Shelby County Indiana
The Shelby Democrat
March 27, 1915
Page 7 column 7
Big Crowd Heard Interest-
ing Program Last Night ---
Five Graduates.
More than six hundred were in attendance at the Waldron high school commencement held last night at the Methodist Episcopal church at that place, and the program given was a most interesting one. There are five of the graduates this year, all young men, the members of the class being Herman R. Armstrong, Claude M. Brison, Joseph S. Drake, Clarence H. Krieger and Thomas B. Howard.
The diplomas were presented to the class by County Superintendant William M. Everson. Mr. Everson addressed the class briefly and also spoke to the members of the graduating class of the Liberty township common schools, who were guests of honor at the commencement.
Devotionals were in charge of the Rev. Victor B. Hargitt, pastor of the church. An orchestra and the high school chorus furnished the musical program, assisted by Prof. H. K. Willis, who gave a solo.
The commencement address was [my copy ends here]....
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Indianapolis Star
April 7, 1915
Page 4 Column 3
SHELBYVILLE -- The newly
commissioned high school at Waldron will hold its first annual commencement
Thursday evening, May 20, and the address will be delivered by Dr. E. H.
Lindley of Indiana Univertity.
Contributed by Virginia Latta Curulla
The Shelbyville Democrat
Friday, March 4, 1910
Page 1 column 6
A case of measles was discovered in the school at Waldron yesterday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Tuesday, February 20, 1906
Of Liberty Township Was Very Successful
at Last Session.
The teachers of Liberty
township met in session Saturday, Feb. 17, at Waldron. The istitute was
called to order by chairman George Meltzer. The opening
exercises were conducted by Miss Orem, which consisted of singing
and a comment on the twenty-thrid Psalm. As there was no preliminary
business to come before the institute the regular program was carried out in
"The New Harmony
Movement" was handled by Ernest McDaniels, Miss
Higgins, Miss Orem and Miss Heck, followed by a
general discussion.
The teachers of the
township were cordially invited to take dinner with the trustee at the Stroup
hotel which was heartily accepted.
The institute was called
from refreshments to labor at one o'clock. "The Method of
Recitation" was taken up as follows: Miss Bertha Hungerford,
George Miller, Miss Bessie McKay and J. O. Brison.
This subject was discussed in full, bringing out the "Development
Method," "Laws Underlying Processes in Teaching,"
"The Five Formal Steps in Teaching," and their application and
The report of the state
superintendent was discussed by Mrs. Mamie McKay and George
F. Meltzer. This was very interesting, as it dealt with the problems
of centralization and compulsory school laws.
The teachers of the
township in token of their respect and appreciation of their trustee, presented
him with a most beautiful rocking chair. This was such a surprise the he
was too full for utterance.
The committee on
resolutions reported as follows
Be it Resolved, The we,
the teachers of Liberty township, encourage the peace and harmony existing among
patrons, scholars, teachers and school officials; be it further
Resolved, The we extend
to our worthy trustee, Joseph Beyer, Jr., many thanks for
this hospitality shown today and during the school term; be it further
Resolved, That we extend
a vote of thanks to our worthy chairman, George T. Meltzer,
and secretary, Miss Bessie McKay, for their efficient services.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
July 19, 1899
John Dobbins and John Kening, left this morning for Waldron, where they have the contract to make the excavation for the new school house at that place.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday, December 12, 1872
The new school house in Waldron is being roofed this week.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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