Shelby County, Indiana SHELBYVILLE, Ind., May 5. ---Postmaster Allen Green has received official notice that the Shelbyville postoffice will be advanced to the first class on July 1, 1921, having reached the qualifications of first-class postoffices with its business of more than $40,000 last year. The salary of Mr. Green will also be advanced to $3,200 with the change in status.
Historical Articles
Post Offices
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Indianapolis Daily News
May 6, 1921
Contributed by Mary Ann Dark
The Shelby DemocratMajor R. Wilson, one of the best known and most popular young men of this city, has resigned his position as deputy postmaster, the announcement being made today by Mr. Wilson. He is leaving the employment of the government to accept a position as a special agent for the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, which has its home office at 165 Broadway, New York. The resignation will take effect next week, and after Mr. Wilson leaves the office Earl Hayes will be the acting assistant postmaster until the successor of Mr. Wison[sic] has been named.
Thursday, April 3, 1913.
Page 4 Column 3
Will Become Special Agent
For the Equitable Life As-
surance Society.
Will Begin Work Next Week, but
Will Continue to Make His Home
in Shelbyville -- Earl Hayes Act-
ing Assistant Postmaster.
Mr. Wilson will have his headquarters at Indianapolis, but will continue to make his home in this city. He will have twenty counties in his territory as special agent. The company with which he is accepting employment is the one for which Samuel C. Ferrell, formerly superintendent of the Shelbyville schools, is owrking. Mr. Ferrell has been meeting with most excellent success and is already commanding a high salary. Mr. Wilson is peculiarly well fitted for the work and his many friends here predict for him a splendid career in the new field. He is well acquainted over the state and has met many of the prominent men of the sections he will work thru attending conventions of postmasters and assistnat postmasters. In addition to this Mr. Wilson has done considerable work about the state as agent for the American Express Company. He was employed by the express company at Vincennes before returning to this city a few years ago to take charge of the local office of the company. When Elisha Sexton became postmaster Mr. Wilson became his deputy. Recently all assistnat postmasters were placed under civil service and Mr. Wilson might have held the psiion her indefinitely as he is most competent and trustworthy. The position, however, pays only $1,300 per year and the new field offers such opportunity that Mr. Wilson felt he could not refuse the agency offer when it was tendered. He was deputy postmaster here at the time Thomas Newton was postmaster, getting his first experience in the office at that time.
His many friends are delighted at the splendid opportunity that has come his way and he will have the best wishes of all for success.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Muncie Morning StarShelbyville, Ind., Dec. 11.- The safe in the postoffice at Findlay, north of here, was blown open early this morning by robbers, who procured $100 in cash and about $400 in stamps.
Delaware Co, Indiana
December 12, 1904
(by Associated Press)
Thieves Desecrated the Sabbath and Secured $500.
Transcribed by DJ Faust
The Shelby DemocratThe money order department of the local postoffice reports an unusually heavy business this week. There always is a noticeable increase in the amount of money sent during the Christmas season, but this year's business will be much in advance of past holiday times.
December 24, 1903
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
This card for IOOF dues of 1.50 sent to William Hultch from W A Nue Secretary was sent on March 16 1894. Shelbyville was on the cutting edge of technology in 1894.
You could buy plain penny postcard starting in 1870 supplied by the postoffice. The post office first allowed privately printed penny postcards in 1894. This created an avalanche of interest in collecting postcards. By the end of the 19th century, 1/3 of the mail sent was postcards. Nearly 860 million postcards were sent in 1908! The post office had found a good revenue source in these post cards.
Contributed by George Young
The following letters remain uncalled for in the postoffice of Shelbyville, Shelby county, Indiana, February 26, 1901:
The Shelby Republican
Friday, March 1, 1901
Page 6
Letter List.
----------To obtain the above letters please say advertised and give date of list.
Mrs. John Aldridge, Mrs. Anna Booher, Jeff Chapalo, Will H. Davis, Jas. F. Green, Edward Hester. T. E. NEWTON, Postmaster.Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratPostmaster Newton is having the mail boxes painted and covered iwth illuminum[sic], and at several places boys have taken the red paint and besmeared it over the illuminum, thus spoiling the work. Postmaster Newton states that he will presecute anyone caught interfering again with the boxes, and as the penalty is a very severe one parents would do well to insist on their children staying away from the government's property.
Tuesday, September 26, 1899
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby RepublicanThe following letters remain uncalled for in the postoffice of Shelbyville, Shelby county, Indiana, March 1, 1893:
Thursday, March 2, 1893
Miss Maggie Anderson
Miss Mattie Barns
Joseph Edwards
Alfred Martel
Mrs. Ellen A. Wiley
John F. Downey
James Enoch
John Heinrichs
Grant Sweet
Charley Tyre
Miss Huldie A. Smith.
To obtain the above letters please say advertised and give date of list.Geo. H. DUNN, Postmaster.
Unknown Shelbyville NewspaperThe following letters remained in the Post Office at Shelbyville, Shelby County, Indiana, Jan. 10, 1878. Persons calling for letters in the following list will please say advertised:
Thursday, January 16, 1878
Letter List
Browning, Clark A. Ballard, Mrs. S. C. Curry, D. A. Cook, E. H. Clark, Mollie Dietrick, J. C. Eastlack, A. Gehrlein, Andy Hock, Davy Lin, James L. Miller, D. B. Mints, Clement Marks, Joseph Patrick, Mr. Parker, Kaura M. Ray, T. Smith, Jennie Sparks, Rebecca Thompson, A. V. Wilson, Charles. A. P. BONE, P. M.Contributed by Susan Kelley
The Shelbyville RepublicanRemaining in the Postoffice at Shelbyville, Ind., for the week ending June 6, 1872. All advertized letters not called for in one month from date of advertisement will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Washington, D. C. Persons calling for letters in the following list, should ask for "Advertised Letters."
June 6, 1872
List of Letters
Bowers, Wm. Mr.
Canom Delive Miss
Carter Henriettia Mrs
Dobing John Mr.
Doan Mary Mrs.
Dyer Alfred Mr.
King & Colwell
Moore Henry
Mines Kate Mrs.
Powell Bennett
Ramey Jno. Mr. -- 2
Stewart Samuel
Thompson M. Jas.
Yocum H. S.J. M. CUMBACK, P.M.
The Shelbyville Republican Banner
February 16, 1860
Page 3
L E T T E R S Remaining in the Post Office at Shelbyville, Ind. Persons calling for any of the following Letters, will please say advertised, otherwise they will not be looked for.
Allen Frank J Leech Thomas Ammerman Thos. T Lezar Charles M. Bostwick Thomas Myres John Bailey George W. McCormick James D Bellar Abrow McClan Samuel Ballard Curtis McIlla J. D. Baker S. R. McMuster Henry Butler Mr. Messer George W. Best Phillip McCrary John Billman Michael McClain Wm. E. Crosby Steith F Megorgeous Jery Crawford James Newton J Cassteel Jacob Nail Charlotte Collins Martin Nail Dan'l Dr. Collins Edmond Pherigo Allen Crosby John Pierce Alfred 2 Derrickson Wm. Perkins B. 5 Dubiguy Prof Victor, Peak John Dam Joseph Pollard Michael Early Shelby County Post Offices
NAME ESTABLISHED DELETED POST MASTER Noah (Marion) June 30, 1823 June 1824 David Fisher “ July 17, 1826 John Kennedy “ September 5, 1836 February 28, 190 Unknown Hanover May 14, 1822 Able Cole “ January 23, 1834 Unknown Morven April 20, 1826 November 28, 1827 Arthur Major “ January 25, 1828 September 19, 1842 Arthur Major Sulpher Hill March 23, 1836 December 15, 1904 Matthias Floyd Freeport August 9, 1837 July 21, 1879 Alex Rittenhouse “ August 15, 1897 December 16, 1895 Mrs. Mary Burtch “ January 15, 1897 August 30, 1902 Frank Timney Mt. Auburn November 23, 1838 Isaac Rogers “ March 13, 1844 May 15, 1905 Unknown Marietta May 23, 1848 February 29, 1904 Samuel Spencer Smithland December 2, 1853 November 12, 1860 James Smith “ January 10, 1861 October 31, 1901 James W McLain Winterrowd December 5, 1853 April 30, 1905 William P Winterrowd Davisville January 15, 1853 Lucius Walton “ March 24, 1869 Unknown London January 10, 1854 John H Jeffries Bengal June 1, 1881 December 6, 1902 James Pottenger Prescott March 8, 1860 May 15, 1905 Sylvester Dorsey Flemings 1831 1851 Little Blue River 1837 1851 Manwarings 1837 1860 Moral 1855 1907 Jollity 1874 1875 Blue Bell 1859 1860
The National VolunteerAvery, Mrs.Pouxton ~ ~ Anderson, Martha A. ~ ~ Ballenger, B. P.
January 6, 1853
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
List of Letters at the Shelbyville Post Office
A - B
Brown, J.D. ~ ~ Blankenship, Hannah ~ ~ Bready, Edward
Bless, G.W. ~ ~ Burns, John ~ ~ Baker, Mrs. Margaret
CConger, Hiram E. ~ ~ Carson, J. E. ~ ~ Cromwell, William B.
Connelton, William ~ ~ Collins, James ~ ~ Copeland, William
Cullman, John ~ ~ Codmer, Samuel ~ ~ Crosson, Anderson
Crowtz, Absalom ~ ~ Cole, William R.
D - E - FDavison, Ruben ~ ~ Dilence, Sylvester ~ ~ Drake, Peter
Davison, James ~ ~ Delavare, Reuben ~ ~ Davis, Stephen D.
Eoff, Samuel ~ ~ Ellis, John ~ ~ Francis, Isaiah R.
Foster, Jahew ~ ~ Fouty, Ephraim ~ ~ Furgeson, John
G - HGilleon, Christopher ~ ~ Gates, Hannah ~ ~ Goddard, Joseph
Gilcrees, John ~ ~ Gilphin, Charlotte ~ ~ Harris, William G.
Hanepin, James ~ ~ Hinde, Edmund ~ ~ Hargis, Henry G.
Holt, Rev. ~ ~ Hoelson, Rachel ~ ~ Howell, Benjamin
Harrell, James ~ ~ Healey, Margaret ~ ~ Henly, Patrick
Hubarks, John ~ ~ Henry, Patrick
I - J - KIrwin, Benjamin ~ ~ Jennings, Levi ~ ~ Jenkins, Joseph H.
Jemmison, Wesley ~ ~ Joyce, Michael ~ ~ Kelly, Hugh J.
King, Stephen ~ ~ Kilduff, John
LLeenenthal & Alder ~ ~ Lewis, James ~ ~ Law, William
Lightner, Salathiel ~ ~ Lanlensheager, Rev.
MMoore, Miss Christina ~ ~ Martin, James ~ ~ Morris, N.J.
Micheal, Fielding ~ ~ Miller, James ~ ~ Makely, Peter
Matthews, Robert ~ ~ Moffeet, Joseph ~ ~ Main, William
Murphy, Patrick ~ ~ Mack, Rachael ~ ~ McGloughlin, Patrick
McGoutz, J.B. ~ ~ McCray, Sust ~ ~ McNeely, Robert
McGovern, Anthony ~ ~ McCarty, Susan
N - O - PNickels, David ~ ~ Nelles, Bob ~ ~ O'Hanna, Lawrence
Nookin, John ~ ~ O'Nell, Patrick ~ ~ Pherson, George
Pentland, J. ~ ~ Phillips, Martha ~ ~ Pleas,Valley D.S.
Peas, Uta ~ ~ Pentyer, Solomon
RRolla, Eliza ~ ~ Rhorer, Simeon ~ ~ Reynold, James
Robbins, Elizabeth ~ ~ Rigler, Hiram ~ ~ Ross, James
Roberts, Burrell ~ ~ Robertson, Allen
S - T - UStafford, Thomas ~ ~ Shelton, Joseph ~ ~ Sprague, Jasper
Shaff, Reuben ~ ~ Stafford, James ~ ~ Spillard, James F.
Summers, Alexander ~ ~ Snider, Eleanor ~ ~ Toner, M.E.
Tindel, Amey ~ ~ Taylor, Marion C. ~ ~ Tucker, Ephraim
Tyner & Stallard ~ ~ Updegraff, Joseph
V - W - YVeerick, Andrew ~ ~ Van Benthusen, William ~ ~ Vaughn, Josiah
Vanderburg, Francis ~ ~ Wilson, W. ~ ~ Woods, George
Willard, John ~ ~ Weise, John ~ ~ Warden, William
Wills, James ~ ~ White, Mary H. ~ ~ Webb, Elisha
Wheeler, Thomas ~ ~ Young, William ~ ~ Young, James
Abstracted by Maurice Holmes, in his book Shelbyville, Indiana, Newspaper Excerpts: 1853-1859. Submitted by Sherry Badgley Ryan, with permission from the author.
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