Shelby  County,  Indiana
Picture  Gallery

Cherry  Family  Album

Mary Huls  and  Howard Holley Vance  on their wedding day.

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Tribute to  Roy Frederick Huls

          This is the brother of my aunt  Mary (Huls) Vance, wife of  Howard Holley Vance, who is the son of  John Henry Vance  and  Edna (Jenkins) Vance.
          Roy Frederick Huls  was an exceptionally bright young man.  He was ahead in school and always dreamed of being a pilot in the Armed Forces.   He achieved his goal very early in life.  He was the pilot of (I believe, and don't quote me, but) a B-52 bomber.  The boxed, bulky, tin looking, ugly bomber planes at the age of 23.   He was responsible for his crew which I'm told worried him.  The plane was shot down near the border of France and Germany and the whole crew were lost.  He wrote letters home of the Flak that would leave holes in the plane from the Germans firing at them.
          He was, in my opinion, a true American soldier of his time, and very young to have had the responsibilities of a large crew.
          I thought I would share Roy's story of triumph and loss.

Contributed by  Nancy Vance Glover

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