Shelby County, Indiana
Family History and Genealogy
Health Department
1600 E St Rd 44
Shelbyville, IN 46176
HOURS: 7 - 11:30 am and 12:30 - 4 pm
Mon - Thurs, closed Friday
Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope* with requests for information.
* For certified copies, also include:
1) A copy of driver's license.
2) Statement of your relationship to the person about whom you are requesting information.
3) Money order for $15.00, death records;
$10.00, birth records and
$15.00, birth record plus wallet record
4) Self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Shelby County started recording births and deaths
in 1882. We will collect whatever pre-1882 birth announcements that we find in old
articles. For pre-1882 death records, see Obituaries and this 1880
newspaper article. Another useful site for Shelby County pre-1882 births and deaths is the WorldConnect
Updated 15 May 2018
Birth Records
Banshback - Barlow; Bass
Beaumont - Beeson
Cochran - Coffee; Copeland-Copple
Cottermon - Cowan
Crosby - Curry
Fallis, William - Farrell
Gibson - Givens
Haakins - Harrell
Harring - Haze
Headlee - Heywood
Hiatt - Hogue, Lucy J
Hogue, W - Hughs
Huischlager -Jayne
Jeail - Justus
Kaeton - Krowng
Kuhn -
- Leeds
Leffeler - Manning
Manroy - McCay
McClain - Meal
Means - Miller
Milleson - Mullendore
Parrish - Patterson
Ramsey, Rapp, Redington, Reed, Reese, Richmond-Ridlen, Ronnebohn-Rosenfield
Sleeth, Spillman - Spurlin
T (partial)
W (partial)
Wray Bible Record
York, Alma F - Yunker, Carl Edward
* Delayed Birth Records filed in Shelby Co, IN
* Miscellaneous Births, Sep-Nov 1893
* 1931 births announced in the Shelbyville newspaper
Note: Many given names for the children were left blank on the birth certificates. To identify these unnamed infants,
John Ballard uses an efficient technique with the SSDI:
simply type in the surname and birthdate, click "submit", and let the SS administration do the searching
for you. Cindy Jones has provided us with a list of SSN prefix identifiers, which
can also be very useful. If you know the names of the "ng" (not given) infants, please
contact me! Instructions for obtaining information from the Health Dept are listed above under the "Birth" section. Please remember the SASE.
Death Records
Social Security Death Index
Barnard; Berryman - Bierly; Bogeman
Coats, Eliza - Colclazier, Charlotte; Collins,
Charles - Comstock, Dorothea
Crosby, Elizabeth - Curry, Sarah Elizabeth
Farnsworth - Feightly
Gray, Thomas - Green, R
Hill; Hogue, Julia A - Honnell, Iola F
Johnson, Mary - Jones, Mary
Lee Family Death Records
Lhlarsee - Lytle
Mahley - Mann; McCartney, McFall, McNeely - Mears; Murphy, Emma - Murrel, Wm; Myer, Carrie - Myers, not given
Patrick - Paul
Rabe - Rasp; Raymond - Rude
Shaver-Shelk, Spragg-Stader, Stewart
Tucker, Ardella - Tyner, Zora M
Wicker, Nina Josephine - Wiley, Elener
Wray Bible Record
Yost, P - Yugler
Zass / Zauss
1850 Mortality Schedule
1880 City Cemetery records
Jan 1900 filings
Funeral Records
Lee Family Deaths
List of 1956-1960 deaths kept by George W. Mitchell of Waldron, IN
Miscellaneous Health Records

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