Shelby County, Indiana
Historical Articles
The Fairgrounds
Contributed by Gary Plunkett
John Ballard contributed the following links to articles about our Shelby County Fairgrounds:
American Towns
Under the Trees at the Great Shelby County Fair, postcard
Heart Echoes From Old Shelby. Dobbins, Douglas, 1860–1927, poem
The Indianapolis Star
May 22, 1915
Page 4 Column 7
of Races at
the Shelbyville Fair |
[Special to the Indianapolis Star.]
1. -- Children's day at the Blue Ribbon Fair was featured by a goat race with
four starters. Miss Lena Landwerlin drove he winner and
Herman Kuhn got second prize. The harness horse race
summaries follow:
2:25 Pace (stake $500) --- |
Lucy Walters, g m (Hardin) . . . . . . . | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Little Dan, b g (Carmichael) . . . . . . . | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Goldie C., b m (Rhodes) . . . . . . . . . | 3 | 3 | 4 |
Norman D., br s (Slaight) . . . . . . . . | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Durbin, s g (Hoadlan) . . . . . . . . . . . | 5 | 6 | 5 |
Dan Gratton, b g (Conner) . . . . . . . . | 6 | 5 | 6 |
Time -- 2:11-1/4 in each heat. |
2:18 Trot (purse $300) --- |
Florence R. (Flack) . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 1 |
Lew Bell, b g (Hammons). . . . . . . . . | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 4 |
Marie Bellins, br g (Harris). . . . . . . . | 6 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Brownie, br h (Eslinger) . . . . . . . . . . | 2 | 5 | 6 | 2 | 3 |
Kentucky Wiggins, b s (Oliver) . . . . | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 5 |
Dudie Allendorf, b m (Newsom) . . . | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | dr |
Time -- 2:17-1/4, 2:17-1/4,
2:16-1/2, 2:17-1/4, 2:18-1/4 |
2:35 Trot (purse)$300 --- |
Russeldorf, s m (Covert) . . . . . . . . . | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Gypsy Fuller blk m (Hammons) . . . . | 3 | 2 | 4 |
Miss Advertiser, b m (Tinker) . . . . . | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Roy, b h (Stout). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 4 | 4 | 2 |
Banqueter, r g (Hoaglan) . . . . . . . . . | 5 | dis | |
Nellie W., br m (Smith) . . . . . . . . . . | 6 | dis | |
Sallie Fuller, b m (Wright) . . . . . . . . | 8 | dis | |
Time -- 2:19-1/4, 2:20, 2:22-1/4. |
Contributed by Virginia Latta Curulla
The Shelbyville Democrat
February 15, 1915
Page 4
Superintendents for the various departments of the fair to be held here this fall were elected by the directors of the Shelby County Joint Stock Agricultural Association at a meeting held at the city hall Saturday afternoon as follows: Horses, Ralph Tomlinson; cattle, Roscoe Linville; hogs, George Cook; sheep, Bert Bend; poultry, Charles Scheffler; straw, August Scheffler; agriculture, Oscar Howard; womans's department, Thomas Bone.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Saturday Afternoon, February 17, 1912.
Pursuant to call of Secretary E. W. McDaniel, the board of directors of the Shelby County Joint Stock Agricultural Association met in the council chamber in this city today. The purpose of the meeting was the selection of officers of the different departments and a few changes were made therein. The following superintendents were selected:
Speed Dept. --- E. W. McDaniel.
Horse --- John S. Stafford.
Cattle --- Ralph R. Tomlinson.
Sheep --- Riley Sedgwick.
Poultry --- William Cochran.
Agricultural --- L. S. Limpus.
Mechanical --- James G. Kennedy.
Buggy --- A. R. Keaton.
Women's --- W. J. Buxton.
Superintendent of Stalls --- William M. Huffman.
Gates and Amphitheatre --- Adam F. May.
Superintendent of Straw --- Charles Rhodes.
Superintendent of Police --- Scott Meiks.
Grand Marshal of Time Track --- Roy Sexton.
Custodian of Grounds --- Geo. Ogden.
Committee on Music --- Scott Meiks, J. W. Lennox, Jacob Deitzer.
Special Attractions --- E. W. McDaniel, Ora Amos, Charles Rhodes.
Transportation --- Elisha Sexton, A. T. May, Miles Huffman.
Buildings --- Harry Vanway, William Bass, Elisha Sexton.
Organization of Women's Department --- A. F. May, William Midkiff, L. S. Limpus.
Advertising and Printing --- J. H. Phillipi, E. W. McDaniel, L. E. Webb.
Auditing --- D. L. Wilson, John Tindall, M. O. Sullivan.
Executive Committee --- S. L. Major, O. L. Coyle, J. W. Elliott.
The directors will meet again on February 24th.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Democrat
Monday, September 4, 1893
Page 1
The Band Will Play To-Morrow
While the Horse, the Sheep, the Cow,
and Porker and all the Rest of the Congregation
Will go 'Round and 'Round --- Some of Those
Who are Now on the Grounds ---
Everything Points to a Successful Meeting.
Hundreds of people visited the fairgrounds yesterday anxious to take a peep at the stock, which had arrived Saturday night and which continued to arrive all day yesterday and today. The amount of stock is both large and first class, and the managers of the fair are surprised and more than satisfied with the entries in all departments. In fact the 20th annual exhibit of the Shelby county fair will be on to morrow, and if active preparations and the presence of exhibitors in all the departments, heretofore unknown to the association, signifies anything -- which it does -- the week's fair will be one of the best since its inauguration, and the gates will close Saturday night with more than sufficient means to meet all demands incurred upon its management. A finer array of stock in every department has never before been quartered on the grounds. Never before has the departments filled so early in the proceedings. This is evidence sufficient that by the time all entries have ben made, the Shelby county fair will be an assured success.
The absence of rain for many weeks and the "panicy" times all combine to make anything but an encouraging outlook, but Shelby county is none the less favored of other coutnies, and will respond in purse and presence, exhibits and all the essentials necessary these calamitous times, despite dry weather, hard times, dust, short crops, etc. The outlook is a good one, and the program will be carried out till the closing hours of Saturday night. The Democrat will endeavor to furnish the city and fair items each day and hope to enlist ....
C. F. Bowen, with Sabrito, trotter 34-1/2 and Minatour, 32-1/4, both sleek and speedy horses.
Ernest Powers has a team of fine mules and a pair of match mares from Rush county.
Joseph Guyman has two head of horses that will fool some of the boys. Joe hails from Tipton, Ind.
Frank Elliott has nine head of Berkshire hogs and ten head of Marino sheep which, are fine.
J. D. Rinker, Brooklyn, Ind., is here with Georgia M., 2:20 pacer, and two other speedy looking animals.
N. A. Randall, former editor of the Western Horseman, Indianapolis, is on the grounds with a smooth trotter.
George Goodrich has his horses, Egro and Rinehart, on the grounds. Neither is entered yet, however.
John Curtis, of North Vernon, two trotters -- Actor in the 33-1/2 list and Mica, in the 31 1/4. Mr. Curtis' horses are in fine shape.
Hank Walker has his horses, Claymont and Eldorado, standing in straw up to their knees, and fine animals they are.
W. F. Allen, Sr., of Greenfield, is here with two heavy draft horses, one of which is a stallion and weighs 2,000 pounds even.
Allen Beeler, of Clifton, Ind., has some fine Chester White hogs and some fine chickens entered in their respective departments.
Frank Cory has his three year old stallion, "Closterman," snugly domiciled. "Closterman" is by Reliance and is as pretty as a picture.
Charles Hayes is on the grounds with his runner "Padlock." Charley is the ex-sheriff of Clark county, and his horse is a runner from "Way Back."
H. L. Hornley, of Anderson, with two fine pacers, Bourbon Patchen and Lady Anderson. The first named will doubtless put up a marvelous performance.
Tom Stewart, of Henryville, represents five goers. Dr. Snyder, in the 20 mark; Flory Hill, 24-1/2; Burmah, 39-1/2; Frank Clay, three-year old, 37; Barney, a runner.
Anderson Bros., of Putnam county, have six head
among them being ....
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Monday, September 4, 1893
Page 4
The foot bridge leading to the fair ground from East Franklin-st. broke down yesterday and several parties who were on it at the time received a ducking.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Republican
Monday, April 16, 1888
The ladies appointed by the directors of the Shelby County Fair Association to take charge of Floral Hall met in the parlors of the Ray House on Saturday and were presided over by Miss Mattie John. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. T. B. Adams; vice president, Mrs. H. B. Cole; secretary, Miss Mattie John; treasurer, Miss Alice Miller. A committee consisting of Mrs. T. B. Adams, Mrs. Dan DePrez and Miss John were appointed to revise the premium list. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Goodrich for the use of the Ray House parlors.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Thursday, April 14, 1887
The fair association has purchased of David S. Walker, through George Lazelle, a roadway from the southwest gate to Murdock's mill, which they will fix up in good shape in time for the next fair.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Monday, September 5, 1881
L O C A L N E W S.
Fair commences to-morrow.
The town is filling up with "crooks" who will attend the fair.
The Palestine Band will furnish the music for the Fair.
This is one of the best bands in the State.
Highland Mary, Kitty Bates, Big John and numerous other fast horses will be in the races this week.
But three horse stalls on the Fair Ground were left unoccupied this morning,
and they are probably taken by this time.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, September 4, 1879
Page 3 col 3
We are reliably informed that the town is full of thieves of the worst character, who visit the city at this time in the hope to more successfully ply their vocation. A county fiar brings to the surface of society a gagn of scoundrels who will bear the closest king of watching by our officers. They will be on the fair ground all week, on the lookout for unsuspecting persons who are foolish enough to come to town with a pocket book well filled with greenbacks. We advise our people to see to it that their doors are all locked and bolted when they retire for the night, and not to think of wooing the balmy until they have supplied themselves with a good revolver. Do not go to the Fair and leave your homes destitute of protection, for if you do when you return you will be sure to exclaim, "Who's been here since I;ve been gone?" Last year a band of sneak thieves honored us with a visit and left us only after breaking into houses and fleeing the country with hundreds of dollars worth of property. Beware of thieves is our advice to all, as the city is overflowing with them.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The National Volunteer
July 13, 1854
An article on the coming fair stated that the Agricultural Society had purchased thirty acres for a fairgrounds, a little south and east adjoining Shelbyville.
Abstracted by Maurice Holmes, in his book Shelbyville, Indiana, Newspaper Excerpts: 1853-1859.
Submitted by Sherry Badgley Ryan, with permission from the author.
The National Volunteer
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
June 29, 1854
A long list of premiums were in this issue which were to be offered by the Shelby County Agricultural Society at the Fair to be held September 27th, 28th and 29th... It included cash, silver cups, mustard spoons, silver thimbles, silver spoons, etc.
Abstracted by Maurice Holmes, in his book Shelbyville, Indiana, Newspaper Excerpts: 1853-1859.
Contributed by Sherry Badgley Ryan, with permission from the author.

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