Shelby County, Indiana
Historical Articles
Shelby Township
Shelby Township, Shelby County, Indiana:
Township 12 North - Range 6, 7 East
per Plat Directory distributed by the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service, 1997.
The Daily Democrat
January 6, 1914
Page 4
Miss Kathleen Collins spent Thursday with Mrs. Montie Snyder.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pierson and son, Clyde, are visiting relatives at Dayton, O.
Misses Ruth Thurston and Evelyn Kanarr visited the Kent School Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Jesse Miller is lying seriously ill at her home, suffering from abdominal troubles.
Miss Gladys Powell, of Shelbyville, spent Wednesday with Misses Ura and Erie Berck.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
April 3, 1913
Page 5 Column 4
Mrs. John Berck was on the sicke list last week.
Dyer Wood is suffering from a felon on his finger.
The Mitchell school closed Friday after a successful term.
Isaac Hey had the misfortune to lose a fine horse recently.
John Adams spent Sunday night with John Emrich and family.
Walter Weddel and family have moved on to the Sorden farm.
Jasper McKay is making preparations to move on his farm here.
Mrs. Jefferson Lantz, of near Waldron, was in our midst Friday.
Miss Dorothy Fox was the guest of John Emrich and family, Friday.
Mrs. May Hargrove, of Rushville, is here the guest of Mrs. Lona Fritter.
John Adams spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Campbell.
John Adams returned Friday from a few days' visit with relatives near Waldron.
Frank Cherry has gone to Indianapolis, where he has secured employment.
John Adams was the guest of Charles McDonald and family, Friday night.
William Gosney and family spent Sunday with relatives northeast of Shelbyville.
School was dismissed Tuesday at the Kent school house on account of the high water.
Quite a number of our people visited Blue river last Tuesday to view the great flood.
Mr. and Mrs. George Keppel and children, of Blue Ridge, were in our midst Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Willism Wood had as their guests their daughter and children from Indianapolis.
Mrs. Lona Fritter and Mrs. May Hargrove spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at Shelbyville.
Mrs. Jennie Tanner was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Daniels, on the Amos pike, Wednesday.
Miss MYrtle Bellman has returned home from a few days' visit with the Misses Worland, east of here.
Misses Mildred Stubbs, Grace Crane and Edna Anderson are confined to the house with measles.
Misses Erie and Alice Berck and brother, Frank, have been suffering from a severe attack of measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Luella Trimble, near Winchester.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Colvin and son, Master Leroy, spent Sunday with Sherman Becker and family, at Marietta.
Mr. and Mrs. John Emrich and daughters, Misses Anna and Clara, and John Adams spent Sunday evening with Ozzro Fox and family.
The recent high water washed the culvert away near the residence of Adam Stadtmiller. The culvert will be replaced by a fine concrete structure.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Seeley and three children, of Carthage, spent Sunday here with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ozzro Fox and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover McDonald and son, Charles and daughter, Viola, of Shelbyville, were here over Sunday with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Charles E. McDonald, and family.
Mrs. Catherine Burd, who has been visiting relatives here the past week, was unable to return to her home at Manilla Thursday, as no trains were running on the J., M. & I. road.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Buckler and sons, Lester and Willard, and daughter, Miss Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buescher and Frank Dugan were the guests of Ozzro Fox and family, Saturday evening.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
February 18, 1909
Page 5 Column 5
Miss Elizabeth Meloy had been suffering from an attack of tonsilitis for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. August Scheffler, of Shelbyville, spent Monday with John Emrich and family.
Mrs. Eli Cherry remains in a serious condition. All chances are against her recovery.
Mrs. Philip Stephens, of Howard county, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Cherry.
Mrs. N. J. Smith has returned home from an extended stay with relatives at Columbus.
A number of our people have been attending the Heavenly Recruit meetings at Smithland.
Jacob Mayer returned Friday from an extended hunting trip thru Kentucky and Tennessee.
Andrew Campbell has recovered from his recent illness, has[sic] many friends will be pleased to learn.
Ariel Snyder and Albert Schoelch, of Shelbyville, were the guests of Earl and Clarence Neal, Saturday.
Mrs. Maud McDonald was the guest of Mrs. Earl Henderson, of Smithland, several days last week.
William Theobald, of Morristown, was here last week the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Theobald.
Mrs. William Cropper, of Flat Rock, was here last week at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Eli Cherry.
Miss Sarah Mohr, has returned home from a two weeks stay with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Buescher, at Morristown.
Mrs. and Mrs. John Emrich, Miss Anna Emrich and Ezra Stites were the guests of&bnsp; Albert Kaster and family, Sunday.
Miss Linda Gray, who has been visiting her brother, Hamilton Gray returned to her home in VanBuren township, Saturday.
Grover and James McDonald and Miss Maude McDonald have united with the Heavenly Recruit church at Smithland recently.
John Emrich, who hurt his hand in a corn crusher recently, is getting along as well as could be expected under the ircumstances[sic].
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Emrich, the Misses Anna Emrich, Lydia Bausback and Clara Emrich attended the social given by the Degree of Pocahontas at Shelbyville, Monday night.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Democrat
Friday, June 26, 1908
Page 4 column 5
Miss Leota Howard was shopping in Shelbyville Saturday.
Mrs. Malinda Gilespie is quite ill with the malaria fever.
Fannie Roberts attended the ball game at Prescott Sunday.
Miss Cecil Davis, who has been sick, is better at this writing.
Fred Stickford was a business visitor at Indianapolis, Saturday.
Robert Hungate called on one of our fair misses Sunday evening.
Miss Lorena Gunter spent Saturday ----ing with Miss Sylvia Shoemaker.
Henry Stickford and daughter, Miss Anna, were shopping in Shelbyville Saturday.
Mrs. Porter Limpus spent Friday with her aunt, Miss Louisa Biddinger, near Prescott.
Edward Stickford, of near Adams, has come home to spend a few weeks with his folks.
Miss Louisa Biddinger, of near Prescott, went to Pontiac, Michigan, to visit her brother, David Biddinger.
Roy, Rob and Irena Hungate, Henry, Katie, Anna and Rosa Stickford spent Sunday with Miss Anna Stickford and brothers.
The dance at George Miller's Saturday night was well attended, about fifty being present. Among some of them were the following: James York, Lester Barnes, Will Fately, Geo. Leppert, Roy Hungate, Rob Hungate, Agnes York, Mary York, Flora Zettlemier, Lorena Gunter, Will Stickford, Harry Stickford, Frank Stickford, Sylvia Shoemaker, Anna and Lizie Stickford. All reported having a good time.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
A Shelbyville Newspaper
April 10, 1907
Miss Maude McDonald
is staying with Mrs. Emma Sherman.
Mrs. Wilfred Meloy
has about recovered from her recent illness.
Andrew Siefert
spent several days last week with his niece, Mrs. John Adams.
Andrew Siefert
has returned here from a short visit with relatives in Kentucky.
Several of our young
people attended a party at Shelbyville Tuesday evening.
Miss Maude
McDonald spent Sunday with Miss Sadie Branson, near
Miss Lyda Law,
a pretty young lady of Shelbyville, visited relatives near here last week.
Walter McDonald
and family have moved on the farm of Grover McDonald, in Liberty
From all
appearances, Clancy Colvin went fishing Thursday.
Clancy will tell you the number of fish he caught if you will ask him.
Mrs. Frank Hughbanks
was called to Shelbyville, Sunday night, to the bedside of her brother, Edward
Henry, who is seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Valentine
Schoelch and two sons, Albert and Adolph, of
Shelbyville, spent Sunday with Frank Hughbanks and family.
Miss Ada Bruce,
of this place, and Miss Dorcas Farrer, of Indianapolis,
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Tuesday, February 20, 1906
Frank Bauer
was on the sick list last week.
M. D. Jackson
has purchased a new buggy.
Frank Davisson
is having a ditch put in on his farm.
Mrs. Mart Goodwin
is again a sufferer from rheumatism.
Frank Davisson
transacted business at Fairland, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Adam spent Sunday at Indianapolis.
Miss Cordelia Smith
was shopping....
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, January 25, 1906
Quite a number of our
citizens are attending the Dipple trial.
L. P. Smiley spent
Wednesday and Thursday at Hope.
Wonder if Frank has learned the meaning of "cotton tail" yet?
John Tanner
and wife spent Sunday with John Daniels and family.
Mrs. Kate Smith
has gone to Indianapolis for a few days' visit.
Mrs. Cora Drake
of Jennings county visited in these parts last week.
Born to Mr. and
Mrs. John Daniels, a daughter, Sunday, Jan. 14.
Mrs. Lucy Dugan
is having a new fence erected on her farm this wek[sic].
Mrs. Mayme Dipple of near Smithland spent Tuesday with Mrs. Fred Meloy.
Miss Leona Jackson was the guest of Misses Anna and Clara Emrich Sunday.
Herman Schnitker
of Batesville was here the fore part of the week on business.
Thomas Richardson made
his usual trip to the little house on the corner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli
Cherry, who have been quite sick the past week, are slowly improving.
Miss Laura Smith
took supper with Miss Fannie Jacklin and brother, Oscar,
The condition of Mrs.
Fannie Parrish, who fell about a week ago, reamins about the same.
Mrs. Thomas Dugan of Clarks-....[my copy ends here].
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
December 31, 1903
WEST SHELBY, Dec. 30. --- Mrs. Barbara Knowlton is reported worse again.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bridenstine passed Christmas with Mr. Chris Abel and family in Shelbyville.
Miss Bessie Mount of Shelbyville, was the guest of Miss Mabel Worden Friday.
Mrs. Amy Jones of Fenns was visiting her mother, Mrs. Knowlton, who is quite sick, Friday afternoon.
Josephine Thurston, of Smithland, has been here the guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred Meloy, for several days.
Mrs. Julia Berry and two sons, Otis and Paul of Marietta, who have been visiting her sister Mrs. Sallie Adams, for several days, returned to their home Sunday. Mrs. Adams accompanied her to spend the day in Marietta.
The play at Fenns Friday night was not so well attended owing to the inclement condition of the weather. Only a small sum was realized and they will repeat the play Tuesday night.
The play at Smithland Christmas Eve was a success in every way financially and otherwise. Those who took part played their parts well and a large crowd came out to hear them. A neat sum of about twenty dollars was realized.
Ethel and Mary Lewis of Lewis Creek, were the guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jacklin, several days last week.
Mrs. May Parker and Miss Theresa Snitcher of Shelbyville, were the guests of Misses May and Pearl Snitcker Friday.
Mr. Frederick Ewick of Minniapolis, Minn., and Jess Miller and wife spent Christmas with Andrew Campbell and daughter, Miss Ella.
It is reported that Jacob Hornug has sold his farm of forty acres to Miles Jackson of Prescott last week, consideration, $4,000. It is said Mr. Hornug will give possession the first of March.
Jesse Miller and sister Miss Luella of Shelbyville, were the guests of Pete Worden and sister, Miss Mabel and daughter last week.
Mrs. Mart Kelsey and children of Shelbyville, are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Smith.
John Scheffer of Fenns transacted business in this locality Monday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
December 27, 1883
Shelby Township, Dec. 22, '83.
Andy Jackson drives the boss match grays.
E. C. Lympus
is spending holidays at Columbus.
Ellois Woods, of
Hendricks county is visiting friends here.
George Nugent
is getting so fat he is to[sic] stout for his clothes.
Dan Shoemaker one
of our dudes has returned home to spend the winter.
The young minister of the
Waldron circuit travels to his appointments on horseback.
Sell Stafford
is done gathering corn and has most of it corded; he thinks he will have 500
John P. Messick
and sister Miss Gertie are spending holidays with relatives
at North Manchester.
The school in District
No. 2 is doing splendidly. Miss Ardenia Green teacher.
She gave her pupils a treat on Christmas.
John Main
was surprised by the oyster supper given him by his wife and daughter.
"Chum" was invited but owing to the condition of his financial affairs
he was absent.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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