Shelby County, Indiana
Political History
The Indianapolis StarContributed anonymously
Tuesday, May 27, 1919
Above, left to right -- Mrs. E. A. Gould, Peru; Miss Mae Helmer, Terre Haute; Mrs. Joseph B. Kealing, Indianapolis; Mrs. Edward Torrance, Evansville; Miss Betsy Edwards, Shelbyville, and Mrs. Charles A. Carlisle, South Bend.
Middle -- Mrs. Medill McCormick and Will H. Hays.
Below -- Miss Betsy Edwards, Shelbyville, Ind.
Indiana women were active in the recent Republican national conference at Washington, in which leaders among Republican women from all parts of the country took part.
The photograph shows the Indiana delegation during one of the pauses in the conference.
Mrs. Medill McCormick, of Illinois, chairman of the Republican women's national executive committee, and Will H. Hays, Republican national chairman, presided jointly over the conference.
Miss Betsy Edwards of Shelbyville, Ind., is a national organizer of Republican women for the Republican national committee.
The Shelby DemocratThe Board of Commissioners yesterday appointed the following well-known democrats throughout Shelby county as election inspectors, to serve at the November election. The Board, it will be observed, has made excellent selections, as each man is an active and intelligent democrat, and will discharge the duties honestly and fairly:
June 16, 1898
Page 3 column 3
Chosen by the Board of Commissioners to
Serve at the November Election--
First-Class Selections.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
No. 1. Joseph Beckner.
No. 2. E. M. Ballard.
No. 3. Thomas Fortune.
No. 4. John Hamm.
No. 5. Henry Doble.
No. 6. Robert Harrison.
No. 8[sic]. S. L. Major.
No. 9. E. M. Wines.
No. 10. Jonas Joseph.
No. 11. W. R. Wolf.
Jackson South, Chas. Kline.
Washington South, C. A. Porter.
Washington East, John M. Hogue.
Noble West, George Wright.
Liberty South, John Peak.
Shelby East, Henry Terry.
Hendricks East, Wm. H. Runion.
Hendricks North, Lewis Rose.
Sugar Creek South, William E. Tucker.
Sugar Creek North, T. L. Shaw.
Brandywine North, George B. Heiner.
Marion West, S. Mohr.
Union South, George John.
Hanover West, Wm. M. Swain.
Van Buren South, Thomas Linville.
Moral North, Henry Mohr.
Moral South, Wm. H. Harrell.
The Daily RepublicanThe men who voted for William Henry Harrison in the days of 1840 are gradually coming to the front. It is thought there are at least one hundred and fifty such in the county and of all such we invite not only their names for publication but ask them to prepare and send to us reminiscences of that campaign now so memorable in history. The men who took part in the victory for the "Hero of Tippecanoe" loves to tell of those glorious days when barbecues and love-feasts were the order and the fine old General was sung into the Presidency. These1840 heroes are equally as enthusiastic for the grandson, General Benjamin Harrison, and are aroused to the importance of his election. They will be heard from this year and their influence will be felt in the grand work of restoring the Republican party to power. The following are the names we have received up to this time:
Friday Evening, July 6, 1888
Some of the Men in Shelby County Who
Voted for William Henry Harrison
----------------Nathan Goodrich,
Rev. E. Kent,
William Thrasher,
James D. Murphy,
Charles W. Neighbors,
Sidney Robertson,
Thomas S. Caughey,
Joseph Cummins,
Thomas Devol,
William Elliott,
Hanson Clark,
James M. Barwick,
R. H. Bentley,
Lewis Ricketts,
Captain Isaac Miles, H. H. Smith,
Dr. Milton Robins,
Albert Snyder,
A. Walker,
Jacob Guile,
Elzy McDonald,
Elias P. Thompson,
J. C. Deacon,
Dennis Bowlby,
Hamilton Morris,
S. T. Barlow,
Thomas Dix,
Burrell Drummond,
William Maple,
Jacob Feaster,
William Morgan,
Nathan Moore,
William Cooper,
Asabel Tracy,
John M. Coleman,
David Deiwert,
Brison B. Armstrong,
Benjamin Peake,
Henry Lancaster,
Lambert Pollitt,
John Keaton,
David Wicker,
Jesse Gibson,
A. S. Tucker,
Jerre Williams,
John Leonard,
William Cremeans,
W. R. Winters,
J. M. Davis,
W. H. Tyner================
How the Boys of Olen Times Whooped
It Up for Tippeanoe and Tyler, Too.
From present indications the campaign of 1888, in behalf of General Benjamin Harrison, will be as lively as the one which carried his grandfather, William Henry Harrison, into the White House. In that year General Harrison was nominated for the Presidency at Baltimore on Washington's birthday, February 22, and for ten months the campaign raged with vigor and enthusiasm from the forests of Maine to the prairies of the west. Night and day the shouts of "Tippecanoe and Tyler, too," rang in the ears of the Democrats until there were wild with distraction. The country blazed with bonfires, log cabins were dragged from town to town, hard cider and corn-cake were as free as the air and as plentiful. The whole campaign was one of song and laughter. One of the incidents was a hundred yoke of oxen dragging a monstrous log cabin, loaded with people, over the Alleghanies, stopping at every town along the way and tapping the inevitable cider-barrel. The log-cabin was generally the old-fashioned kind, with a hole for a door and another for a window and a coonskin nailed to the gable. In those days many live coons were exhibited in the Harrison processions. Coons in cages and on high poles were "toted" from town to town where they swelled the enthusiasm already big with ringing songs.
The campaign poet had got in his work and during that year had written songs which swept the country and stampeded the Democracy. On September 12, 1840, a big meeting was held at Dayton, Ohio, which was the greatest held that year in the United States. Several persons who now live in Shelby county were there on that day. General Harrison was there and it was estimated that 200,000 persons gathered to cheer him. People came from all parts of Ohio and from neighboring States to join in the meeting and sing the stirring songs. Dr. Hezekiah Smith was at the time a resident of Springfield, Ohio, and was present at the Dayton meeting.
[The article continues with a review of the songs used in the campaign-PMF]
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville RepublicanCoal scarce
Thursday, December 12, 1872
Go to church.
Where's our wood?
Save your old rags.
Hogs $3.60 to $3.65.
No henisfrenzy here.
Rain is badly needed.
Oh! for the dogozomatic.
Holidays in two weeks.
Aid the poor this Winter.
Hi-po-coosy, how are you?
This is "settling up" season.
Mules occasionally have the epizotic.
No deaths from the horse disease as yet.
In the midst of life we are in the epiroot.
A good wood-yard is needed in this city.
Country spelling schools have commenced.
Commissioners Court is in session this week.
The question of who shall be our next Mayor is being discussed.
There is considerable corn still unhusked through the country.
A grocer in town says the best way to serve up lobsters is in lobster celery.
Our stylish young bloodssport rimless velvet caps in a style that is peculiar.
Locals are scarce this week, and to give our usual variety is an impossibility.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Soon the Holiday Goods may be seen at the show windows of our business houses.
Those papers that get the official 'pap' will soon be filled with the delinquent tax list.
Blanket your clothes horses carfully. The epizoot is abroad seeking equines to devour.
All the factories in our city are in operation, and few idle men are found on our streets.
It is better to give half worn out clothing to the poor, than to cut it into carpet rags. The young ones are already showing signs of happiness in anticipation of the holidays. "Epizoot" remedies are as numerous as life insurance agents in a sickly community.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Santa Claus will come this year with a pair of mules. His reindeers might catch the epizoot. And still the equines on the streets have a jolly look, that repudiates the idea of disease. We are now clubbing our paper with all the leading periodicals of the age, and at about the publishers' prices. The business men in some places are getting up a list to be called "the dead beat list". This contains the names of all who refuse to pay their accounts. This will make every "dead beat" known at home and abroad that class who buy goods with the intention of defrauding the honest dealer.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The insurance business is brisk. It is the only safe-guard property holders have in Shelbyville against the fire fiend.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Remaining in the Post office at Shelbyville, Ind., for the week ending Dec 12, 1872. All advertized letters not called for in one month from date of advertisement will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Washington, D.C. Persons calling for letters in the following list, should ask for "Advertised Letters."
List of Letters
Bonner, G.A. Phares, Amos I. Farley, Squire Petry, J.H. Lewis, C.W. Polerton, William T. Montgomery, Bud. Phulford, Mrs. Sarah. Mitchell, Mrs. Kandy Shepard, E.W. Maddicks, D.D. Vawter, Bell Coen Nolen, Jo. Winter, Miss Mollie J. M. CUMBACK [editor]Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The National Volunteer
December 29, 1853
Delegates elected by townships were:
Rev. E. Kent - E.G. Mayhew - Rev. John Reese
J. S. Campbell - Dr. Fishback
Addison Township
Samuel Montgomery - Jacob Kennerly - Leo H. Worland
Hugh Dobbins - James Dixon
Hendricks Township
Lewis Salla - John Toner - Joseph Updegraff
James Hill - Jefferson Fleming
Sugar Creek Township
Henry Gird - Dr. Smelser - James Barngrover
David Smith - John McConnell
Brandywine Township
Hugh Campbell - Edward Gird - William Alexander
Thomas Hacker - William Hankins
Marion Township
David Sleeth - Luke Davis - William Gordon
N. Bassett - W.S. Kennedy
Union Township
John A. Cotton - John Gordon - David Jordan
William Cotton - John Golden
Hanover Township
F.M. Cole - Chancy Butler - H. M. Morrison
Seth Cole - Joshua Holden
Van Buren Township
Levi Ender - William H. Jorden - George Leggett
N. Kern - Thomas P. Mcfall
Moral Township
John Kelly - David Nicholas - G.B. Morgan
A. House - N. Earlywine
Liberty Township
R. D. Hovey - John Hahn - Esq. Ricketts
G. W. Bless - A. H Womack
Noble Township
Esq. Van Pelt - Edward Cooper - William Major
G. M. Bently - John Weidner
Washington Township
Matthais Floyd - Thomas Clayton - James E. Douglas
N. Lewis - Thomas H. Wherritt
Jackson Township
James Clarke - Simon Hagerman - James Holmes
Nathan Alby - Peter Hargeman
Abstracted by Maurice Holmes, in his book Shelbyville, Indiana, Newspaper Excerpts: 1853-1859. Submitted by Sherry Badgley Ryan, with permission from the author.
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