County, Indiana
Shelbyville Business Directory
Abele & Arzet, tailors, 3 N. P. Square.
Adams T B, attorney, Wz W. Jackson.
Adler W, clothier, 47 S. Harrison.
Ainsley & Sons, mirror works, 198 B. W'ash
Akers J. H., dry goods, 9 P. Square.
American Express, 21 S Harrison.
Amsden C. E.wd fratmh mhtemmh ctemm
Amsden C B, abstracts and loans, K. of P. Bldg.
Anders D C, confectioner, 43 S Harrison.
Andrews Henry D, justice peace, 13% S Harrison.
Anheir Bros, cigar factory, S P Square.
Ballard J D, contractor, 98 W Taylor.
Barnes C M, meat market, 10 W Broadway.
Bassett & Miller, horseshoer, 63 B Jack-son.
Baxter Wm H & Son, monuments, 76 B Wash.
Benedict C F, notary public, 5 W Broadway.
Billman Jos W, Attomey-at-law, 9 Public Square.
Bishop O L, druggist, 22 B Public Square.
Blackburn W E, dentist, 171/2 N Harrison.
Blain Alonzo, attorney, 5 and 6 K of P Bldg.
Blanchard Furniture Co, cor Centre and South.
Bogeman Louis, meat market, £7 S Harrison.
Bookwalter L, stationery, 21 S Harrison.
Bowlby Joseph, physician, over First National Bank.
Boyd & Wilson, barbers, 23 B Wash.
Bronson Warren, gents' furnishings, 34 S Harrison.
Brown & Boehning, tinners, E Wash.
Bruce & Major, salon, 18 S Harrison.
Bruner Chas saloon, 130 E Wash.
Burkher H Jr, horseshoer and general blacksmith, 22 W Jackson.
Buxton R W, druggist, 21 W P Square.
Campbell Frank, physician, 4^ E Broadway.
Carter & Morrison, Attorneys-at- law, W Public Square.
Chadwick E H, attorney at law, 9 P Square.
Chafer T F & Sons, bill posters.
Cheney & Doran, saloon, S W Public Square.
Cheney John C, attorney, S W Public Square.
Citizens' Natural Gas, Oil and Water Co, 13 N Harrison.
Clark Ed J & Son, insurance, 18 W Franklin.
Clark & Goodwin, Lester Clark and H L Goodwin, General
Insurance, 3-4 K of P Bldg.
Clark R E, physician, SSVz S Harrison.
Clayton J R, Dentist and Optician, 39 N Harrison.
Convery & Castle, plumbers, 38 E Wash.
Conrey Davis Manufacturing Co, W Locust.
Conrey-Foster Furniture Co, W Wash ave.
Cory H S & Co, Furniture, 24-26 S Harrison.
Cotton W, House Furnishings and General Department Store, 62-66 S
Crail J, veterinary surgeon, % E Wash.
Crane O J, contractor and builder, 61 S Harrison.
Crawford W H, grocery, 31 S Harrison.
The Capital National Bank, Indianapolis, Ind. Capital, $300,000. Surplus and
Earuiugs, $136,000.
With a direct account in every county in the State of Indiana we
are especially prepared to handle your checks and collections on Indiana at very
low rates
Davis R W, dry goods, 47 Public Square.
Deitzer J H, job printer, 14y2 N Harrison.
Densmore Typewriter Company, Wm. M. Bird, Jr., Manufacturer,
Monument Place and E. Market. Imdianapolis
DePrez Daniel Manufacturing Co The, artificial ice and mineral
waters, beer bottler, 90 E Jackson.
Deprez J G & Co, hardware and stoves, 18 W Public Square.
Doble & Griffey, hardware, 22 S Harrison.
Dorsey & Co, seed and feed, 9 W Broadway.
Downey & Major, attorneys at law, 21 W Wash.
Drake M, physician, 71 E Wash.
Dugan W E, livery, 44 W Wash.
Dunbar F W, sewing machines, 52 S Harrison.
Eagle Range Co, K of P Bldg.
Edwards & Hagerman, undertakers, 45 S Harrison.
Ensminger & Schroeder, Druggists, n e cor Broadway and
Ensminger Geo F, saloon, 107 E Wash.
Ensminger G W, grocery, 61 S Harrison.
Farmers' National Bank, S P McCrea, pres, F C Sheldon cashier, 12 S
First National Bank, W Public Square.
Fischer Mrs J C, millinery, 65 S Harrison.
Fischer J C, pianos, music and piano tuning 65 S Harrison.
Flack E S, plumber, 50 S Harrison.
Fleming, Geo W, Physician, 39 W Washington St Res, 19 E Broadway
Fleming Wm, saloon, 29 S Harrison.
Flaitz J G, horseshoer, 45 E Wash.
Floyd & Adams, druggist, 21 N Harrison.
Forest Hill Cemetery, 15 Public Square.
Fowler W F, merchant tailoring, 5 N Public Square.
Fraitz C W, meat market, 22 N Harrison.
Friday Henry, bakery, S E Public Square.
Gemmer Geo, cigar factory, 21 Public Square.
Gillespie A, barber, 41 S Harrison.
Glab Frank, jeweler, 46 E Wash.
Glessner O J, attorney at law, 4 Postoffice Bldg.
Goodrich H C, dentist, Public Square.
Goulding & Kennedy, clothiers and hatters, N Public Square.
Gove Jas, harness, 28 E Public Square.
Green T G, physician, W Franklin.
Haehl Geo M, saloon, 101 E Wash.
Hale C P, painter, 44 S Harrison.
Hamilton B, grocery. Vine st.
Hand Oscar & Son, funeral directors, 79 B Wash.
Hearn Robt C, gents' furnishings, IS S Harrison.
Hock Isaac, general mdse, 74 E Wash.
Heustis S H, druggist, 54 S Harrison.
Hershfelt Albert, carriage manufacturer, 29-31 E Jackson.
Higgins F W, grocery, 42 S Harrison.
Higgins Geo W, grain elevator, Big Four tracks.
Hinshaw Wm, livery, 20 E Hendricks.
Hodell Furniture Co, Hodell ave.
Homestead Building and Loan Association, 1 Public Square.
Hoop John, insurance, 30i^ Public Square.
Hord & Adams, Attomeys-at-law, 22 Public Square.
Horst F W, shoes, 25 Public Square.
Horst John, boots and shoes, W Public Square.
Hotel Ray, Peter P Fettig propr, N E Public Square.
Howard D, saloon, 38 Public Square.
Howard Lon, stoves and queensware, 23 Public Square.
Hudson Robt, cigar factory, 22% N Harrison.
Ingram A D, grocery, 138 B Wash.
Isley & Israel, Attomeys-at-law, 25 S Harrison.
Jeffersonian Office, newspaper and job printing, 14 E Broadway.
Jenkins Ed E, druggist, 60 E Wash.
Jenkins J R, physician, 10 W Franklin.
Jones Bros, furniture and carpets, 10-12 B Broadway.
Jones T S, physician, 73 S Harrison.
Joseph & Hoover, clothiers, 24 B Public Square.
Keeney Bayard G, physician, P O Bldg.
Keith Isaac, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting, Driven Well Work,
Bathtubs. Lavatories, Hose and Chandeliers, 53 S Harrison.
Kelly B, confectioner, 62 E Wash.
Kennedy Geo W & Son, Millers and Grain Dealers, E Washington at
Big 4.
Kennedy T C, physician, 24-26 E Broadway.
Kent & Lemon Co. millers, N Harrison.
Killorin & Mueller, saloon and bakery, 109 E Wash.
Kinsey L. A Co, brokers, 30Vi Public Square.
Kirk & Son, insurance, 15 Public Square.
Kuntz John, saloon, 19 E Wash.
Lange & Gage, wall paper, 25 W Wash.
Lawe Jos, saloon, 19 E Jackson.
Lefferson Arthur, hay exchange, E Wash at Big Four.
Leech E W, physician, over First National Bank.
Levinson D, dry goods and millinery, N P Square.
Linn David, Restaurant, Bakery and Wholesale Oyster House, 59 S
Lipps Wm, wall paper, 24 N Harrison.
Lisher A E, attorney at law, 1 and 2 K of P Bldg.
Little Wm F, merchant tailor, 1 Public Square.
Lockwood Hotel, Mrs A Farrer Propr, 71 S Harrison.
Love & McDaniel, Attorneys at Law, over First National Bank.
Lucas J N, phjsician, 33 N Harrison.
McFadden J B, Attomey-at-law, 13 S Harrison.
McFadden Walter C, Physician, 41 N Harrison.
McFadden W G, physician, 41 N Harrison.
McLane & Co, Wholesale Produce Dealers, 43 E Broadway.
McLaren-Lumber Co, cor Hendricks and Noble.
Means C W, grocery, 25 N Harrison.
Means O L, department store, W Public Square.
Means & Crum, implements, 20 W Jackson.
Meiks & Hack Attorneys-at-law,
Meiks Geo H, Hack Chas A, Rooms K of P Bldg.
Melroy J H, prmter, 44 Public Square.
Meloy Wm C, livery, 33-9 E Wash.
Messick J R, druggist, 15 N Harrison.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, H G Buck supt. 1214 Broadway.
Metzger S, saloon, 6 E Wash.
Michelsen Bros, barbers and news, 12 Public Square.
Miller Abe, dry goods and clothing, 33 W Public Square.
Miller & Krebs, saloon, 21 E Wash.
Miller & Timmer, clothiers, 34-36 Public Square.
Mille.-5on & Co, wall paper, 49 S Harrison.
Montgomery M R, real estate, 5 W Broadway.
Moore-Alsman Co The, real estate, 7 and S K of P Bldg.
Morrison & Deprez, drugists, 25 S Harrison.
Morrison Geo C, loans, 25'^ S Harrison.
Morrison Jim, livery, 15-17 W Harrison.
Morris S B, dry goods, 17 Public Square.
Mutual Loan and Savings Co, S E Franklin and Harrison.
Neighbors J T, shoes, 52 S Harrison.
Neuman, Hock & Co, clothing, 28 S Harrison.
Orebaugh's Studio, 67 S Harrison.
Parrish J O. lumber, 145 E Broadway.
Parrish John V, Prof of Shelbyville Business College, 17 Post
Office Block.
Parrish J W, Physician and Surgeon, Specialist in Chronic Diseases,
14 W Franklin.
Parrish W M, grocery, 29 N Harrison.
Pearson J C & Co, tinsmith, 55 S Harrison.
Pharos Henry, physician, 31 N Harrison.
Phillipi J H, city engineer, S Public Square.
Pinnell-Kemper Lumber Co, 30 W Broadway.
Piper Ac, barbers, 36 E Wash.
Pitman Silas, confectioner, 49 S Public Square.
Plummer C E, merchant tailor, 34 S Harrison.
Porter Bros, wholesale and retail grocery, 25 E Wash.
Postoffice, 18 W Broadway.
Powell G A, men's furnishings, 5 N Public Square.
Powell L C. grocery, 20 S Harrison.
Powell W A, job printer, 8 W Franklin.
Progress Steam Laundry, L C Reiff Prop, 12 W Broadway.
Prudential Life, I O Mann agent, S W Public Square.
Racket The, A L Levinson prop, 42 Public Square.
Rand Nettie, millinery, 46 S Harrison.
Randall J B, Grocery and Produce Co, 23 S Harrison, 9 W Jackson.
Rapp Geo W, barber, 36 S Harrison.
Ray F E, physician, IVz Public Square.
Rhoads Sadie E, photographer, Public Square.
Riley Wm, saloon, 48 E Wash.
Robins, physician, 3 E Franklin.
Robins N D, Soda Fount Manufacturing Co, J E Robins Pres, 20 W
Ross House, Misses Duryea and Rhoads proprs, 66 E Washington.
Roth H E, saloon, 40 Public Square.
Ryse & Washburn, wholesale and retail seeds, wool and fur, 9-11
E Broadway.
Sammons L C, physician and surgeon, 4I14 S Harrison.
Sanford J H, physician, 3OV2 Public Square.
Schmoe C F, Carriage Factory, Wholesale, 49-53 E Broadway.
Schoelch Bros, shoes, 38 S Harrison.
Schoelch G H, bakery, 33 S Harrison.
Sexton H C, dentist, S Public Square.
Shelby Bank, 19 S Harrison.
Shelby Printing Co The, 25 W Franklin.
Shelbyville Gas Light Co, 15 Public Square.
Shelbyville Lithia Water, Bath Rooms, The Strongest Lithia Water in
the United States, E F Hamilton prop, 29-31 E Washington.
Shelbyville Mirror Works, E Hendricks.
Shelbyville Steam Laundry, 58 E Wash.
Shelbyville Wardrobe Co, 120 E Elizabeth.
Shelbyville Water and Light Co, 23 W Wash.
Sheldon Frank C, jeweler, 13 Public Square.
Sheik John, shoes, 47 S Public Square.
Showers J L, insurance, 1 Public Square.
Siefert Bros, bicycles and repairs, 34 B Wash.
Sipe, J. C. Importer Diamonds. Opals, Rubies, Pearls Emeralds,
Sapphires in Endless Variety & Unequalled Prices. N Meridian St.
Stiers S H, grocery, 248 E Wash.
Silver Leaf Baking Powder Co, 137 E Wash.
Sindlinger C P, meat market, 54 E Wash.
Slifer & Son, implements, 56 S Harrison.
Small Ed, news dealer, N Public Square.
Smith David, attorney, K of P Bldg.
Smith F P, Merchant Tailor and Clothing, 41 S Public Square.
Smith J D, saloon, N W Broadway.
Sorden & Son, livery, 35 N Harrison.
Southern Indiana Gas Office, 32 N Harrison.
Sparks A L, confectioner, 43 Public Square.
Spaundhurst Institute of Osteopathy, 48 E Broadway.
Spiegel Furniture Co, W Locust.
Spolsky Abe, Commission Merchant, 52 E Wash.
Stace Giering, monuments, 12 W Franklin.
Steinhauser C, jeweler, 3 N P Square.
Stephen Fred The Shoe Co, 40-42 E Wash.
Stewart & Blakely, furniture factory, E South.
Stewart J B, physician, 75 S Harrison.
Stites Portrait and Frame Co, W EStites Mgr, 16 W Franklin.
Strong N H, hardware, 44 Public Square.
Stroup E, attorney at law, 2oy2 Public Square.
Strouse Chas, dry goods, millinery, 19 N Harrison.
Swan B F, real estate, Postofflce Bldg.
Syces T N, jeweler, 1 Public Square.
Tatman C E, Photographer, 171/2 Public Square.
Thompson E B & CO, Fire Insurance, Public Square.
Thurston A J, implements and wagons, 30 S Harrison.
Thurston G B, agriculture, pianos, buggies, 63 S Harrison.
Tindall C A, physician, 17y2 N Harrison.
Tindall M G, Undertaker, 60-62 S Harrison.
Tindall & Tinall, John A and Chas H, Lawyers, W Public Square.
Todd Levi, grocery, 92 E Wash.
Toner & Comstock, implements, 16-18 W Broadway.
Toner Harry W, physician, llYz Public Square.
Trees A N, grocery, 247 W Wash.
Union Building Association, 15 Public Square.
Van Cleve Bros, barbers, IS N Harrison.
Vandegrift & Morrison, tools and bicycles, 23 W Franklin.
Vaughan Wm W, harness, 51 S Harrison.
Wagner W H, grocery, 56 B Wash.
Walker H H, grocery, 80 E Wash.
Walker & Tindall, J F Walker and U E Tindall, Attomeys-at-law.
42 W Jackson, over Shelby Bank.
Weber & Towns, barbers, 30 E Public Square.
White Joe A, dentist, Postofflce Bldg.
Wiles Robt W, Abstractor of Titles, 25 S Harrison.
Wilkes K D, pool and billiards, I5 E Broadway.
Williams Leo, saloon, 37 S Harrison.
Williams & Wilson, attorneys at law, 41 S Harrison.
Williamson C, sign painter, 22% N Harrison.
Williamson S D, blacksmithing, 77 B Jackson.
Wilson D B & Son, undertakers, 67 E Wash.
Wilson & Harrison, attorneys, K of P Bldg.
Wilson Wm T, Law and Pension Attorney, S0V2 Public Square.
Wolf W R, dentist, 44 Public Square.
Womack J W, veterinary surgeon, 20 W Hendricks.
Woods D S, ladies' bazar, 34 N Harrison.
Worden J W, harness, S W Public Square.
Worland Robt V, grocery, 80 E Broadway.
Wray & Campbell, attorneys at law, 38 S Harrison.
Yarling & John, attorneys at law, 3 and 4 Cheney Bldg.
Yearling B H, grocery, cor Broadway and Wash.
Young J F, livery barns, 13-15 W Broadway.
I found this directory in an online archives bank. It was not dated. Many of the
names above are also listed in the 1879 "Smiling Shelbyville" article
Some of the address numbers were garbled, so please do not take the
street address as truth without verifying it. Phyllis Miller Fleming

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