Order of
the Eastern Star
Naamah Chapter No. 73
Picture from Boetker's "Picturesque
Shelbyville" c 1909
Back: Miss May Jones (Ruth); Miss Maggie Vaughan
(Esther); Mrs. S. McCrea (Treasurer);
Mrs. B. Bradfrod (Warder)
Mid: Mrs. A. L. Gutheil (Martha); Miss Maude
Ballard (Secretary); Mrs. A. Spiegle (Electa);
Mrs. A. Blakely (Adah); J. Bennett (Sentinel)
Front row: Mrs. J. H. Deitzer (Assoc Conductress); Mrs.
H. C. Goodrich (Worthy Matron);
Miss Gertrude Randall (Conductress); Miss Clarine Morrison
(Assoc Matron);
A. L. Gutheil (Worthy Patron)

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