Shelby County, Indiana
in the Civil War
Three sons of Thomas
G. M. Sally and Sarah Elizabeth Gibson, who came from
Clinton County, Ohio, to Shelby County, Indiana, enlisted in the Union Army.
Loony (Luna) L.
Sally, born 1823, Clinton County, Ohio, 51st Regiment, Indiana
Infantry, organized at Indianapolis, Indiana. Loony lived most of his life
in Shelby County, Indiana. He was married to Euphronesia
Rice and Delila Hill McKay.
Henry David Sally,
born 1831, Clinton County, Ohio, 89th Regiment, Indiana Infantry, organized at
Indianapolis, Indiana. Henry, or some of his family, are found in Brown
County, Kansas in the 1900, 1910, and 1920 censuses. He married Matilda
Clark H. Sally,
born 1835, Clinton County, Ohio, 53rd Regiment, Indiana Infantry, organized at
New Albany and Indianapolis, Indiana. Nothing further is known of him.
The Civil War Soldiers
and Sailors site,
will show the name of the unit your ancestor was with. Then at the bottom
of the page describing the actions of the unit, there is a link for a listing of
all soldiers in that unit.
Contributed by Virginia Flesher
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Shelby Democrat
September 21, 1925
Civil War Veterans Will Gather At Columbus October First.
Lewis King, recruiting officer for the fourth district, G.A.R., has announced that there will be a reunion of the civil war veterans at the city hall, in Columbus, on October 1. The veterans are asked to bring their wives and daughters with them to the meeting. All veterans of the civil war are invited to be present. A banquet will be served for the visitors during the day by the members of the Columbus Chapter of the Woman's Relief Corps.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Indianapolis Star
Tuesday, May 10, 1910
Shelbyville Veterans Observe Forty-Eighth
Anniversary of Capture in South.
--- Shelbyville veterans today recalled that forty-eight years ago Andrew
J. Ensminger of this city was captured at Athens, Ala., by the
Southern army, together with forty-six others of his company, which was Company
E of the Thirty-seventh Indiana Regiment. During the engagement before
they were captured, at which time they were guarding a bridge, five of the
company were killed and eight were injured. The prisoners were taken to
Libby Prison, where they were kept for six months. James Tillison
of Shelby County was shot through and through several times, and was left on the
battle field for dead. That night members of the regiment removed him from
the battlefield. He is now living on a farm near this city.
Contributed by Marsha Ensminger
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, January 5, 1905
Page 2, column 2
At Battle of Stone River - The List Herewith
The annual reunion of the survivors of the Battle of Stone River was held at Indianapolis Monday afternoon and evening. The following old soldiers of Shelby county still surviving, participated in that battle and doubtless most if not all of them attended the reunion: J. K. Bowers, W. T. Wicker, George W. Feris, Martin T. Williams, George W. Howery, Edward Small, Andy Ensminger, I. N. Justice, Martin Cherry, James M. Linville, J. K. Henby, Anderson Talbert, Jos. V. Poer, Marion Campbell, Benjamin Simpson, James P. Row, Jasper Richey, John Hogan and Jacob Knapp.
Company F., 51st Indiana Regiment, claims the loss of the first man killed in that battle, he being George Holbrook of this county.
Two regiments including Co. F., 51st Indiana, crossed Stone river December 30th, 1862, and ascended the hill on the opposite side about sundown, where they ran up against General Brenckenridge's whole corps in rifle pits. At this point Holbrook was killed.
The battle continued until about 10 o'clock that night when the Union soldiers retreated across Stone river. On the 30th, light skirmishes continued on either side.
On the morning of the 31st the rebels attacked the Union soldiers right and terrific fighting continued throughout the day. The Thirteenth Michigan finally saving the day to the Union soldiers.
On the next day January the first, there was but little fighting and on the second the rebels fiercely attacked the Union left but were finally driven back, the enemy retreating to Tullahoma, Tennessee. The losses on each side amounted to many thousands and although won by the Union forces, it was at heavy cost of life. Johnson's brigade and a brigade under Col. Willich, and fifty-two pieces of artillery were captured during this battle.
General Garshe's head was shot off by a cannon ball on the 31st, while at the side of General Rosencrans. He was Rosencrans' chief of staff. The battle of Stone river was the first after Lincoln's proclaimation, freeing the slaves, took effect.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelby Republican
Tuesday, August 29, 1899
page 2, column 1
The surviving members of the old 36th Indiana Regiment will hold their annual reunion at Connersville, on Thursday, September 28th. All the members who can possibly do so are earnestly requested to be present.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
A Shelbyville Newspaper
Shelbyville, Indiana.
Memorial Day, May 1899
Do you know what it means, you boys and girls
Who hail from the North and the South!
Do you know what it means
This twining for greens
Round the silent cannon's mouth;
This strewing with flowers the grass-grown grave;
This decking with garlands the statues brave;
This planting of flags,
All in tatters and rags;
This marching and singing,
These bells all a-ringing;
These faces grave and those faces gay;
This talk of the Blue and this talk of the Gray
In the North and the South, Memorial Day.
Not simply a show-time, boys and girls,
In this day of falling flowers,
Not a pageant or play,
Nor a holiday
Of flags and floral bowers;
It is something more than the day that starts,
War-memories a throb in veteran hearts;
For across the years,
To the hopes and the fears,
To the days of battle,
Of roar and rattle--
To the Past that now seems so far away,
Do the sons of the Blue and the sons of the Gray
Gaze-hand clasping hand-- Memorial Day,
For the wreck and the wrong of it boys and girls,
For the terror and loss as well,
Our hearts must hold
A regret untold
As we think of those who fell.
But their blood, on which ever side they fought,
Remade the Nation, and Progress wrought.
We forget the woe;
For we live and know
That the fighting and the sighing,
The fall and the dying,
Were but steps toward the Future--the Martyr's Way!
Adown which the sons of the Blue and the Gray
Look, with love and with pride, Memorial Day.
Author unknown
Submitted by Janet Franklin
The Shelbyville Republican
July 10, 1896
Survivors of Company G. Third Indiana
Calvary Spend a Pleasant Fourth
A number of the survivors of Company G. Third Indiana Cavalry met at the home of Henry K. Dunkle, at Mt. Auburn, Shelby county, to celebrate the Fourth of July by a reunion of a few of his comrades. It was a grand success in every respect. The membersof the company present were the following: John Rubush and daughter, of Edinburg; John E. Dupree, wife and daughter, of Edinburg; Horace Weaver and wife, of New Palestine; Joel Williams and wife, of Whiteland; Joseph Waggoner and wife, of Indianapolis; Charles Racker and wife, of Franklin; Robert Fitspatrick, of Whiteland; Rufus Sweetzer, of Bluff Creek; Mrs. Lucinda Rubush, and daughter, of Edinburg. Mrs. Rubush is the widow of Lima Rubush, a former member
of the company. There were also present neighbors and friends that came by invitation to help celebrate and enjoy the reunion of these old soldiers, among them being Uncle Lewis Mullendore and wife, Tobias Nulakin and wife, Asbury Richardson and wife, all of near Franklin; H. B. Fisk, wife and family, James Barlow and family, Mrs. G. F. Conover and mother, Miss Minnie Treon, Mrs. Malissa Barlow and daughter and a number of young people of near Mt. Auburn to about the number of fifty. It is impossible to describe the splendid tables loaded with every delicacy of the season, prepared and arranged as only such fine cooks as Mrs. Dunkle and her two daughters, Misses Eliza and Susie, can do. The soldiers and their wives ate at the first table with a number of the most attentive and will waiters in attendance.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Selected Civil War
and Those
Who Died
Burk, Edmund, killed by guard at Louisville, September 5, 1862.
Dick, Samuel, died at Nashville, November 7, 1863.
Davis, George W., killed at Atlanta, July 21, 1864.
Fox, Daniel, killed at Stone River, January 2, 1863.
Golden, William B., died at Nashville, December 5, 1862.
Hill, Milton, died at Cave Springs, KY, December 30, 1862.
Kendall, John E., killed at Stone River, January 2, 1863.
Larmoro, Oliver P., died at Lebanon, KY, November 15, 1862.
Laird, Robert, died at Louisville, October 25, 1862.
Reed, James, died at Cave Springs, KY, November 24, 1862.
Smith, Henry, died at Nashville, December 15, 1862.
Tucker, Benjamin, died in Shelby county, IN, November 24, 1862.
Cherry, James, died in Andersonville Prison, September 5, 1864.
Peterson, William, died at Union City, TN, January 22, 1864.
Phillippe, John W., died at Memphis, May 28, 1865.
Robinson, Lewis, died at Andersonville.
St. John, Albert, died February 22, 1864, of wounds.
Aydelott, Joseph, died January 26, 1865.
Allison, William M., died February 24, 1865.
Bagley, Joseph, died July 13, 1864. [Correct spelling BADGLEY.]
Bagley, Henry, died April 15, 1864. [Correct spelling BADGLEY.]
Beckley, Charles, killed at Sulphur Trestle, AL, September 25, 1864.
Colcaizer, Philip, died at Pulaski, TN August 17, 1864.
Delano, George W., lost on Sultana, April 27, 1865.
Goius, Milton, died at St Louis, MO, June 16, 1865.
Hill, Lorenzo D., died September 22, 1864.
Houton, Cassender T., killed at Sulphur Trestle, September 25, 1864.
Huls, Marion, died April 4, 1865.
Hulsopple, John, died at Pulaski, September 8, 1864.
Jenkins, John, died at Nashville, March 19, 1865.
Smith, Milton, killed by guard at Vicksburg, July 11, 1865.
Strap, James H., died at Memphis, March 13, 1865.
Shull, John W., lost on the Sultana, April 27, 1865.
Swango, Henry, died at New Orleans, April 27, 1865.
Vance, William D., died at New Orleans, April 27, 1865.
Williams, John R., died in Rebel prison pen, February 5, 1865.
Holton, William F., killed near Kenesaw, July 17, 1864.
Denickson, John W., died near Atlanta, August 27, 1864 of wounds.
Pence, Jacob, died at Louisville, March 2, 1865.
Anderson, John B., died Louisville, October 29, 1864.
Dodd, John M., died at Chattanooga, September 9, 1864.
King, Thomas B., died at Murfreesboro, December 26, 1864.
Gunning, Hiram, died at Baltimore, May 14, 1865.
Badger, Milton J., died at Columbus, TN, August 15, 1865.
Newton, Thomas G., died at Indianapolis, March 3, 1865.
Pearson, John J., died at Nashville, March 25, 1863.
Roe, James M., died at Pulaski, May 12, 1865.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well known local talent,
B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909.
Submitted by Jane Fullington
[The preceding paragraphs detail the resolution
of and the reprecussions from Sugar Creek Township's decision to join the Southern Confederacy, if the "one
grand confederacy ... must divide".]
There were no further attempts to hold Union meetings
in Shelby County for some time, and things drifted along in this manner until the firing on Fort Sumter brought
about the crisis. Nothing can well exceed the excitement occasioned by that first act of the rebellion. Public
meetings were held in most of the villages and hamlets throughout the North, at which speeches were made and resolutions
passed, denouncing the secession movement in unmeasured terms. The President's call for 75,000 volunteers
was responded to with alacrity. No portion of the country was more prompt in stepping forward in defense
of the Union than was Shelby County. In less than a week two full companies were organized and ready for
the field, and five others were nearly completed. One of these was accepted by the authorities at Indianapolis,
and was assigned the position of C, in the Seventh Regiment, three months' volunteers. It was mustered into
service on the 22nd of April, with John M. Blair, as Captain; John M. Flynn, 1st Lieutenant;
and John C. Maze, 2nd Lieutenant. From the Volunteer
of April 25, 1861, the following account of the departure of that company is taken:
"On Sabbath afternoon last, Johnson's Hall was
filled to overflowing with citizens to witness the presentation of the elegant flag (purchased by the patriotic
ladies of Shelbyville) to the first company of volunteers from this county, under the command of Capt. John M.
Blair. The ceremonies were of an impressive and entertaining character. ORDER OF EXERCISES:
First ---- Prayer, by Rev. Mr. Lynch; Second ---- Song, 'America;' Third
---- Addresses, by Revs. Montgomery, Smythe, Kent and Lynch; Fourth
---- Presentation of a copy of the Bible to each of the officers, and a copy of the Testament to each volunteer.
The Bible and Testaments were presented by the American Bible Society, and a full copy of the Bible would have
been given each soldier had the agency at this place had a sufficient number on hand; Fifth ---- Presentation
of flag. Misses Annie Green, Laurie Sprague and Fannie Robins, in behalf
of the lady donors, came forward and presented the elegant flag procured for the occasion as a gratuity of their
zeal for the cause in which their countrymen were about to engage. Miss Green said:
"Captain Blair and Gentlemen of the Company:
In behalf of the ladies of Shelbyville, I present you this flag --- the flag of our country --- as a memento
of the past, the emblem of our happiness and greatness, and the hope of our future. The history of the world
teaches us that liberty has ever been assailed, has ever been struggling for her rights, but has never been conquered.
When the Roman Empire became enervated by the luxuries and licentiousness of her people, and despotism erected
a throne upon her ruins, then liberty was enshrouded in the dark mantle of oppression and wrong. But amid
all the struggles of mankind for their liberties, noble and patriotic fathers, husbands, brothers and sons have
bared their manly breasts to the blows of her enemies, in defense of their rights. And when fallen --- as
many have, and may again in defense of this flag ---- the soldier's grave and the soldier's monument, are the fondest
legacies of a nation, honored by historians and poets ---- the theme and pride of generations. Who would
blot from Grecian history her Thermopylae, or the fame of Alexander, who wept on the shores of the Indian Ocean
because there were no more worlds to conquer; from Rome her hundred unparalleled vicotries ---- the fame of her
Pompeys, her Scipios and her Caesars; from France her tragic victories on the Rhine and the fame of her Napoleon
at whose victorious tread the whole continent trembeld; from England her Waterloo, her Nelson and her Wellington;
from America the glorious deeds of Bunker Hill, Yorktown, Lunday's Lane, battle of Lake Erie and defense of Fort
Sumter? Who would forget her warriors --- her Wahington, her Marion,her Knox, her Greene, her Jackson, her Scott,
or her Major Anderson? Is there one who wold sully these bright achievements of our country or dishonor the
glorious old flag of our Union? Alas! there comes a voice from the land of Marion, of Green, of Knox,
and lastly, and most mornful of all, from the land of Washington, uttered by degenerate sons thereof, whose hightest
aim is their country's dishonor, boastingly answering, YES. But here is a bright oasis in the desert of degeneracy.
Scarcely has the echo of that voice died away, ere that banner is lifted aloft by proud and patriotic hands,
and around its standard are gathered the bravest and noblest of the land, to defend and protect it from rising
in the strength and majesty of a nation to repel the invasion of a traitorous foe, and to vindicate our nation's
honor, bear it proudly, guard it will, defend it nobly and
'In the dark and trying hour,
'In the breaking forth of power,
'In the rush of steeds and men,
'God's right hand will shield thee then.'
Let your motto be 'Victory or death!' And may this flad with its stars and stripes, never be trailed in
the dust, but
may it wave
'O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."
Capt. Blair responded:
"To the liberal and patriotic ladies of Shelbyville,
allow me, and in behalf of my fellow soldiers', to express our warmest gratitude for this noble Banner, Speaking
is not the soldiers' province. Rather is it their duty to defend that right, when the voice is raised in
behalf of the Union and Constitution, but to crush it out when uttered by unworthy men against the Constitution
and that glorious old Banner, which has so often waved over many a hard fought battle-field, and never yet been
struck at half mast until assailed by the traitorous hands of its own countrymen. We accept this noble and
generous gift, and with it, the motto suggested by the fair donors, 'Victory or death!' May we hope the first
sentiment shall crown oour efforts. But, for me, and I but reiterate the sentiments of my fellow soldiers,
death is far more preferable than this noble Banner should ever be digraced."
After this the volunteers sat down to a sumptuous
banquet given by order of the city council.
The second company was organized on the 22nd of April
by electing T. A. McFarland, Captain, D. T. Sleeth, 1st Lieutenant, and Robert Connor,
2nd Lieutenant. The meeting for recruiting this company was held on the 17th of April. The following
account of it was published at that time: "The meeting was organized by the appointment of Hon. T. A.
McFarland, President, Green Vernon and Joseph Tull, Vice Presidents, and J.
W. Elliott, Secretary. After a few patriotic remarks by Mr. McFarland, on taking the chair, the meeting
was addressed at length by Col. W. M. McCarty, T. A. McFarland, James Milleson, Mr.
Oldham and E. G. Mayhew, in favor of the mainenance of the Union, the constitution and the enforcement
of the laws. On motion a committee, consisting of James Elliott (Mayor), John C. Green, E.
B. Wingate, James Milleson and Dr. D. Adams, was appointed to draft resolutions expressive
of the sense of the meeting. The committee, through their chairman, reported the following, which were passed
amid great enthusiasm:
"WHEREAS, There exists an open and avowed rebellion
against the constitution and laws of our country, which, if permitted to continue, will prove subversive of the
liberties of the whole people of the union, and tarnish forever the glory, honor and fair name of our beloved country
in the eyes of the world; therefore,
"Resolved, That we, the people of Shelby
County, toally ignoring all past divisions, unite in one common sentiment, that the supremacy of the constitution,
the union and the laws, under their properly consititued authorities must be maintained.
"Resolved, That, emulating the example
of our forefathers, we pledge our lives, or fortunes and our sacred honors, to maintain the honor of our national
flag, consecrated by the blood of patriots on a hundred battle fields, and the integrity of the Union, the palladium
of our liberty and the only hope of our posterity.
"Resolved, The appealing to the God of
battles to sustain us, we are determined to crush out this rebellion, as the only means of perpetuating the noblest
system of Gevernment ever devised by human wisdom.
"During the absence of the Committee on Resolutions
a paperwas presented for the enrollment of Volunteers. Forty names were signed at once and arrangements made
to continue the enrollment in the morning. * * * After
three rousing cheers for Gov. Hicks, of Maryland, and three times three for the stars and stripes, the meeting
This company was entirely filled by the 22nd, the date
of electing officers. At that time the name "Shelby Guard of Honor" was adopted and an invitation
extended to the "Freeport Rovers," and "Brandywine Invincibles," the "Home Guard,"
of St. paul, and all other companies in the county to meet at Shelbyville and muster the military forces of the
county. Cols. McKenzie and Shank, and Capts. Coalscott and McGuire were asked
to assist in the drilling and mustering.
The following items of interest appeared in the Volunteer of April 25th:
"The second company of volunteers from Shelby
County, under command of Captain T. A. McFarland, are now awaiting marching orders. The company numbers
about one hundred, mostly robust and able-bodied men."
"A HIGH COMPANY. ----- There is now being organized
in this place a company of volunteers, whose services will be offered to the General Government, when required,
of a high order --- or rather high men --- no man standing less than five feet ten inches being eligible to membership.
Some twenty odd names have already been enrolled, and it is intended to have the company filled up and ready
to report itself under the next requisition, which may probably be in the course of a few days. Able-bodied men
filling the bill in stature and willing to do duty commensurate with their size, are requested to come forward
and enroll their names imme- [remainder is on page 334]
History of Shelby County, Indiana, "Military History", Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, pages
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming, Jan 2001.
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday October 4, 1883
Page 2 column 6
Of Those Who Draw Pensions From the Government
In Shelby County. The Names and Locations of Injury
Entitling Them To A Pension
BASS, Wm. M.; lungs $ 2.00
PIKE, Elijah; leg $10.00
SIMPSON, Benjamin; index finger $ 6.00
FISHER, Benjamin F.; abdomen $ 4.00
WOOD, Theodore H.; face $ 4.00
TILSON, James; chest $ 8.00
QUERY, Delila; widow of 1812 $ 8.00
FIKE, Samuel; arm $24.00
SHAFER, John W.; foot $ 4.00
MILLER, Philip; lungs $ 4.00
OLIVER, John J.; eyes $ 2.00
DAVIS, Urias R.; abdomen $ 4.00
BALES, David; varicose veins $ 8.00
GERMAN, Elizabeth H.; mother $ 8.00
WARE, Mary Ann; widow $10.00
HADDEN, George W.; minor $10.00
BOWMAN, John; diarrhea $15.00
DEARMAN, James M.; hip $ 8.00
POLLARD, Sarah, widow of 1812; $ 8.00
EICHELBERGER, Job; lungs $ 4.00
JONES, Richard; diarrhea $ 8.00
TULL, Edward N.; thigh $ 2.00
BARNGROVER, Perry; abdomen $ 6.00
REED, Inna, widow; $15.00
PRATT, Mary A. widow; $10.00
RUSH, Nancy, widow of 1812; $ 8.00
BARNETT, Samuel H.; conjunctivitis $ 3.00
WHITE, John J.; hand $ 6.00
LISHER, James; abdomen $ 8.00
BOLES, Harmon W.; eyes $24.00
AMANNS, George; scurvey $ 6.00
ROSS, Warren; eyes $50.00
ARMSTRONG, John W.; breast $ 6.00
COHN, Benjamin F.; face $ 2.00
CRAWFORD, Isaac L.; hand $18.00
INLOW, James; diarrhea $ 6.00
MILLER, Perry 0.; rheumatism $ 6.00
LAMB, John A.; femur $ 6.00
COPPLE, George W.; lungs $ 4.00
GRIGSBY, Daniel; leg $18.00
MARTYN, Peter W.; foot $ 6.00
RICHARDSON, Edwin J.; shoulder $18.00
FOUNTAIN, Flora; mother $ 8.00
WOODRUFF, Ann; widow $ 8.00
SCOTT, Eliza A.; widow $ 8.00
POPE, Sarah T.; widow $ 8.00
CROSS, Catherine; widow $ 8.00
MCCARTY, Mary Ann; widow $ 8.00
ROAN, Christeny; widow $ 8.00
COLE, George; neck $12.00
POER, Joseph V; . rheumatism $ 4.00
MORRIS, David; diarrhea $ 4.00
WEST, Lucinda J., widow; $ 8.00
TELTOE, Joseph; index finger $ 2.00
SPURLIN, Joseph F.; catarrh $ 4.00
LEONARD, Lindsay; diarrhea $12.00
HOLTON, John; ophthalmia $ 6.00
GARTHWAIT, Mathew; eyes $18.00
TRUITT, Peter; face $10.00
MOORE, Noah O.; hand $ 6.00
COMSTOCK, James A.; leg $ 6.00
ANDERSON, John W.; breast $ 8.00
MCBRIDE, Wm.; leg $ 6.00
JONES, Elizabeth, widow; $17.00
WEBSTER, William H.; abdomen $ 6.00
WIGGINS, Lawson; nephritis $12.00
YOUNG, Jeremiah; forearm $12.00
DIEBERT, Stephen W.; throat $18.00
CAMPER, Henry W.; hips $ 6.00
SHIP, Joseph V.; leg $ 2.00
BUTLER, Amos C.; diarrhea $ 4.00
MOORE, John B.; eyes $ 4.00
DOUTHIT, Alonzo; diarrhea $ 4.00
POWELL, Oliver; chest $ 8.00
NOWELL, Emily, widow, $12.00
BENNETT, Rachel J., widow, $ 8.00
ROICE, Elizabeth, mother, $ 8.00
SHANER, John F.; wrist $ 8.00
THOMPSON, Thomas B.; abdomen $ 4.00
LISK, Henry B.; face $ 4.00
FOX, Leander; leg $18.00
MEDASCH, Conrad; leg $ 4.00
LAMILLE, David; eye $14.00
PHARES, Amos T.; eyes $ 4.00
MCFALL, Jane, widow, $ 8.00
LAZELLE, George W.; diarrhea $ 8.00
LANE, Francis; lungs $ 8.00
MARIETTA, Charles L.; arm $ 2.00
MAHAN, Montraville; typhoid fever $ 4.00
MCBRIDE, Joseph; leg $ 4.00
MCHULL, Alexander; thigh $ 4.00
HESTER, Joseph H.; deaf $ 2.00
GRIFFEY, Anderson; leg $ 2.00
HARNEY, Lewis C.; blindness $72.00
DERRINGER, James; face $ 2.00
ALBRIGHT, John F.; abdomen $ 4.00
DUNHAM, John; abdomen $ 3.00
DOWDEN, John B.; leg $ 4.00
BUTHFIELD, John W.; arm & hip $ 6.00
BOWMAN, Thomas; abdomen $ 4.00
CLAYTON, John R. leg $ 6.00
ARMBRUSTER, Charles; abdomen $ 8.00
GILLISPIE, Burton; phthisis $12.00
LEACH, Eliot W.; bronchitis $ 8.00
OWENS, Wm. T.; heart $10.00
BYERS, John M.; leg $ 6.00
LACKEY, Peter; diarrhea $10.00
FARLEY, Wm.; thigh $ 8.00
SMITH, Greenville; diarrhea $ 4.00
MORGAN, Wm.; diarrhea $ 4.00
SWANGO, George W.; thigh $ 4.00
THOMPSON, Thomas F.; rheumatism $ 4.00
DAVIDSON, Edward L.; lungs $24.00
TALBERT, Franklin ophthalmia; $ 4.00
TILLISON, Joseph; thigh $ 6.00
TUCKER, Cornelius F.; diarrhea $ 4.00
WILLIAMS, John D.; spine $ 2.00
WEBSTER, Daniel G.; rheumatism $ 4.00
ADAMS, William R.; thigh $ 4.00
COLLINS, Ephriam F.; hand $ 8.00
BUTLER, Wm. O.; hip $ 8.00
COLEMAN, Robert; side $ ----
ANDERSON, Jacob; diarrhea $ 6.00
WILKES, Theodore; arm $ 4.00
RIGGS, Charles W.; skull $ 8.00
POPE, David; lungs $ 8.00
PIERCE, Seymour L.; spine $20.00
PHARES, Robert; hand $ 4.00
WEASEL, Sebastian; face $ 2.00
WIMMER, Samuel; shoulder $ 4.00
WOODS, Joseph; arm $ 6.00
NUGENT, George W.; lungs $ 6.00
NAIL, James H.; abdomen $ 6.00
YOUNG, James; hand $ 4.00
CLARK, Richard M.; knee $ 4.00
BARKER, William B.; arm $ 6.00
BENNETT, Joseph; diarrhea $ 4.00
SIMMS, Francis; diarrhea $ 8.00
VIERLING, Wm.; diarrhea $ 6.00
YOUNG, John, No.1; eye $12.00
SIMPSON, Allen; poisoning $ 2.00
GRIFFIN, Wm.; rheumatism $ 8.00
HANSON, Plummer; leg $ 2.00
EOFF, Humphrey Jr.; abdominal $ 8.00
MILLER, Elizabeth; ------- $10.00
ROBERTSON, Samuel B.; leg $18.00
THOMPSON, Simeon J.; leg $24.00
THRALLS, Richard H.; hand $ 8.00
WELLS, Robert S.; bronchitis $ 8.00
RICHARDSON, Nathan; shoulder $18.00
LAW, Samuel B.; leg $ 6.00 STAFFORD, Tyra eyes $18.00
JONES, George S.; leg $14.00
FAIRLEY, Henry; hand $ 4.00
CONVERS, John; surv. 1812 $ 8.00
RUNYON, Wm. H.; leg $ 4.00
MYERS, Margaret, widow $ 8.00
KEPHY, Melvina, widow $ 8.00
SANDROCK, Caroline, widow $ 8.00
OLDFIELD, Elizabeth, widow $ ----
MELOY, Eliza J., widow $ 8.00
TRAVISE, Catharine, widow $ 8.00
LYONS, Catharine, widow $14.00
BANKS, Sue Ann, widow $12.00
CANADA, Nancy, widow $ 8.00
BILLINGSLY, Rebecca A., widow $ 8.00
MERRICK, Leah, widow $12.00
MCKINZIE, Isabella, widow $20.00
FRANK, Catharine, widow $ 8.00
GOODRICH, Elizabeth, widow $ 8.00
LANDINGHAM, Lewis B., minor $10.00
NORVELL, Wm., minor $12.00
MELOY, Ezra, minor $10.00
HAY, Jacob, minor $14.00
SWANGO, Nancy, mother $ 8.00
FORD, Rebecca, mother $ 8.00
LYTLE, Mary, mother $ 8.00
PLUMENSTEIN, Maria, mother $ 8.00
GUILE, Catharine, mother $ 8.00
KEHL, Maria A., mother $ 8.00
COATS, Margaret, mother $ 8.00
HOGAN, Nancy, mother $ 8.00
TODD, Jane, widow, $ 8.00
CLARK, Elizabeth, widow 1812 $ 8.00
MCCOMBS, (Alex Ellett), widow 1812 $ 8.00
DOUGHTY, Elizabeth, widow 1812 $ 8.00
KENNERLY, Amanda F., widow 1812 $ 8.00
MELDRUM, Jane, widow $ 8.00
ROBERTSON, Susan, widow $ 8.00
HACKER, Margaret, widow $ 8.00
VANSCOYC, Jerusha, widow $ 8.00
THOMPSON, Roanna, widow $ 8.00
MCCREA, Albert; diarrhea $ 6.00
DRAKE, Wm. M.; hip $31.25
MCFARRAN, Mary; widow $ 8.00
MOUNT, Thomas; hand $ 4.00
WINES, Elijah J.; rheumatism $ 6.00
WOOD, Thomas J.; abdomen $ 4.00
DURBIN, Oliver P.; lungs $12.00
MYERS, Robert H.; patella $ 6.00
LAUGH, Margaret; mother $ 8.00
MOUNT, Rebecca S.; mother $ 8.00
CLINE, Julia A.; widow 1812 $ 8.00
HOWARD, Aaron; surv. 1812 $ 8.00
STEWART, Elizabeth; widow 1812 $ 8.00
NICELY, Zachariah; arm $18.00
ROSS, Daniel W.; foot $ 6.00
BEVELHIMER, Reuben; hip & leg $ 4.00
ROSS, Malinda; widow $ 8.00
RADER, Daniel S.; hip $ 4.00
STEWART, Benjamin F.; hand $10.00
HAYMOND, Thomas L.; diarrhea $ 7.50
LUTHER, Albert A.; bronchitis $ 2.00
EDWARDS, John C.; diarrhea $ 4.00
COOK, Jabez M.; diarrhea $ 8.50
POWERS, Verinda ; widow $ 8.00
STRAWBRIDGE, Sarah E.; widow $ 8.00
VANHORN, Lucy A. ; widow $ 8.00
Copied by Barb Huff, Dec 2000.
Letter from Major Welch's company
An Indianapolis Newspaper
February 25, 1865
Contact the Indiana State Library for a full copy.
WAR / Hancock, Marion and Shelby counties, list of names drawn in soldier
draft. J 2-25-1865 Page 4, Column 2-3.
The Boston Traveller
Thursday, June 11, 1863
Page 3
Resistance to the Conscription Act in Indiana
A Deputy Provost Marshal and a Detective Killed
A Military Force Sent to the Scene of the Murder
Cincinnati, June 11 - Mr. Stevens, a Deputy Provost Marshal, Mr. Clayfield, a Detective, and an Enrolling Officer who accompanied them, were fired upon near Manville, Rush County, Indiana, yesterday, by some men in a wheat field. Mr. Stevens was instantly killed, and Mr. Clayfield fell mortally wounded and soon afterwards killed. The Enrolling Officer was shot through his clothing, but fortunately escaped without receiving any serious injury.
Two companies of the 71st Indiana Regiment left Indianapolis yesterday for the scene of the murder.
A soldier was shot by a deserter at Shelbyville, Indiana, yesterday, while attempting to arrest the deserter.
Contributed by John Addison Ballard
The Volunteer
Shelbyville, Ind.
February 5, 1863
EXCLUSIVELY PERSONAL. --- There was another shameless effort made at the meeting of the Soldiers Aid Society on Saturday night to introduce the disturbing element of political discussion. The prime mover was Tom M'Farland, who indulged in a disjointed and incoherant harrangue, denouncing men as traitors and secession sympathisers. The patriotic professions of this man are a lie --- his object is to impair the efficiency and evidently destroy the organization, and then attempt to fasten the responsibility upon Democrats --- he has no regard for the sufferings of the soldier or their families -- his hope is to create a commotion in social and political circles, probably incite men to deeds of violence, in ...[my copy ends here-pmf]
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Volunteer
Thursday, December 25, 1862
Page 4
ADMISSION OF WESTERN VIRGINIA. --- A greater outrage nor a more palable violation of the Constitution has ever been perpetrated by Congress than the admission of Western Virginia into the Union as a State. The act itself acknowledges that a State can secede --- acknowledges that Virginia is out of the Union and a foreign State --- an admission that no loyal man will make. By this high-handed and lawless act Congress admits the doctrine of the secessionists that each State is an independent sovereignty and owes allegiance to the Constitution just so long as she may choose and no longer --- that the Union of the States is not permanent, bent a consolidation of seperate[sic] independent sovereignties, dissolvable at please. Not the first provision of the Constitution for the devision[sic] of a State has been observed --- but Western Virginia secedes from Eastern Virginia, applies for admission into the Union (as if she had ever been out) and is admitted. The act is an infamous one and adds another chapter of blasting infamy to the present Congress.
But, by this act more than the the[sic] right of a State to secede is acknowledged --- the precedent is set of the right of a part of one State to secede from the other, or of Congress to divide up the States at pleasure.
[Being the first generation in my family not to grow up in 'them thar' hills of WV, this was a little tough to type --- but I made it! Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming]
The Shelby Volunteer
Thursday, December 18, 1862
Lately, with a flourish, the dismission from our service of about eighty officers, on account of absence from their duties, was announced. It now appears that some of these were killed in battle, and that others had been discharged honorably on account of sickness or wounds in the service. This shows a criminal carelessness in the War Department.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Volunteer
Volume 19, Number 1
September 11, 1862
The following is a complete list of those Exempted by the Board from draft, for physicial[sic] disability and other reasons. All those whose names appear in this list are exempt, and none other. The Commissioner will have certificates ready in about one week:
Benjamin Dake | Josiah Dinwiddee
Endsley H. Stanley | Thomas Henricks
Geo. W. McCullock | Daniel Smith
James M. Means | John Joyce
Jerome C. Smith | Samuel Lowe
James King | John Webber
Henry Grass | John D. Henry
Wesley Means | Elisha J. Andrews
John Q. Morgan | Daniel Huffer
David C. Hubbard | Jeremiah J. Fowler
William Clover | John Baker
Wooster B. Cleaver | John Lawrence
Andrew Ikeman | Daniel Howry
Julius Doolittle | John House
Jesse W. Walker | Alfred House
Adam W. Fansler | Lot Mack
James Rouse | Smith Hutchinson
Perry Barngrover | George F. Pollard
Thomas H. Pitcher | John Wilkins
Isaac Watts | Joshua S. Derman
Woodbeck Low | Joacob Murnan
Jefferson Nugent | John K. Smith
John G. Willard | William Henson
William R. Robertson | Abel House
David Pfendler | John R. Phillips
Asahel Tracy | John M. Coffee |
Jeremiah Stillwell | David J. Snepp
George Hildebrand | Joseph Snepp
Ira Sibley | William W. Hook
Theodore King | George Buechee
Clinton Rhinehart | Allen Smith
Conrod Bogart | John J. Lemar
John J. Heck | Thomas Stine
Emanuel Higgins | Smauel Colvin
Levi Niebel | Henry C. Coffman
Frederick V. Fogel | Sandy W. Miller
William Snepp sen. | Edward D. Elder
Abraham Emerick | John C. Osbourn
Jacob Moyer | Benony Richardson
Lewis Niebel | Jacob Mutz
Richard Collins | Moses Pruitt
George Reeder | Samuel C. Noble |
Anderson Carmony | Alexander Gunning
Perry Young | George M. Johnson
Samuel N. Weil | George Fox
James M. Denlinger | John Buck
Joseph York | Clarlton[sic] Reed
Corydon W. Whetsel | Barton W. Cole
Samuel Foust | John C. Davis
John Grinley | Cyrus B. Cox
Mathew Mason | William I. Baitey
William S. Robins | Augustus E. Kinsley
Jsaac[sic] B. Tracy | Joseph Dennis
James Brumfiel | Elijah Burtch |
Abraham Demott | Phillip Zeller
Edward Cooper | John F. Lewis
Michael Halloran | William Fitzgibbon
Isaac H. Brooks | Jerome W. Copeland
Alfred Washburn | Thadeus Lewis
George Crosscaden | Francis Jones
Benjamin Jackston | Joseph Clark
Samuel D. Hatten | John T. Gillaspie
John Baxter | George Kennedy
John W. Jones | John W. Colee
Levi Miller | William Welch
John M. Johnson | Thomas Reed
Nicholas Bailey | James Mitchell |
Samuel Hutton | Andrew Noble
Daniel Muth | Jacob L. Boring
John Corkins | Jacob Wickliffe
Luther C. Gillespie | John Cross
Samuel Willis | John B. Smith
John Hendricks | Jerome R. Cole
William Alexander | William Moore
Samuel Louden | John Willis
Joshua Moore | Zeno Sleeth
George Hughes | Levi Trimble
Isaac Robinson | William A. Rafferty |
William Gordon | Wilton Talbert
Peter I. Baker | James P. Moore
James B. Watson | David W. Macy
Hiram Dewitt | Justice Clapp
John W. Brown | James M. Wicker
Martin John | James C. Rice
Valentine Posz | John B. Hawkins
Nathaniel Orme | Hiram Gunning
Phillip Christian | Amos Halstead
George W. Zike | John Edwards
John M. Davis | Elijah Wicker
James W. T. Swain | Joshua Headly
Oliver Swain | John W. Cotton
Claiborne B. Watson | Eli Mier
Joseph A. Talbert | James Young |
John S. Willard | William Gordon
David Bradley | Martin White
Elias Ennis | George Rush
John Parish | William Surber
James W. Wharton | Thomas Hawes
Thornton A. Owens | Joseph Murphey
Henry Martin | John Stewart
Martin Trisler | Asby P. Hacker
Oscar Simpson | Milton Francis |
John T. Porterfield | Hezekiah Smith
Overton H. Crosby | William Abel
Joab S. Thurston | James Lee
Sohn[sic] McClain | John Heck
Felix S. McKee | John Murphey
Andrew Cochran | Milton G. Roberts
Enoch Evans | Patrick Murphey
Willis C. Fisher | Conrad Ehl
George Chesser | James W. McClain
David Johnson | Nelson S. Conover
William Goff | Borough W. Hackney
William W. Webb | John White
Daniel McCue | Joseph C. Anderson |
George W. White | Edward Martin
Isaac Youngman | Leonard Powell
James W. McCowan | Josiah Lacey
Richard Grocox | Franklin Sefert
John Burton | Robert D. Raines
George Flemming | James Degarno
Francis Lane | Robert W. Smith
Josiah J. Fleming | Francis Love
Harrison Youngman | William E. Higgins
Chapman Ballard | James C. Haymond
Samuel Freeman | Sidney Robertson
Arnold Worland | Charles Quary
John W. Worland | John Ensminger
Marion Curtis | Job Tindall
William Johnson | Enoch Stewart
Thomas John | Ryland Darnell
David R. Vanpelt | Liberty J. Seeley
Aaron J. Vanpelt | George W. Hoseer
James Henderson |
Thomas D. Peak | David Gerard
David Phillipe | James Martin
James Hatton | John S. Stultz
Jefferson Murphey | Theadore A. Owen
John S. Hatton | Thomas T. Bone
Caleb Morris | Thomas Titus
Isaac Limpus | Noah Warner
William S. Ensly | Eli Green
Mathew Armstrong | Joseph W. Clayton
Joseph Titus | Sylvester Tilson
Thomas Sullivan | David Congor
Martin Stevens | Nathan Trimble
John Fix | William Clayten |
Henderson Harrell | John K. Allen
Jarrett Bush | Henry Wier
Anthony Fricker | Richard Stringer
Charles W. Wright | Reuben Pollard
Edward Steward | Robert Meldrum
Milton Stafford | John Henry Carter
William R. Keith | William Rule
William P. Rogers | Joel Ray
Robert R. Raines | James Risch
Nathaniel Fezzenbeck | Frank Brinson
William Odell | William B. Elder
James Lacey | Benjamin D. Davidson
John Bishop |
Andrew Keply | William H. Colclazier
William Ross | Enoch G. Sleeth
Leander Fox | Michael Hill
Enos Plumer | Absolom Arnold |
Job D. Tindall | Ephraim Knowlton
Exum L. Gilkey | William Thompson
William R. Critzer | John Worland
William A. Davis | Absalom Stevens
William B. Angleton | Ulyssus Lambert
John Collins | John L. Dumas
Burton T. Limpus | Marcus Chapman
Peter Gatewood | Sidney Turner
James Angleton | Celestine Worland
James Jerrell | Albert I. Ross
Robert Caudell | Andrew Slower
John L. Wheeler | Benjamin F. Walker
Lemuel Gatewood | Greenberry Stafford
Elston Green | Hiram W. Peak
George W. Higgins | James E. Harald
Enoch Wood | Marland Cunningham
John Reece | William Caudell
Absolom Richey | Elijah Caudell
Peter McDaniel | David Reece
Peter Corwine | Thomas M. Golding
Reuben Hewitt | Nicholis Mann
William Lee | Ira Tenant
Pettr Herschour | John Schofield
John M. Tindall | Waren Lamingham
Thomas Wilson | Asa Woodfield
Elijah Barnes | Alonzo Blair
Samuel Thompson | William Montgomery
Martin Cunningham | David Louden
Simeon Ray | Andrew Winterrowd
James Thompson | Daniel Ford
Harrison Maple | Sylvester L. Dorsey |
Daniel Billings | Peter Wiest
James Judge | Charles Neighbors
Isaac Wood | David S. Patterson
Adam McFarland | John C. Chaney
Oliver P. Bunner | John Schoelch
John Hemersy | Max Lechner
George W. Paine | Newton D. Robins
Joseph Bennett | Mathias Schoelck
Hugh M. Morrison | Charles Richter
William Runion | Zachariah Waller
Michael Higgins | Jeremiah Lynch
Thomas Randall | John Tudor
George C. Thacher | Thomas Skeall
Ira Williamson | Jesse L. Stanley
Adam Kuhn | Jeremiah Reynolds
William Comstock | John Elliott
John Stein | Andrew J. Higgins
Peter Spitzfadden | Square L. Vanpelt
Henry Doble |
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Volunteer
Volume 19, Number 1
September 11, 1862
The following are the names of the members of Capt. John N. Scott's Company, up to the time of its leaving this city for Indianapolis. The Company, we believe, has since been recruited up to the maxium[sic] standard:
JOHN N. SCOTT, Captain
LUMAN JONES, 1st Lieut.
Henry Slurber, 1st Serg't.
Washington F. Andrews, 2d Serg't.
Chas. H. Eaton, 3d Serg't
Napolean A. Rainbolt, 4th Serg't.
Philip L. Birch, 5th Serg't.
CORPORALS.Hanies James N
| Wm. J. Buckingham | Henshaw W H
| Jamuel[sic] Dick | Jacobs Edwin M.
| Harry J. Clark | Jacobbs Van Rensaler
| John H. White | Jessup Sylvester M
| Wm. A. Curson | Kendall John E
| James H. Lowery | Kitchell Piersy
| Joseph R. Hardy | Little Azer
| Joseph Bishop | Lilttle John
| MUSICIANS.Larmon Oliver P
| Thos. F. Chafee | Laird Robert
| John McNeely | Martin Mathias
| John W. Hook | Miller John
| PRIVATES.Miller Lewis
| Allentharp Joseph | McFadden John B
| Ayres Marion | McFadden Lewis L
| Applegate Jeremiah | Martym Peter W
| Anderson Perry | McLaughlin John
| Burke Edmund | Morgan Henry
| Baily Thomas | Newton John M
| Clark Richard M | Nicely Michael
| Campbell David F | Price Anderson
| Camsen Joseph | Reed James
| Copeland George | Reed William
| Cary Zadock M | Reese Ferdinand M
| Davis George W | Rogers William C
| Eacret William R | Roseberry Levi
| Fox Daniel | Smith Henry
| Fountain Edwin N | Smith Paul H
| Fogarty John | Speagle Philip I
| Golding James E | Safford Milton
| Golding William B | Toney James
| Gibson Andrew S | Tull Edward N
| Gibson Alfred | Tucker Benjamin
| Hardy William F | Thompson James H
| Hodge Robert | Wheatly Joseph N
| Henderson James W | Watson James W
| Henry Moses | West Allison
| Hill Milton | Wilbur Thomas E
| Hadden George W | Zeager Jacob | | | | |
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

Indiana Draft Enrollment lists of 1862 from the Indiana State Archives

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