The Courthouse has marriage records beginning in 1822 - present. The records are in the Clerk's office. For copies, write to: Clerk's Office, P.O. Box 198, Shelbyville, IN 46176, Attn Phyllis. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a money order ($1 for each copy) made out to the Shelby Co IN Clerk's Office.
Something to keep in mind: Indiana did not require a bond for a marriage. The only names appearing on the marriage records are those of the bride, the groom, the marriage official and the clerk who signed the license.
Marriage affidavits were used from 1876-1879 (see below). It was not until the 1880's that marriage returns were used. It was not until the 1900's that marriage applications
were adopted. Both the returns and applications include information on the parents of the bride and groom.
Maurice Holmes has compiled the marriage returns information in several volumes available at the
The information available in the table below is copied from books of transcriptions of the original documents. Please email me with corrections/questions. I will personally check the originals at the courthouse --
Updated 12 May 2015
1822-1839, alpha listing (listed by bride and groom)
1822 - 1856 (listed by date, by groom)
From the WPA index (table below),
1856 - 1920, we have copied the following pages. Whenever an entry is questioned, I will check the originals at the courthouse and indicate verified/revised information in brackets [ ].
Names and dates without brackets are as they appear in the WPA index. Please contact
me if you would like an entry checked against the records at the Shelby Co Courthouse.
Marriage Affidavits, 1876-1879
Marriage Returns, 1880 - 1900
1856 - 1920, WPA Index
Abbett - Allen
Allender - Andrews
Angel - Ayres
Baal - Basil
Bass - Bassett, W
Bastin - Bishop
Bittner - Black
Bone - Brannagel
Brannin,A - Brokering, H
Cable - Carson, J
Carson, L - Cherry,L
Cherry, M - Clark,Cl
Clark, Co - Clayton,T
Clayton, W - Cochran, M
Cochran, N - Collier
Collings - Conway
Conwell - Coplinger
Copper - Cosler
Cossairt - Culbertson
Daffen - Day
Deacon - Dill
Dillard - Dyson
Eades - Emrick
Ender - Ewing
Facemire - Fergerson
Fergison - Fisher
Fisk - Fox, Minnie
Fox, Minnie F - Furnish
Gadd - Gwynne
Hafer - Hall
Harrel - Harris
Hatton - Hauk
Higgins - Hinkle
Hogue,G - Hollister
Hoover - Hosler; Howery
Huffman - Huntington
Jabo - James
Jonas - Jones, Man
Jones,Mar - Jordon, A
Keith, Margaret - Kelley; Kennedy, William - Kyser
LaBarbara - Lazzell
Lea - Lewellyn
Lewis - Loyd
Lucas - Lytle
Maas - Mahley; Marsh - Martin, E
McComas - McCormack
McNutt - Medsker; Meloy, T - Mernan, W
Mohr, J - Moore, Mary
Moore, Matie - Morgan, Ha
Morris, Fl - Mount, G
Murdock - Muze
Nading - Nebb
Neeb - Newcomb
Newcomb,J - Noel
Nolan - Nye
Pabst - Pattent
Patterson - Phalmor
Phares - Pierson
Pike -
Raab - Rauck
Rawl - Redm
Reds - Rehm
Reich - Rhod
Rhom - Rich
Rickm - Roade
Roberts - Ross
Rosse - Ryse
Sabi - Sande
Sandm - Schoef
Schoel - Scon
Scot - Sedgw
See - Shad
Shae - Shaw
Shay - Shires
Shirley - Simms
Simms - Slater
Slaughter - Smiley
Smith,A - Hester
Smith, Het - Mary
Smith, Mat - Smitha
Smithe - Snider, M
Snider, N - Spangler
Sparks - Spurlin, A
Spurlin,B - Stafford,I
Stafford,I - Staub,E
Steel - Stevens,L
Steven,M - Stickford
Stickle - Stoughton
Stout - Stubbs,M
Stubbs,R - Swails
Swaim - Sytama
Taber - Talbert, D
Threasher - Tigart; Towns - Travis, J
Tygart - Tyre
Ullery - Utsler
Vail - Vaught
Vaughter - Vossler
Wade - Washburne
Wasson - Webster
Wells; Wilcox - Wilgus
Willard - Willis
Wood,G - Worden
Yager - York
Yost - Yusim
Zakarakos - Zoble
For all other marriages from 1856-1920, please request a lookup.
Index of marriage applications and licenses for the years 1922 - 1934. If you would like copies of applications and/or licenses, please contact or visit the Genealogy Room of the Shelbyville-Shelby County Library.
1931 - 1947 marriage records were compiled by Maurice Holmes, and available in the Genealogy Room of the Shelbyville-Shelby County Library.
1975 - 1976 Marriage Applications are available from the Genealogy Room of the Shelbyville-Shelby County Library. An index of names is listed here.
Miscellaneous Marriage Records
Marriage Records of Pastors' of Sugar Creek Circuit, Indiana Conference, of the M. P. Church
Residents w/non-Shelby County Marriages

Courthouse Records

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