Shelby County Indiana
Historical Articles
Thrashing at the C. O. Fix farm in 1919
Contributed by David Craig
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratThe executive board of the Central Indiana Poultry Association, consisting of Messrs. J. A. Young, J. W. Elliott, C. B. Cage, Frank Corry, Wm. Kinsley, Justus Clapp and H. C. Gordon, will meet to day to audit the accounts of the late exhibition at Indiana.... [The article continues, but my copy stops here.]
Saturday, January 16, 1886
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat[Only a portion of the article has been copied here.]
Tuesday, January 6, 1885
Page 1
A Comparative Statement of the Acreage
and Value of the Crops of 1883 and 1884.
In the year 1883 the value of the manufactured product of the State was $160,527.282. There were 78,940 persons given employment in manufacturing establishments, while during the previous year the number was 73,924. The average wages paid each person was $333.18 per year.Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Timothy, hay and seed $15,616,780 Irish and sweet potatoes 1,004,781
Garden products 4,775,850 Honey, maple sugar and molasses 849,081 Orchard products 8,500,000 Poultry, eggs and feathers 5,224,918 Tobacco 1,559.240 Wool 995,036 Horses 2,017,440 Mules 200,400 Cattle 2,203,080 Sheep and lambs 31,053 Hogs 19,079,110 Total 155,085,668 Coal and stone 2,500,000 Manufacturing products 168,851,872 Total $321,487,585
The Iola RegisterOne thousand hogs have died of cholera in Shelby county, Indiana, in the past three months.
Iola, Kansas
November 20, 1875
Page 4
Contributed by John Ballard
The TimesGROWING WHEAT.— Farmers in this region are more hopeful. The wheat has improved, and looks and promises better than it did February. A letter before us from a subscriber in Shelby county, Indiana says: "Wheat looks very fine and promising in this area.”
Olney, Illinois
April 15, 1859
Page 2
Contributed by John Ballard
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