Shelby County, Indiana
Historical Articles
German Benevolent Society
The Shelby Democrat
April 14, 1926
Page 1
According to a
statement made today by Mrs. George Rapp, secretary of the
board of Federated Charities, the local organization is in need of funds, and
since the office of the board will close the later part of this month, it is
requested that the donations be sent as soon as possible to Edward Boyd,
treasurer of the organization.
During the past year, the
board has spent the sum of $1,094.35 and since it only had $1,039.66 in the
treasury, the organization is in debt more than fifty dollars. It is urged
that those who desire to help the organization do so at once, as the board will
not conduct a campaign in which to raise funds.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Republican
Wednesday, March 9, 1870
The German Benevolent
Society of this city has of late increased to such an extent, that their room
for meeting over John Wise's store was found too small.
They have now leased for a term of ten years, that elegant room in the third
story of Mr. Major's Bank building, where they expect to move
to on the first of April, and before doing so, they proposed giving a Grand Ball
in Blessings Opera Hall, on Tuesday evening March 29th, 1870, to which the
public are respectfully invited. Tickets only one dollar for Lady and
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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