Shelby County, Indiana
Historical Articles
Fraternal Order and Clubs
Daughters of Rebekah
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The Shelby Republican
January 15, 1925
Page 1
Mrs. Nellie Vandolson Becomes
Noble Grand of Local
Rebekah Lodge.
Officers of McQuiddy Lodge, Daughters of Rebekah, who were elected recently, were installed at a meeting held Tuesday night. Appointive officers, who have been named since the election, were announced and also were installed at the Tuesday night meeting. The session of the lodge was largely attended.
Clara McCarty served as the installing officer. Those installed and who will have charge of the local lodge affairs during the year are: Nellie VanDolson, noble grand; Lena Sigler, vice-grand; Alice VanPelt, recording secretary; Lula Latshaw, financial secretary; Grace Morris, treasurer; Lillie Creech, warden; Ethel Williams, conductress; Sarah Ray, chaplain; Sadie Wilson, inside guardian; Nora Flaitz, outside guardian; Dena Heustis, right supporter noble grand; Clara Orebaugh, left supporter noble grand; Jesse Campbell, right supporter vice-grand; Dorothy Hageman, left supporter vice-grand; Annette Stine, past noble grand; Pearl McKenney, pianist; Edgar Harris, host; Morton Morris, degree captain.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, July 14, 1921
Page 1 Column 5
A large number attended the installation meeting of the Rebekah lodge held at their hall on west Broadway, Tuesday evening. Following are the officers installed for the year: Lena Tadlock, N.G.; Elizabeth Webb, V.G.; Alice VanPelt, R.S.; Lena Sigler, chaplain; Hazel Harris, warden; Mable Henry, conductress; Rosalie Boyle, inner guard; Sylvia Phillipi, outer guard; Sarah Ray, R.S.N.G.; Martha Cherry, L.S.N.G.; Lillian Tomlinson, R.S.V.G.; Annette Stine, L.S.V.G.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Kiowa Council, No. 76
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The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
March 12, 1912
Page 1 column 4
Members of Kiowa Council
Held Enjoyable Meeting
Last Evening.
Kiowa Council, No. 76, Degree of Pocahontas, celebrated the sixteenth anniversary of its organization at the regular meeting of the order last evening. The meeting was in charge of the charter members of the council, several of them being in attendance. There are only thirty of the original one hundred ten charter members now affiliating with the council. The lodge was instituted sixteen years ago last Wednesday night, but the celebration was postponed to the regular meeting night. It now has three hundred members and one hundred fifty of these were present at the celebration.
A roll call of the charter members brought addresses of interest from all of those in attendance, most of their remarks being of a reminiscent nature. Addresses for the good of the order were also made by many of the other members and the meeting was in the nature of a most enjoyable talk-fest.
Refreshments of coffee and doughnuts and apples and bananas were served.
That the council is still growing is indicated by the fact that Miss Gertrude Worland was made a member last evening and several applications were received.
Of the original charter members those still members of the council are O. J. Gatewood, Mary Gatewood, Marie Degelow, Hayden Crane, Charles Fisher, Sally Fisher, Robert Whittaker, Lou Whitaker, Thomas Fortuen, Anne Fortune, Mary Mohr, Christina Posz, John McDonald, Mary McDonald, John Tattersall, Alice Tattersall, Anna Travis, August Fagel, Henrietta Fagel, Henry Emrich, Mary Emrich, Elizabeth Cortelyou, G. A. Steckelman, Lizzie Steckelman, Sylvester Brown, Thomas D. Wilson, William Bassett, Elizabeth Bassett, Fred Hinschlaeger, Maggie Hinschlaeger, K. M. Hord, and May Weber.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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