Program of Exercises to be
Held From
The program of exercises Sunday to WednesdaySunday Till Wednesday. will be observed in the following manner: Morning Service at 10 O'clock. Orchestra,
Baptist Sunday school orchestra.Doxology Invocation, Rev. A. K. Mattingly, of Lawrenceberg. Choir song a new song Unto the Lord, Hymn No. 1. Scripture reading, Rev. H. H. Hulton, First Baptist church. Solo, Mr. Theo. Eichelsdeerfer. Prayer, Rev. W. E. Price, First Presbyterian church. Hymn No. 2 Address, Rev. A. K. Mattingly. Quartette, Lead Kindly Light. Hymn No. 3. Address, Rev. Solomon Dickey, D. D. Indianapolis. Hymn No. 4. Benediction. |