Shelby County Indiana
Acton Methodist Episcopal Circuit
African Churches
Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church (Morristown Circuit)
Blue Ridge Christian Union Church
Blue River Baptist Church
See also: Little Blue River Baptist Chapel, below
Blue River Chapel Christian Union Church
Boggstown Methodist Episcopal
Christian Church (of Shelbyville)
Christian Scientist
Conn's Creek Association, Primitive Baptist Church
East Union Baptist Church
Fairland Baptist Church (originally called Brandywine Baptist)
Fairland Christian Church
Fairview Methodist Episcopal Church
Fenns Christian Church (Pleasant Grove)
First Baptist Church of Shelbyville
First Christian Church
First German Presbyterian Church of Shelbyville
First Presbyterian Church of Shelbyville
First United Methodist Church (originally First Methodist Episcopal )
Flatrock Methodist Episcopal Church
Fountaintown Christian Church
German Evangelical Protestant Church / Zion
Goodwill Baptist Church
Gwynneville Christian Church (pictures only)
Gwynneville New United Brethren Church
Hanover Christian Church
Jollity United Methodist Church
Lewis Creek Baptist
Lewis Creek Wesleyan
Little Blue River Baptist Church
Marietta Methodist Episcopal Church
Marion Methodist Episcopal Church
Methodism in Shelbyville: 1823-1878, Rev. George L. Curtiss
Methodism in Shelby County
Missionary Baptist Church , northeast of Edinburg
Morristown Methodist Episcopal Church
Mount Auburn Christian Church
Mount Gilead Baptist Church
Mount Pisgah Baptist Church
New Lights
Norristown Union and Methodist Episcopal Church
Other Methodist Churches
Pleasant Grove Christian Church (Fenns)
Pleasant Grove Separate Baptist
Pleasant Hill
Pleasant View Baptist Church
The Presbyterian Church
Rush County, Indiana, churches (Brant & Fuller)
Second Baptist Church of Shelbyville
Second Methodist Episcopal Church
Second Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
Separate Baptists
St. George Lutheran Church
St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
St. Vincent Catholic Church
Salvation Army
Sugar Creek Methodist Protestant Circuit, incl:
Carrollton, Manilla, Morristown, Fairview, Pleasant Hill (scanned images)
Sugar Creek Circuit transcriptions
Toner's Chapel
Waldron Baptist Church
Waldron M.E. (now United Methodist) Church
West Street United Methodist Church
Winchester Methodist Episcopal Church
Zion United Church of Christ
The Indianapolis Star“The number of young men desirous of entering the ministry is increasing,” said the Rev. John S. Martin, pastor of the Irvington Presbyterian Church, who reported for the committee on Christian education to the quarterly meeting of the Indianapolis Presbytery yesterday...
Friday, Nov. 21, 1911
Page 7
Local Minister Tells Presbytery
Change is for Better – Interest in
Schools Urged.
...The Rev. W. A. E. Campbell of Southport was chosen moderator of the Boggstown, Acton and New Pisgah sessions.
Contributed anonymously
Ever since the Christian era began the "Man of Galilee," and the great truths he uttered have had their devotees in all parts of the civilized world. Perhaps no section of the West had a larger proportion of believers in Christianity than did the territory now known as Shelby county, Indiana. While books were few and newspapers not largely a thing of circulation at that early date, the pioneers studied what they had been taught to be the Book of books --- the old family Bible. Almost every known denomination was represented among the little settlements made within this goodly portion of Indiana. No sooner had the family fairly got settled in their newly built cabin home, than their thought ran out toward some one who might perchance be induced to come into their midst, if only for a season, and preach the Word to them. And hence it was that traveling ministers and home missionaries would make their periodical calls and if possible cause enough to take interest in religious things and church work, to form a society or class. Thus commenced the chapter of religious history in Shelby county, away back in the twenties. It has grown with the advance of time, so that now nearing the close of the first decade in the twentieth century church spires are seen in almost every nook and corner, while bells echo back their chimes from one side of the county to another, giving evidence that this people are still a God-fearing and worshipful class of citizens. While religious sentiment and thought has somewhat changed in the people's minds since 1822, and more liberality now exists, with less stickling for sectarian creeds and church polity, yet the theology is really the same as was preached by Paul at Athens, long centuries ago. Then there was but the one church organization, or denomination but now many, and it is the object of this chapter to give an account of the rise and development of these various denominations within Shelby county, as best it can be done with the imperfect set of church books and records from which to glean the more important facts.
As has been the case in many another newly settled country, the itinerant Methodist preacher was the first to proclaim the Gospel in these parts. The first regular preaching place was at the house of Mrs. Jane Sleeth, a mile north of Marion. Later they were held at the home of William H. Sleeth. The Sleeth family was originally from old Virginia, and there they had been reared in the atmosphere of the Methodist Episcopal church and hence very naturally wanted to transplant this branch of the church into communities in Shelby county, and in which they were not long in bringing about. In the autumn of 1821, John Sale, Aaron Wood, James Horn and William Beechamp held meetings at the places just mentioned. Within a few years, the school-house was used also for church purposes. In 1840, the society known as the Sleeth's Class, was removed to Marion village, where in the school-house there the meetings were held until the erection of a frame church edifice, in 1862.
[The following sections have been put on separate pages, per the index above, to accomodate more complete histories of each church mentioned by Chadwick: ]
The Presbyterian Church.
The Second Presbyterian Church (German).
The Disciples of Christ, of Christians.
Shelbyville Christian Church.
Mount Auburn Christian Church.
The Morristown Christian Church.
Cave Mill Christian Church.
Fountaintown Church.
Christian Center.
The Christian Church of Shelbyville.
German Evangelical Protestant.
Shelbyville Evangelical Protestant.
The Catholic Church of Shelby County.
St. Vincent's Church.
Shelbyville Catholic Church.
The Christian Union Church.
United Brethren.
Methodist Protestant Church.
Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Lewis Creek Baptist Church.
The Episcopal Church.
St. Vincent's Church. [Yes, Chadwick does have two separate entries for this church.]
Methodism in Shelby County.
The First Methodist Episcopal Church.
Church Building.
West Street Methodist Episcopal Church.
Church Finances.
Other Methodist Churches.
The Baptist Denomination in Shelby County.
Christian Science.
African Churches.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana, Edward Chadwick, 1909. The narrative is from pages 123-124. The individual churches histories can be found (in the order above) on pages 124-163. If you would be interested in typing one of these sections, please contact me.-pmf]
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming~~~~~~~~~~
The Shelby RepublicanThe Flatrock Baptist association convenes with the Columbus Baptist church, Aug. 23, 24 and 25. Delegates from churches in this and adjoining counties will be present, also some of the leading Baptist ministry of the State. This will be the seventy-sixth annual conference.
Friday, August 12, 1898
Copied by Lorraine Llewellyn
The Shelby DemocratMarion: There was baptising at the Bass ford Sunday the 19th instant.
December 23, 1891
Rev. Hughes gave a lecture on intemperance last Tuesday night.
Rev. Leora Kennedy gave us a talk on temperance Thursday evening. It is astonishing, but never the less a fact, that Sminger and his whiskers were there.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat"But at least a man can do his duty." -- Darwin.
Saturday, August 30, 1890
Page 1
List of Religious Meetings for To-morrow.
The usual Wednesday evening prayer meetings will be held in all the churches.
Consecration meeting at the Christian Church Tuesday evening, led by Mrs. Dr. Parrish.
There will be no services at the First Presbyterian Church tomorrow, except Sunday school.
Circumstances are beyond the control of man; but his conduct is in his own power. -- Disraeli.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Republican"The scope and character of the magazine shall be that of a first-class religious and literary monthly, of the highest character attainable, and pervaded, whether in its general or religious articles, by a thoroughly Christian spirit." --- Order of the Committee.
Thursday, January 3, 1878
National Repository.
Rev. D. CURRY, D. D. , Editor
Begins Jan., 1878. Try it one Year.
ONLY $3 A YEAR. ----------
Under these directions, it will be devoted to General and Religious Literature, Biographies and Travels, Criticisms and Art.
A sufficient number of the best writers for the press are employed to furnish all the variety in the several departments which their scope and importance require to make them rich and instructive.
The Editorial Department will be a feature of the magazine. Rev. Dr. Curry, both experienced and successful as an editor, brings to his duties the purpose of giving his whole strength to the work before him.
Each number will contain one or more articles illustrated with Wood Engravings, in the best style of this art, adding beauty and value to the pages.
The twelve numbers for the year will contain 1,152 pages of reading-matter, which published in book form, would make not less than fifteen volumes, worth $1.50 each, and will comprise a variety that will be more interesting and valuable to the general reader than could be procured in books for many times the yearly price of the magazine.
We earnestly request you to take the NATIONAL REPOSITORY for 1878 --- to give it one year's trial, and thereby determine for yourselves whether it is worthy of a place in the Christian home.
All Methodist Pastors are authorized agents.
Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Weekly VolunteerThe 56th anniversary of this society was celebrated on Sunday evening in the First Presbyterian Church.
Thursday, October 30, 1879
Shelby County Bible Society.
The treasurer's report shows that during the last year the total receipts from sales and donations, were $8.03.
The secretary's report shows that a visitation of our city has been made, and that out of 130 families called upon, 30 were found without a copy of the scriptures.
Interesting and eloquent addresses were made by Rev. J. G. Chafee, and Messrs. Michener and Ferris. The speakers argued upon the indebtedness of the world to the Bible, and the tendency of its truths to promote the physical, mental and moral excellence of our people.
At the close of the service, a collection was $12.13, was taken up for the cause.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming~~~~~~~~~~
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday, December 12, 1872:
Rev. D. A. Robertson will deliver a Temperance lecture at Geneva, Saturday night, Dec. 14th.
The Shelbyville Republican
Wednesday, February 15, 1871:
The revival meetings at the M.E. Church are growing in interest. A number have connected themselves with the Church during the past week.
The meetings at the Baptist Church are also growing in interest, a number having joined the Church during last week, six of whom were baptized on Sunday.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
~~~~~~~~~~Here are some addresses of some BAPTIST Church Archives:
American Baptist Historical Society
1106 S. Goodman St
Rochester, NY 14620-2532
Andover Newton Theological School
169 Herrick Rd
Newton Centre, MA 02159
Baptist Historical Collection
Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC 27109
Bethel Theological Seminary Library
3949 Bethel Dr
St. Paul, MN 55112
Historical Commission of the Southern Baptist
127 Ninth Ave N.
Nashville, NC 37234
Special Collection
Samford University Library
800 Lakeshore Dr
Birmingham, AL 35229
Seventh Day Baptist Library
Seventh Day Baptist Building
Plainfield, NJ 07060
Seventh Day Baptist Historical Society Library
3120 Kennedy Rd
PO Box 1678
Janesville, WI 53547
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, KY 40206
Southwester Baptist Theological Seminary
Fort Worth, TX 76122
Primitive Baptist Archives
Elon College
Elon, NC 27244