Shelby County, Indiana
Historical Articles
A thumb-nail sketch of Shelby Co's earliest days, written by Melinda M. Weaver.
Airports and Aviation
Archaelogical finds of Shelby County (over 500 pictures)
Businesses and trades of Shelby County
Banking Industry
and Ferriers
Clothing / Shoe Stores
Funeral Homes, Undertakers and Stonemasons
Furniture Industry
Ice Industry
Kennedy Car Liner
Bailey's, Conger's, Hanover, Kent & Seynour, Red, Shelby Flour, Star, Swain's
Morristown Canning Company
Shelbyville Business Directory, late 1880's
Tailors, Milliners,
Weavers, etc.
Churches of Shelby County, Indiana.
Civil War
Directories & Gazeteers:
1860-1861 City Directory, Shelbyville, Indiana
1864 St Paul Business Directory
1892-93 Colored Persons
1892-93 Morristown
Clery's Rural Directory, 1918-1920
Earliest Settlers (1821)
Fairgrounds, Shelby Co IN
Fraternal Orders & Clubs:
Freemasonry, Elks
Daughters of Rebekah, McQuiddy Lodge; Kiowa Council, Degree of Pocahontas
German Benevolent Society
Literary Societies
Odd Fellows, Knights of Labor; Eastern Star, A.O.U.W.; Tribe of Ben-Hur
GAR, Grand Army of the Republic
Knights of St. John,
William Tell Commandery No. 178
"From an Old Setler [sic] of Jackson Tp.," by James Clarke, written
in 1876
Gordon Children's Home
History of Shelby County, Indiana: 1822-1876, by a Committee of Citizens
History of Shelby Co, IN
Indianapolis' (Marion Co) early history; our northwest neighbor
Landmarks of Shelby Co, Indiana, past and present
Legal System
Medicine / Physicians
Hord Sanitarium
Major Hospital
Military Articles
Music and Entertainment
Newspapers through the years
Post offices of Shelby County
Public Utilities
Public Welfare
Roads and Bridges
The railroads through Shelby County
Rush Co, IN, Early Circuit Court, Rush Co, IN (Brant & Fuller, 1888)
Rush Co, IN, Church histories, Old
Settlers Meeting
Salvation Army
Towns and Townships
United Order of Workingmen
27th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment
(Civil War).
A Pioneer Wedding.

Picture Index

Main Page