Boggstown  Methodist  Episcopal  Church

The  Shelbyville  Democrat

Shelbyville, Ind.
November 9, 1911
Program to Be in Charge
of the Sunday Schools of
Sugar Creek Township 
---- Election of Officers
       The Sunday schools of Sugar Creek township will hold a convention in the Methodist Episcopal church at Boggstown Sunday, November 12, and the program will begin promptly at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon.  Good representation fom all the schools is expected as an excellent program has been arranged.
      Among the features will be the following:  Song, congregation; prayer, the Rev.  Victor  Hargett;  vocal solo,  Miss  Josephine  Daniels;  welcome address, Rev. Hargett; vocal duet,  Misses Bertha McCollum  and  Mary  German;  recitation,  Miss  Ruth  Updegraff;  vocal solo,  Loretta  Cramer;  address on Sunday school,  A. H.  Oldham;  vocal solo, Miss Bertha McCollum; benediction, Rev. Hargett.
       An election of officers for the township organization will be held at the meeting.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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