Missing Pieces
Names included in the pieces transcibed below (excluding attorneys, clerks, etc):
Barnes, Boggess, Clayton/Claton, Cochran, French
Huffman, Jarrell, Miller/Mitlin,
Price, Query, Ross
Sexson, Snyder, Thralls, Wheeler, Zeywister, Zhurweichtur
Allen Sexon
James H Price and Elvira Price
Wm Barnes and Mary Ann Barnes
his wife And Richard Thralls,
and Martha J Thralls, his wife
Shelby Price
wants Power of Atty written
for the purpose of empowering
Squire Bray [Brag?] to sell certain
lands in Pulaska County Ky
Land descended from
Johnson Price deceased
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[small single slip of paper; front]
Recd of Benjamin Ross tax for 1830 --------------
for 81 acres R2 T9 S27 E1/2 SW V.100.--------- $0.70.5.
A Mitchell C tres
No 10
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[a single sheet of paper, text preprinted, names and dates added in longhand]
H H Boggess
Gur Peter Huffman
Filed May 17, 1850
J. Vernon
S T A T E O F I N D I A N A, ss.
August TERM, D. A. 1844
I, [SYLVAN B. MORRIS - crossed out] Jacob Vernon, Clerk of the Probate Court of
Shelby county, in the State of Indiana, do certify that Henry H Bogess is by said court duly
appointed Guardian f the Persons and Estates of
Peter Huffman
minor hiers of . . . . . . . . . deceased, late of said county, and has filed
Bond and taken the oath, as prescribed by the Statute, in that behalf made and provided.
Given under my hand and the seal of said Court, at
Shelbyville, the 13th day of August A. D. 1844
I. Vernon, Clerk
Thomas Clayton
Cynthia Cochran
Box 82 (blue crayon-type marker, different handwritting)
Motion to be
discharged from
Guardians Bond
OB No9 p.142 (red crayon-type marker)
Filed Jan 1 1870 J.G. Wolf CLK. (stamp)
State of Indiana } In Shelby Com
Shelby County SS } Pleas Court --
Thomas Clayton would show to the Court of Common Please of said County that he is security on the
on the [sic] Guardians bond of Cyntha Cochran Guardian of the persons and estate of the minor heirs
of John Cochran deceased -- issued by the authority of this Court -- (by Shelby Common Pleas Court).
He asks to be discharged from said security, and he files herewith the proof of notice to said
Guardian Cynthia Cochran--.
Day 3" 1870 Thomas Claton /s/
I, Cynthia Cochran hereby acknowledge serving of notice of the above petition of Thomas Clayton,
and agree that the Court at any time hereafter may make an order discharging said Security.
E____ at a regular or special term
Day 3" 1870
Cynthia Cochran /s/
By Davis & Sons
S Wheeler Decd
Murph & Donals Act
Filed March 21st
1842 S B Morris Clerk
Franklin, Indiana March 19th 1842
Samuel Wheeler Deceased
To Murphey & Donnell Dr
1841 during his last sickness Dr
Oct 12th To Visit 12 miles & medicines 5.00
13 " do do do ----- 5.00
Murphy & Donnell
State of Indiana
Johnson County SS Before the undersigned a Justice of the peace in and for Franklin Township (in said County) personally appeared John H. Donnell who being duly Sworn saith that the above account is Just and true and further Saith not
John H Donnell
Sworn and Subscribed to this 19th day of March AD 1842
before me William H. Henderson J.P. ~Seal~
Justices fees 12-1/2 ~
Murphey & Donnell
S Wheeler Decd
[a single slip of paper]
Shelbyville June 7th 1856
Mr Alexander Miller Please pay G.C. Morrison Twenty Dollars & Twenty Five cets and oblige
Perry Powers
Col,, Mitlir Sir you will plias play Judge Thacher the Ballance after your fees is taken and
Yours W V French
[The first name could be Miller. The first ' l / t ' is clearly crossed and both vowels, ' i / e ' are both dotted.
However, the first 'l' in 'will' is also crossed. Alexander Miller was Clerk at this time.]
Phyllis Miller Fleming
Nancy J Wilson
George C Wilson
[Inanerd] in Shelby County in Jany 30th 1864
Filed Nov 10 1875, B.S. Sutton Clerk [stamped]
There are four sets of caluculations: addition, multiplication
It would appear the state was insolvent and there was only $276.26 left
to pay $345.88 in outstanding claims.
Receipts of Jacob Snyder [guarguens]
[one long sheet of paper, folded in half and then in thirds]
September the 12th 1866
We the undersigned appraisers of the property of Jacob Zeywister* Deceased have appraised the
personal and Real Estate of the deceased Shown to us as follows
one House lot and appertenances | 250.00 |
one Bed Bed Stead & Bedding | 15.00 |
one Tobale = | 3.00 |
Six Charts [?] | 1.50 |
to one Stove and Cooking utensils | 5.00 |
Cupboard ware | 5.00 |
Crockery ware | 3.00 |
one Clock | 4.00 |
one Crek | 3.00 |
to 1 Candle Stand | 2.00 |
Total | 291.50 |
Andrew Jarrell Appraisor
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Be it remembered that 7" day of March AD 1867 personally appeared in open court
Andrew Jarrell and George McQuery who make oath and say that the foregoing is a true and correct
appraisement of the personal property and Real Estate of said Decedent and further say not.
Andrew Jarrell
G.W. Query
Subscribe and sworn to in open court March 1867.
Alonzo Blair, Clerk
Be it remembered that on the 18" day of August 1866 Valentine Friday on behalf of [blank space]
Zhurweichtur* widow and late wife of Jacob Zhurweichtur late of Shelby county Indiana Deceased filed
in the clerks office of the Common Pleas court of said County his certain statement setting forth among
other things that one Jacob Zhurweichtur late of said County died the owener of certain property the value
of which does not exceed three Hundred Dollars therefor I Alonzo Blair Clerk of said Court in conformity
with statute in such case made & provided do now appoint Andrew Jarrell as an appraiser to assist
in connection with George Query the appraiser selected by the widow of said Deceased inventoring and
appraising said property and said appraiser are ordered & directed after making the inventory of said
property to Report the same to this office
Witness my hand and official seal this the 18" day of August AD 1866
Alonzo Blair, Clk
* Per Jeno Knitl, the name on the front could be either Zeyweister or Keyweister; the name on the back
appears to Sharweichtor or Sharweitchter. There would NOT be a "ur" at the end of the name as the
person who prepared the above document (who obviously wasn't German) spelled it.
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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