion Dismissed
29-Jul-08 Rice Alonzo Drunk Fined $8.80
29-Jul-08 Williams Bob Gambling Dismissed
01-Aug-08 Corwin Elizabeth Profanity Fined $8.00
02-Aug-08 Carrigan Thomas Drunk Fined $9.80
02-Aug-08 Colee Thomas Drunk Fined $13.50 went to jail
03-Aug-08 Andrews Frederick Assualt & battery on Maurice Peterson Fined $8.45
04-Aug-08 Morton Ballard Carrying a concealed wepon Fined $23.00 went to jail later stayed by Butler
06-Aug-08 Parker Frank Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed
11-Aug-08 Henderson James Assualt & battery on John Hines Fined $9.00 stayed
11-Aug-08 Hines John Profanity Fined $8.00
12-Aug-08 Garrity Anna Beating board bill Fined $9.80 paid
12-Aug-08 Sheppell Vinnie Bastardy Guilty took appeal, later settled
13-Aug-08 Lee John Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed by Rob Dubaun
13-Aug-08 Tanney Pat Drunk Fined $8.50
14-Aug-08 Hunt Eliott Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail stayed by Roy Vansdoll
14-Aug-08 Johnson George Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail paid later
14-Aug-08 Smith Polk Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Val Schoelch
15-Aug-08 Colsher Tom Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
15-Aug-08 McGibbon Charles Drunk Fined $8.75 went to jail paid later
15-Aug-08 Stewart Joseph Drunk Fined $8.75
16-Aug-08 Griffith Carl Breaking into Frank Grays saloon Turned over to Juvenil court went to Plainfield prision
16-Aug-08 Parrish Clarence Breaking into Frank Grays saloon Turned over to Juvenil court
17-Aug-08 Hensen Frank Drunk
18-Aug-08 Patton Walter Burgulary 1 to 8 years suspended sentence
25-Aug-08 Henry Ed Hunting without a permit Dismissed
25-Aug-08 Hilt Clifford Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by John Butler
27-Aug-08 Daniels Charles Drunk Fined $8.50
29-Aug-08 Marsh James Malicious trespass Dismissed
29-Aug-08 Turner James Malicious trespass Dismissed
29-Aug-08 Weakley Ed Malicious trespass Dismissed
30-Aug-08 Eads Henry Drunk Fined $8.75
30-Aug-08 Lyons William Drunk Fined $10.00 stayed
31-Aug-08 McKinney Julia Assualt & battery on Nan Valentine Fined $9.00
31-Aug-08 Valentine Nan Assualt & battery on Mrs McKinney Not Guilty
01-Sep-08 Taggart Ben Jumping board bill Fined $5.80 went to jail
04-Sep-08 Foster Charles Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
04-Sep-08 Pruit Elmer Running gambling device at fair grounds Dismissed
04-Sep-08 Sherwood John Running gambling device at fair grounds Dismissed
04-Sep-08 Swanagan Tom Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail
08-Sep-08 Marshall James Assualt & battery on James Bailey Fined $8.50
12-Sep-08 Coslen Cist Profanity Fined $9.50 went to jail
12-Sep-08 Logan Carl Assualt & battery on wife Dismissed
12-Sep-08 Maple Millard Assualt & battery on Paul Vanarsdal Fined $9.00 stayed
13-Sep-08 Neal James Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed by Val Schoelch
15-Sep-08 Hansley Frank Provoke Fined $9.00 stayed
15-Sep-08 Robins Will Assualt & battery Fined $8.50 stayed
16-Sep-08 Patrick Ganville V Practicing medicine without a license Fined $10.00 stayed by Mr King
19-Sep-08 Carson Charles F Putting dead fish on lots Fined $100.00 took appeal dismissed
19-Sep-08 Henry George Putting dead fish on lots Dismissed
19-Sep-08 Spark Amos Assualt & battery on James Morrison Fined $9.00 stayed by father
20-Sep-08 Amos Fred Sending in a false fire alarm Fined $100.00 $25.00 reward
22-Sep-08 Brown Edgar Drunk Fined $9.50
23-Sep-08 Walton Virgilis Beating board bill Fined $9.50
24-Sep-08 Traylor William Jumping board bill Fined $8.50 stayed by Ed Limpus
24-Sep-08 Traylor William Deserting wife & children Dismissed
27-Sep-08 Haehl Arno Allowing minors in saloon
27-Sep-08 Mill Charles Drunk Fined $9.00 paid later
29-Sep-08 Fitzpatrick Dock Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
29-Sep-08 Hendricks Bob Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
30-Sep-08 Cuse Arla Assult & battery on Dan Lingo Fined $9.00 stayed by his mother
30-Sep-08 Pickway Hershel Drunk Fined $18.00 went to jail paid later
30-Sep-08 Rincon Paul Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Albert Griffey
30-Sep-08 Sullivan Ed Drunk Fined $18.00 went to jail
01-Oct-08 Lingo Dan Profanity Dismissed
04-Oct-08 Abe Schneider Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail
04-Oct-08 Golding Harry Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail
04-Oct-08 Porterfield Bill Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail
05-Oct-08 Hamilton Baston Selling tobacco to boys Fined $20.00
05-Oct-08 Hamilton Thomas Selling tobacco to children Fined $20.00
05-Oct-08 Heck Elvin Selling tobacco to boys Fined $20.00
05-Oct-08 Hendrickson Sanders Selling tobacco to boys Fined $20.00
05-Oct-08 Keeling John Selling tobacco to boys Fined $20.00
05-Oct-08 Labarbera Sam Selling tobacco to boys Fined $20.00
05-Oct-08 Vanway Harry Selling tobacco to boys Not Guilty
06-Oct-08 Gaines Dock Assualt & battery to Glen Cook Fined $9.00 stayed
11-Oct-08 Ingram Hardin Drunk Fined $9.10
11-Oct-08 Willis Harrold Exceeding the speed limit auto Dismissed
14-Oct-08 Winkles Edger Carrying a concealed wepon Fined $8.90
14-Oct-08 Winkles Edger Drunk Fined $9.00
17-Oct-08 Evans Peter Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
17-Oct-08 Moran Joe Assualt & battery with intent to kill James Goldey
19-Oct-08 Kinney Bob Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
19-Oct-08 Laws Elsie Jumping board bill Fined $9.00 went to jail
21-Oct-08 Ross John Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Clint Penser
21-Oct-08 Worland Jim Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Clint Penser
22-Oct-08 Worland Jim Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Clint Penser
23-Oct-08 Thawley Charles Wife desertion Not Guilty
24-Oct-08 Maloney James Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
25-Oct-08 Worland Joseph Hoping trains Fined $9.00 stayed by Sarah Cassidy
27-Oct-08 Bonmont Tillford Assualt & battery on Otto Lennord Fined $11.00 stayed
01-Nov-08 McGinnis Wesley Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by John Butler
02-Nov-08 Henry Ed Getting goods under false pretenses Settled
02-Nov-08 Logan Carol Assualting his wife Dismissed
04-Nov-08 Fout Will Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Henry Hatmaker
04-Nov-08 Worland Jerry Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
05-Nov-08 Fitzpatrick Dock Assualt & battery Jail negro
05-Nov-08 Good Archie Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Ed Chapman
05-Nov-08 Morton Ballard Mandate Jail negro
06-Nov-08 Stevens Walter Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Jim Smith
07-Nov-08 Evans John Wife desertion Indianapolis
07-Nov-08 Godard Jim Drunk Fined $9.60 went to jail
09-Nov-08 Estis Laffayette Profanity Fined $10.00
09-Nov-08 McGibbins Charles Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail
10-Nov-08 Shafer Frank Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail
13-Nov-08 Burk John Drunk Fined $8.00 went to jail
13-Nov-08 Golding Harry Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
13-Nov-08 Miller William Forgery Not Guilty
13-Nov-08 Pettit Bob Assualt & battery on Mabel Nugent Fined $10.00 suspended
13-Nov-08 Redine George Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Jim Henry
24-Nov-08 Phillips Clark Jumping board bill Fined $9.80 stayed by Claud Fix
05-Dec-08 Worland Jerry Surety of peace Gave bond
07-Dec-08 Carney John Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Restraunt man
07-Dec-08 Metsan Fred Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
07-Dec-08 Shuman William Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
12-Dec-08 Glove Lon Wife desertion Dismissed
12-Dec-08 Golding Harry Assualt & Battery on William Pollard Fined $18.00 went to jail
12-Dec-08 Pollard William Assualt & Battery on Harry Golding Fined $9.00 stayed by his father
12-Dec-08 Pollard Willis Assualt & Battery on Harry Golding Fined $9.00 paid
12-Dec-08 Taylor Harry Assualt & Battery on Harry Golding Fined $9.00 went to jail
16-Dec-08 Smith William Drunk Fined $9.00
17-Dec-08 Collins Leone Provoking Mrs Birtha Collins Not Guilty
17-Dec-08 Collins Lucie Provoking Mrs Birtha Collins Guilty took appeal
18-Dec-08 Curtin Gail Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
19-Dec-08 Pollard Henry Provoke Dismissed
20-Dec-08 Beckley Rose Assualt & battery on George Comstock Fined $9.00 went to jail
20-Dec-08 Comstock George Assualt & battery on Rose Beckley Fined $9.00 went to jail
21-Dec-08 Davis Wancie Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
21-Dec-08 Handley Frank Jumping board bill Fined $9.00 went to jail
21-Dec-08 Nisel Sam Drunk Fined $9.00 paid
21-Dec-08 Phillips Charles Petty larceny Fined $9.00 went to jail
21-Dec-08 Rickets Jack Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Cate Sherman
23-Dec-08 Logan Carl Profanity Left town
24-Dec-08 Evans Tobe Assualt & Battery on Jim Gordon Fined $9.00
24-Dec-08 Logan Carl Surety of peace
25-Dec-08 Faulkner Walter Assualt & battery on Albert Taylor Fined $9.00
25-Dec-08 Taylor Albert Assualt & Battery on Walter Faulkner Fined $9.00
26-Dec-08 Romerat Harry Profanity
28-Dec-08 Bowls H.D. Drunk Fined $9.00 made to leave town
29-Dec-08 Calloway Logor Assualt & battery Fined $9.00
30-Dec-08 Handley Frank Jumping board bill Fined $9.00 paid
31-Dec-08 Glenn Harry Drunk Fined $8.00 pay by week
367 arrests made in 1908  
28-Jan-08 Jackson Elane Forgery Sentenced to Michigan City 2 to 14 years
28-Mar-08 Greenly William Drunk Fined $9.80
1-Jan-09 Miller Elmer H Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
5-Jan-09 Smith Willis Drunk Fined $9.00
7-Jan-09 Davis Arthur Drawing dangerous weapon
9-Jan-09 Miller William Drunk Fined $8.50
17-Jan-09 Comstock Evert Deserting army Fined $50.00
18-Jan-09 Leigh John Assault on Charlie Whipple Fined $9.00 pay by week
19-Jan-09 Leigh Jessie Assault on Charlie Whipple Fined $9.00 pay by week
19-Jan-09 Ray Albert Drunk Fined $8.50
25-Jan-09 Handley Frank Assault & battery on Bill Stafford Fined $9.00 went to jail later stayed by William Benefield
25-Jan-09 Talbert James Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail
26-Jan-09 Burkhart Edward Assault & battery on Esta Bass Fined $9.25 stayed by Tom Wilson
4-Feb-09 Wilson Bill Drunk Dismissed
5-Feb-09 Payne Edna Living in adultery Dismissed
5-Feb-09 Payne Holland Living in adultery Dismissed
6-Feb-09 Coppel Thomas Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by _____ Rhodes
7-Feb-09 Houston Byran Drunk Dismissed soldier at Ft Ben Harrison
8-Feb-09 Dorsey Connie Drunk Fined $9.50 negro
8-Feb-09 Dorsey Thomas Drunk Not guilty negro
9-Feb-09 Snodgrass John N Drunk Fined $9.00
15-Feb-09 Baxter William Larceny Fined $10.00 30 day suspended sentence
17-Feb-09 Cushing Ernest Larceny Fined $10.00 30 day suspended sentence
20-Feb-09 Austin Arthur D Desertion $25.00 reward
21-Feb-09 Drake Walter Stealing chickens Guilty 1 to 8 years Jeffersonville prison
21-Feb-09 Valentine Bill Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Joe Thomas
21-Feb-09 Walker Cary Stealing chickens Guilty 1 to 8 years Jeffersonville prison
22-Feb-09 Sullivan Edward Passing fraudulent checks Dismissed
23-Feb-09 Coleman Harry Receiving stolen goods Not guilty
24-Feb-09 Lynch George Wife desertion Not Guilty
24-Feb-09 Pardon Bertha Living in adultery Fined $33.00 went to jail
27-Feb-09 Burbon James Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail
27-Feb-09 Jackson Manuel Shooting with intent to kill Stephan Marshall
27-Feb-09 Jackson Manuel Killing Luther Marshall
27-Feb-09 Maloney James Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail
27-Feb-09 Marshall Stephan Shooting with intent to kill Manuel Jackson
27-Feb-09 VanHook James Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail
4-Mar-09 Draise Arthur Assualt & battery on Ina Lee Fined $9.00
6-Mar-09 Anderson Virgil Running a Blind Tiger Fined $50.00 & 30days in jail, took appeal fined $80.00
6-Mar-09 Bennette George Raising Check Suspended sentence
6-Mar-09 Henry John L Violating election law Not guilty
6-Mar-09 Nail Martin Violating election law Not guilty
6-Mar-09 Right Bob Violating election law Not guilty
6-Mar-09 Smith Gashani Violating election law Not guilty
9-Mar-09 Golding Jack Assualt & battery on James Wood Fined $8.75
9-Mar-09 Hartihed Leo Assualt & battery on Oscar Williams Dismissed
12-Mar-09 Allen John Drunk Fined $9.00 negro stayed by Albert James
12-Mar-09 Miller Thomas Assualt & battery on Will Ash Fined $9.00 stayed by William Nue
12-Mar-09 Reed Walter S Drunk Fined $8.75
13-Mar-09 Ashton Tony Drunk Fined $9.00 paid
13-Mar-09 Carson Hurchel Assualt & battery on Tom Cotton Not guilty
14-Mar-09 Stewart Joe Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Steven Morse
16-Mar-09 Aulby William Assualt on Mrs Florence Walker Not Guilty
16-Mar-09 Kline Harry Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail
18-Mar-09 Logan Will Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Sandifur
20-Mar-09 Kern Harry Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by John Butler
20-Mar-09 Walker Charles Drunk Fined $9.00 Stayed father
22-Mar-09 Henry Tom Drunk Fined $9.00 negro stayed by Charles Comstock
25-Mar-09 McGibbon Charles Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
25-Mar-09 Shuler William Drunk Fined $9.00
1-Apr-09 Gahaimer Gus Drunk Fined $8.75 stayed by Bill Nue
10-Apr-09 Bratcher James Drunk Fined $9.00
10-Apr-09 Krigler Rhet Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Henry Friday
14-Apr-09 Hobin Theadore Drunk Fined $9.00
14-Apr-09 Sawyer William Drunk Fined $9.00
16-Apr-09 Jones Charles Drunk Fined $10.00
20-Apr-09 Stephens Floyd Board bill Fined $8.50
24-Apr-09 Partlow Jack Maintaining a nuicense Dismissed
26-Apr-09 Davis Arthur Assualt & battery on Chas Greenle Took appeal dismissed
26-Apr-09 Wigley Arthur Drunk Fined $9.00
28-Apr-09 Williams Earl Whipping his wife Fined $9.00 stayed by his mother
1-May-09 Scott John Provoking Thomas Swafford Fined $9.80
3-May-09 Fowler James Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by O L Means
4-May-09 Sparks Henry Associating Not guilty
9-May-09 Brown George Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by George Barger
10-May-09 Hauck John W Drunk Fined $8.80
10-May-09 LaLain Bill Drunk Fined $9.80
11-May-09 Earl Albert Drunk Fined $9.80
13-May-09 Brown John Whipping his wife Fined $9.80 went to jail
13-May-09 Clayton Landy Drunk Fined $9.80
13-May-09 Fogerty John Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by A L Means
14-May-09 Keller Adolf Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.80 went to jail
14-May-09 Schmore Charlie Employing young person in factory Fined $9.80
14-May-09 Schmore Charlie Interfering with factory inspection Fined $9.80
17-May-09 Lingenholm Albert Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
18-May-09 Smith Elijah Assualt & battery Dismissed
18-May-09 Wells Lucinda Assualt & battery Dismissed
19-May-09 Davis Rolin Carrying concealed weapons Dismissed
23-May-09 Stephens Floyd Embezzlement 1 - 8 years Jeffersonville Prison suspended
25-May-09 Borden Maud Associating No trial
25-May-09 Itze Dona Associating No trial
25-May-09 Smith John Associating Fined $20.00
27-May-09 Worth Elmer Drunk Fined $9.00
2-Jun-09 Patton Sarah J Assualt & battery on Goldie Patton Fined $10.00
3-Jun-09 Gordon John A Drunk Fined $9.00
3-Jun-09 Harvey Dora Visiting a house of ill fame Dismissed
3-Jun-09 Taylor Dolly Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $10.00 30 days in jail
3-Jun-09 Williams Charles Visiting a house of ill fame 30 days in jail suspended
3-Jun-09 Williams Fay Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $90.00 30 day jail suspended
6-Jun-09 Worland Nathan Whipping his wife Fined $9.00 jail suspended
7-Jun-09 Golding Harry Surety of the peace 3 months in jail
8-Jun-09 Glora Alonza Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
8-Jun-09 Luther Andrew Assualt & battery on Alonzo Talbert Fined $9.00 later stayed
8-Jun-09 Smith Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Gus Hurchel
10-Jun-09 Miller Louis Assualt & battery on Ben Whaley JR Not guilty
10-Jun-09 Miller Phillip Assualt & battery on Ben Whaley JR Not guilty
14-Jun-09 Bright Jane Fornication
14-Jun-09 Greenwood Jim Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by John House
17-Jun-09 Lyons William Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
17-Jun-09 Shaw William Drunk Fined $9.80
19-Jun-09 Ellis Fred Violating factory laws Fined $10.00
20-Jun-09 Croley Stephen Drunk Fined $9.00
21-Jun-09 Geyheymer Gus Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Rands Heland
22-Jun-09 Hind Hays Whipping his wife Fined $9.00
23-Jun-09 Bogernan Louis Violating _____ ______ law
23-Jun-09 Gully John Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
23-Jun-09 Smith Poke Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed
26-Jun-09 Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail
28-Jun-09 Eads William Drunk Fined $9.50 paid
28-Jun-09 Keith Charles Drunk Fined $9.50 paid
30-Jun-09 James William Drunk Fined $9.00 pay by week
30-Jun-09 Lyons William Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail
3-Jul-09 Carlyle Scott Discharging fire arm withing city limits Fined $15.00 mayor
3-Jul-09 Kline Harry Loitering Made to leave town
3-Jul-09 Long Harry Drunk Fined $9.50 stayed by Elmer Hurst
5-Jul-09 Hancock Scott Jumping board bill Fined $9.00 went to jail
5-Jul-09 Lyons Harry Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.00 stayed
7-Jul-09 Givens Irwin Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
7-Jul-09 Hewn Edward Mandate Fined $11.00 paid later
8-Jul-09 Beckman Dan Provoke Dismissed
8-Jul-09 Roberts Frank Assualt & battery on Dan Beckman Not Guilty
9-Jul-09 Georgia Ed Carrying concealed weapons Fined $13.00
9-Jul-09 Georgia Ed Surety of the peace Dismissed agreed to leave town
10-Jul-09 Good Archie Mandate Jail 10 days
11-Jul-09 Johnson A S Larceny home St Louis Dismissed
11-Jul-09 Kline Harry Mandate Jail 115 days
12-Jul-09 Ha_____K Scott Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.00
13-Jul-09 Becker Sherman Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
13-Jul-09 Cherden Ed Drunk Fined $9.80
13-Jul-09 Pitcher John Stealing brass at Rushville
16-Jul-09 Baxter Atha Provoking Mrs Gieger Dismissed
16-Jul-09 Baxter Charles Assualt & battery on Mrs Gieger Dismissed
17-Jul-09 Bundt William Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail
21-Jul-09 Seals Bud Jumping board bill Fined $9.80 went to jail
22-Jul-09 Williams John House breaking
24-Jul-09 Ensley Link Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
24-Jul-09 Lemasters N_____ Loitering Given a talk and made to go home
25-Jul-09 Anderson May Associating Sent home
25-Jul-09 Baxter Bill Associating Given a talking by the mayor and sent home
25-Jul-09 Clapp Ethal Associating Made to leave town
25-Jul-09 Collins Fred Associating Given a talk and made to go home
28-Jul-09 Sheppard Vennie Assualt & battery on James Howell Fined $10.00
30-Jul-09 Runche Jack Drunk Fined $9.00
2-Aug-09 Conway John F Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by F________
2-Aug-09 Neal Ed Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail
2-Aug-09 Smith William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Lou Ballard
2-Aug-09 Stewart Joe Drunk Fined $9.00
3-Aug-09 Doty Albert Drunk Fined $9.00
3-Aug-09 Shuler William Drunk Fined $9.00
6-Aug-09 Colclasere Thomas Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
7-Aug-09 Evans Pete Drunk Fined $8.45 went to jail
9-Aug-09 Evans George Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
9-Aug-09 Logan Bill Drunk Fined $10.00 stayed by Wes Sandefur
11-Aug-09 Baxter William E Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Joe Baxter
13-Aug-09 Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail
14-Aug-09 Murray George Jumping board bill Fined $9.00 negro
23-Aug-09 Willson William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by his father
29-Aug-09 Lee Odell Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.80
30-Aug-09 Foster Charles Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
1-Sep-09 Wainscott Basal Stealing wheel Fined $25.00 went to jail
2-Sep-09 Fox Samuel Drunk Fined $8.45 went to jail
3-Sep-09 Avery Dudley Drunk Fined $9.75 stayed
3-Sep-09 Heifman John Drunk Fined $8.75
4-Sep-09 Browning Bob Drunk Fined $8.00 went to jail
4-Sep-09 Champ James Drunk Fined $9.00
4-Sep-09 Forbes Ethel Act of delinquency Wanted in Indianapolis
4-Sep-09 Neal John Drunk Fined $9.00
4-Sep-09 Penworth Hugh Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
4-Sep-09 Wertrie William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by John Schoelch
4-Sep-09 Woodman Vennie Burgulary 10 - 20 years real name Bert Waterford
4-Sep-09 Worland James Drunk Fined $9.00
6-Sep-09 Ivy Russell Assualt & battery on Harry Jameson Fined $9.00 stayed
6-Sep-09 Runche John Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Chris Runche
6-Sep-09 Wicker John Riding on the sidewalk Fined $10.00 stayed
7-Sep-09 Edwards Ralph Practicing embalming with a license Not guilty
11-Sep-09 Hey Erhard Assualt & battery on Sutherland Fined $9.00 stayed by John Brill
12-Sep-09 Fleming Edward Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail
12-Sep-09 Meloney Jim Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail
12-Sep-09 Miller William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Sam Oldfield
12-Sep-09 Spurlin Clarence Profanity
13-Sep-09 Lingo Dan Assualt & battery on Ed Fleming Fined $9.00 stayed by Isaac Cox
15-Sep-09 Kennedy Sammy Riding on the sidewalk Fined $8.50 pay by week
16-Sep-09 Miller George Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
16-Sep-09 Olmstead Ed Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail
25-Sep-09 Lyons William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed
3-Oct-09 Smith Bill Drunk Fined $8.75 stayed by Lou Ballard
5-Oct-09 Kennedy Sam Mandate Went to jail
7-Oct-09 Bailey Charles Drunk Fined $8.75
9-Oct-09 Cartwright George Drunk Fined $9.00
9-Oct-09 Ewick Thomas Drawing knife Fined $9.00
10-Oct-09 Dial Toliver Drunk Fined $8.75
10-Oct-09 Long Harry Drunk Fined $25.00 went to jail
10-Oct-09 Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail
12-Oct-09 Neal Mrs Lean Profanity Dismissed
12-Oct-09 Neal William A Provoke Fined $9.80 stayed by John C______
14-Oct-09 Baxter Bill Jr Larceny stole $8.00 from Mrs George Sax Sentenced to 1 to 3 yrs sentence suspended
14-Oct-09 Gallaway Herbert Larceny stole $8.00 from Mrs George Sax Sentenced to 1 to 3 yrs sentence suspended
15-Oct-09 Ohlein James Jumping board bill Paid
16-Oct-09 Bass John Assualt & battery on James Casort Fined $9.80 stayed
19-Oct-09 VanHook James Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail
21-Oct-09 Moore Nora Larceny Dismissed
21-Oct-09 Winkles Edger Drunk Fined $9.80
25-Oct-09 Avery Clyde Drunk Fined $9.75 stayed by Tom Wilson
25-Oct-09 Wills George Wife desertion
26-Oct-09 Fisher Flora Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail
26-Oct-09 Taylor Dollie Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail
29-Oct-09 Gary Lor Assualt & battery on Mrs Kate Harris Not Guilty
29-Oct-09 Harris Kate Assualt & battery on Lor Gary Dismissed
29-Oct-09 Harris Mrs Kate Provoke Dismissed
29-Oct-09 Monroe Harry Obtaining money under false pretences Dismissed
5-Nov-09 Monroe Harry Petty Larcency
8-Nov-09 Allen John Drunk Fined $25.00 negro
11-Nov-09 Perkins Jerry Drunk Fined $9.50 later stayed
13-Nov-09 Rice Abner Mandate Settled
22-Nov-09 Bonen Basil Drunk Fined $9.00
22-Nov-09 Heffner George Drunk Fined $9.50 stayed by Leon Farris
22-Nov-09 McKinney John Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail
22-Nov-09 Rhoads Earl Drunk Fined $9.75
26-Nov-09 Thompson Charles Assualt on James Fowler Fined $9.50 stayed by Harry Griffy
4-Dec-09 Harris Mrs Gertrude Provoke Not Guilty
12-Dec-09 Hauk William Drunk Fined $8.75
12-Dec-09 Talley William Assualt & battery on Mrs Nancy Jax Not guilty
22-Dec-09 Ervin William Drunk Fined $8.75 stayed
24-Dec-09 Holden Bert Drunk Fined $8.00 went to jail
2-Jan-10 McAlley Fred Drunk Fined $8.75
2-Jan-10 Phillips Grant Drunk Fined $8.75
237 arrests made in 1909  

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