Shelby County, Indiana
Historical Articles

Pictures of Shelby County Schools (buildings and students)
Addison Township
Brandywine Township [Fairland]
Hendricks Township
Jackson Township
Liberty Township
Moral Township
Noble Township
Shelby Township
Sugar Creek Township
Van Buren Township
(see Liberty Township also)
Washington Township, Flat Rock
1864 Enumeration of Students Aged 5 - 21
Beechwood Manual Training Academy
An Eighth Grade Education (required reading!)
Newspaper items, see bottom of this page
Alumni list from the 1909 Shelbyville yearbook
1915 Commencement Booklet
1919 Graduation Announcement
1918 Commencement Booklet
1938 Commercial
1941 Commencement Booklet
Manilla, Rush County, Indiana
The Indianapolis Star
May 18, 1915
Page 4, column 4
SHELBYVILLE -- The graduating class from the
common schools of Shelby County has 214 members. The exercises will be
held June 10.
Contributed by Virginia Latta Curulla and Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Monday, April 10, 1882
It is the practice in some of the public schools in this State to read selections from the daily newspapers, not only as a reading lesson, pure and simple, but also as a means of instructing the pupil in contemporary history. It must be a fearful wrench to the boys' veneration for the brilliant names of history to read that one great man takes a bribe whenever he can get half a chance, that another gets intoxicated with unfailing regularity as often as once a week, that a thrid sells his country for a pile of guano, that a fourth is a liar of gigantic proportions, and that generally....
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday, December 12, 1872
Debating societies and spelling matches are the order of the evening, at country schools.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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